Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Rules/Geology
- Timestamp:
- 2024-01-16T18:03:54+01:00 (14 months ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v5 v6 23 23 *["natural"="archipelago"] 24 24 { 25 26 27 25 group: "deprecated tagging"; 26 throwWarning: "Use place=archipelago in place of natural=archipelago"; 27 fixChangeKey: "natural=>place"; 28 28 } 29 29 … … 31 31 way["place"="archipelago"] 32 32 { 33 34 33 group: "geometry"; 34 throwWarning: "Map place=archipelago as a relation with all the islands and islets as members"; 35 35 } 36 36 37 37 relation["place"="archipelago"] > *["natural"!="coastline"]["natural"!="atoll"]["place"!~/island|islet/] 38 38 { 39 40 39 group: "missing tag"; 40 throwWarning: "All the members of an archipelago relation should have either natural=coastline, natural=atoll, or place=island/islet"; 41 41 } 42 42 … … 46 46 relation["natural"="arete"]:closed 47 47 { 48 49 48 group: "geometry"; 49 throwError: "Map natural=arete as an unclosed way"; 50 50 } 51 51 … … 57 57 relation["place"="atoll"] 58 58 { 59 60 59 group: "geometry"; 60 throwWarning: "Map place=atoll as a single way enclosing the entire atoll"; 61 61 } 62 62 … … 73 73 *["geological"="basin"] 74 74 { 75 76 75 group: "deprecated tagging"; 76 throwWarning: "Consider using natural=basin/depression/valley/flat in place of geological=basin"; 77 77 } 78 78 … … 81 81 relation["natural"="bay"] 82 82 { 83 84 83 group: "geometry"; 84 throwWarning: "Consider mapping natural=bay as a single node"; 85 85 } 86 86 */ … … 92 92 *["natural"="beach"][!"surface"] 93 93 { 94 95 94 group: "missing tag"; 95 throwWarning: "Add surface=sand/gravel/pebblestone/* for additional detail"; 96 96 } 97 97 … … 102 102 *["natural"="earth_bank"][!"earth_bank"] 103 103 { 104 105 104 group: "missing tag"; 105 throwWarning: "Add earth_bank=gully/scarp/grassy_steep_slope/cut_bank/* for additional detail"; 106 106 } 107 107 108 108 node["natural"="earth_bank"] 109 109 { 110 111 110 group: "geometry"; 111 throwWarning: "Map natural=earth_bank as a way with the lower terrain to the right"; 112 112 } 113 113 … … 115 115 *["water"="bend"] 116 116 { 117 118 117 group: "deprecated tagging"; 118 throwWarning: "Use waterway=bend along the flow line to tag a bend in a river or stream"; 119 119 } 120 120 … … 129 129 *["natural"="boulder"] 130 130 { 131 132 133 131 group: "deprecated tagging"; 132 throwWarning: "Use natural=stone in place of natural=boulder"; 133 fixAdd: "natural=stone"; 134 134 } 135 135 … … 143 143 *["natural"="caldera"] 144 144 { 145 146 147 148 145 group: "deprecated tagging"; 146 throwWarning: "Use geological=volcanic_caldera_rim in place of natural=caldera"; 147 fixAdd: "geological=volcanic_caldera_rim"; 148 fixRemove: "natural"; 149 149 } 150 150 … … 152 152 *["natural"="canyon"] 153 153 { 154 155 156 154 group: "deprecated tagging"; 155 throwWarning: "Use natural=valley in place of natural=canyon"; 156 fixAdd: "natural=valley"; 157 157 } 158 158 … … 161 161 *["natural"="headland"] 162 162 { 163 164 165 163 group: "deprecated tagging"; 164 throwWarning: "Use natural=cape in place of {0.tag}"; 165 fixAdd: "natural=cape"; 166 166 } 167 167 … … 169 169 relation["natural"="cape"] 170 170 { 171 172 171 group: "geometry"; 172 throwWarning: "Map natural=cape as a single node, not as a way or relation"; 173 173 } 174 174 … … 179 179 *["geological"="grotto"] 180 180 { 181 182 181 group: "deprecated tagging"; 182 throwWarning: "Use natural=cave_entrance in place of {0.tag}"; 183 183 } 184 184 … … 194 194 *["natural"="old_coastline"] 195 195 { 196 196 throwError: "Delete old coastline ways once the new coastline is in place"; 197 197 } 198 198 … … 200 200 *["natural"="col"] 201 201 { 202 203 204 202 group: "deprecated tagging"; 203 throwWarning: "Use natural=saddle in place of natural=col"; 204 fixAdd: "natural=saddle"; 205 205 } 206 206 … … 218 218 *["natural"="cove"] 219 219 { 220 221 222 220 group: "deprecated tagging"; 221 throwWarning: "Use natural=bay in place of natural=cove"; 222 fixAdd: "natural=bay"; 223 223 } 224 224 … … 238 238 *["geological"="maar"] 239 239 { 240 241 242 243 244 240 group: "deprecated tagging"; 241 throwWarning: "Consider natural=depression + geological=volcanic_caldera_rim in place of geological=maar"; 242 fixRemove: "geological"; 243 fixAdd: "natural=depression"; 244 fixAdd: "geological=volcanic_caldera_rim"; 245 245 } 246 246 … … 249 249 relation["natural"="desert"] 250 250 { 251 252 251 group: "geometry"; 252 throwWarning: "Map natural=desert as a single node at the center of a named desert area"; 253 253 } 254 254 255 255 node["natural"="desert"][!"name"] 256 256 { 257 258 257 group: "missing tag"; 258 throwWarning: "natural=desert without name=* tag"; 259 259 } 260 260 … … 267 267 *["waterway"="sink"] 268 268 { 269 270 271 269 group: "deprecated tagging"; 270 throwWarning: "Use waterway=stream_end in place of waterway=sink"; 271 fixAdd: "waterway=stream_end"; 272 272 } 273 273 … … 276 276 relation["waterway"="stream_end"] 277 277 { 278 279 278 group: "geometry"; 279 throwError: "Map waterway=stream_end as a single node on a waterway"; 280 280 } 281 281 … … 292 292 *["natural"="dry_lake"][!"surface"] 293 293 { 294 295 294 group: "missing tag"; 295 throwWarning: "Add surface=salt/silt/clay/* for additional detail"; 296 296 } 297 297 … … 310 310 *["estuary"="yes"] 311 311 { 312 313 314 312 group: "deprecated tagging"; 313 throwWarning: "Consider tidal=yes in place of estuary=yes"; 314 fixChangeKey: "estuary=>tidal"; 315 315 } 316 316 … … 322 322 *["natural"="fault"] 323 323 { 324 325 326 324 group: "deprecated tagging"; 325 throwWarning: "Use geological=fault in place of natural=fault"; 326 fixChangeKey: "natural=>geological"; 327 327 } 328 328 … … 346 346 *["geological"="volcanic_geyser"] 347 347 { 348 349 350 351 352 348 group: "deprecated tagging"; 349 throwWarning: "Use natural=geyser + geyser:type=volcanic in place of geological=volcanic_geyser"; 350 fixAdd: "natural=geyser"; 351 fixAdd: "geyser:type=volcanic"; 352 fixRemove: "geological"; 353 353 } 354 354 355 355 *["natural"="geyser"][!"geyser:type"] 356 356 { 357 358 357 group: "missing tag"; 358 throwWarning: "Add geyser_type=volcanic/co2 for additional detail"; 359 359 } 360 360 … … 362 362 *["geological"="giants_kettle"][!"natural"] 363 363 { 364 365 366 364 group: "missing tag"; 365 throwWarning: "Add natural=depression for additional detail"; 366 fixAdd: "natural=depression"; 367 367 } 368 368 … … 370 370 *["geological"="glacial_erratic"]["natural"!="stone"] 371 371 { 372 373 374 372 group: "missing tag"; 373 throwWarning: "Add natural=stone for additional detail"; 374 fixAdd: "natural=stone"; 375 375 } 376 376 … … 381 381 *["natural"="glacier"][!"glacier:type"] 382 382 { 383 384 383 group: "missing tag"; 384 throwWarning: "Add glacier:type=mountain/valley/shelf/* for additional detail"; 385 385 } 386 386 … … 398 398 relation["place"="sea"] 399 399 { 400 401 400 group: "geometry"; 401 throwError: "Map {0.tag} as a single node, not as a way or relation"; 402 402 } 403 403 … … 416 416 *["geological"="hoodoo"]["natural"!="cliff"] 417 417 { 418 419 420 418 group: "deprecated tagging"; 419 throwWarning: "Use natural=cliff with geological=hoodoo to outline the vertical rock face of the pinnacle"; 420 fixAdd: "natural=cliff"; 421 421 } 422 422 … … 426 426 *["geological"="geothermal"] 427 427 { 428 429 430 431 428 group: "deprecated tagging"; 429 throwWarning: "Use natural=hot_spring in place of geological=geothermal"; 430 fixAdd: "natural=hot_spring"; 431 fixRemove: "geological"; 432 432 } 433 433 … … 439 439 *["natural"="crater"] 440 440 { 441 442 441 group: "deprecated tagging"; 442 throwWarning: "Use geological=meteor_crater/volcanic_caldera_rim in place of natural=crater"; 443 443 } 444 444 … … 446 446 *["natural"="inlet"] 447 447 { 448 449 450 448 group: "deprecated tagging"; 449 throwWarning: "Use natural=bay in place of natural=inlet"; 450 fixAdd: "natural=bay"; 451 451 } 452 452 … … 458 458 *["natural"="island"] 459 459 { 460 461 462 460 group: "deprecated tagging"; 461 throwWarning: "Use place=island in place of natural=island"; 462 fixChangeKey: "natural=>place"; 463 463 } 464 464 465 465 *["natural"="land"] 466 466 { 467 468 467 group: "deprecated tagging"; 468 throwWarning: "Use place=island/islet in place of natural=land"; 469 469 } 470 470 … … 472 472 *["natural"="islet"] 473 473 { 474 475 476 474 group: "deprecated tagging"; 475 throwWarning: "Use place=islet in place of natural=islet"; 476 fixChangeKey: "natural=>place"; 477 477 } 478 478 … … 487 487 *["geological"="kettle"]["natural"!="depression"] 488 488 { 489 490 491 489 group: "missing tag"; 490 throwWarning: "Add natural=depression for additional detail"; 491 fixAdd: "natural=depression"; 492 492 } 493 493 … … 497 497 *["natural"="knoll"] 498 498 { 499 500 501 499 group: "deprecated tagging"; 500 throwWarning: "Use natural=hill in place of natural=knoll"; 501 fixAdd: "natural=hill"; 502 502 } 503 503 … … 510 510 *["natural"="pond"] 511 511 { 512 group: "deprecated tagging"; 513 throwWarning: "Use natural=water + water={0.value} in place of {0.tag}"; 514 fixChangeKey: "natural=>water"; 515 fixAdd: "natural=water"; 512 group: "deprecated tagging"; 513 throwWarning: "Use natural=water + water={0.value} in place of {0.tag}"; 514 fixChangeKey: "natural=>water"; 515 fixAdd: "natural=water"; 516 } 517 518 *["natural"="water"]["waterway"][!"water"] 519 { 520 group: "incompatible tags"; 521 throwWarning: "Use water=* in place of waterway=* in combination with natural=water"; 522 fixChangeKey: "waterway=>water"; 523 } 524 525 *["water"]["waterway"] 526 { 527 group: "incompatible tags"; 528 throwWarning: "Map water=* as an area and waterway=* as a linear feature"; 529 } 530 531 *["water"]!:closed 532 { 533 group: "geometry"; 534 throwWarning: "Use water=* only on areas"; 516 535 } 517 536 … … 520 539 *["geological"="landslide"][!"landslide"] 521 540 { 522 523 541 group: "missing tag"; 542 throwWarning: "Add landslide=* for additional detail"; 524 543 } 525 544 … … 527 546 *["geological"="gravitational_creep"] 528 547 { 529 530 548 group: "deprecated tagging"; 549 throwWarning: "Use natural=landslide + landslide=* in place of {0.tag}"; 531 550 } 532 551 … … 534 553 *["natural"="lava"] 535 554 { 536 537 538 539 555 group: "deprecated tagging"; 556 throwWarning: "Use natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_flow in place of natural=lava"; 557 fixAdd: "natural=bare_rock"; 558 fixAdd: "geological=volcanic_lava_flow"; 540 559 } 541 560 … … 552 571 *["natural"="bare_rock"][!"material"] 553 572 { 554 555 573 group: "missing tag"; 574 throwWarning: "Add material=granite/sandstone/marble/limestone/basalt/* for additional detail"; 556 575 } 557 576 558 577 *["geological"="lapiaz"] 559 578 { 560 561 562 563 579 group: "deprecated tagging"; 580 throwWarning: "Use natural=bare_rock + material=limestone in place of geological=lapiaz"; 581 fixAdd: "shop=gemstones"; 582 fixRemove: "geological"; 564 583 } 565 584 … … 580 599 *["natural"="moraine"] 581 600 { 582 583 584 585 601 group: "deprecated tagging"; 602 throwWarning: "Use natural=hill + geological=moraine in place of natural=moraine"; 603 fixAdd: "natural=hill"; 604 fixAdd: "geological=moraine"; 586 605 } 587 606 588 607 *["geological"="moraine"][!"natural"] 589 608 { 590 591 609 group: "missing tag"; 610 throwWarning: "Consider adding natural=hill/ridge for additional detail"; 592 611 } 593 612 … … 600 619 relation["mountain_pass"="yes"] 601 620 { 602 603 621 group: "geometry"; 622 throwError: "Map mountain_pass=yes as a node at the highest point on a highway"; 604 623 } 605 624 … … 607 626 *["natural"="range"] 608 627 { 609 610 611 628 group: "deprecated tagging"; 629 throwWarning: "Use natural=mountain_range in place of natural=range"; 630 fixAdd: "natural=mountain_range"; 612 631 } 613 632 … … 628 647 *["geological"="outcrop"]["natural"!~/bare_rock|rock/] 629 648 { 630 631 632 649 group: "missing tag"; 650 throwWarning: "Add natural=bare_rock for additional detail"; 651 fixAdd: "natural=bare_rock"; 633 652 } 634 653 … … 636 655 *["natural"="rock_formation"] 637 656 { 638 639 640 641 657 group: "deprecated tagging"; 658 throwWarning: "Use natural=bare_rock + geological=outcrop in place of {0.tag}"; 659 fixAdd: "natural=bare_rock"; 660 fixAdd: "geological=outcrop"; 642 661 } 643 662 … … 661 680 *["geological"="plateau"] 662 681 { 663 664 665 682 group: "deprecated tagging"; 683 throwWarning: "Use natural=plateau in place of geological=plateau"; 684 fixChangeKey: "geological=>natural"; 666 685 } 667 686 … … 684 703 *["natural"="rapids"] 685 704 { 686 687 688 705 group: "deprecated tagging"; 706 throwWarning: "Use waterway=rapids in place of natural=rapids"; 707 fixChangeKey: "natural=>waterway"; 689 708 } 690 709 … … 703 722 *["natural"="reef"][!"reef"] 704 723 { 705 706 724 group: "missing tag"; 725 throwWarning: "Add reef=coral/rock/sand/* for additional detail"; 707 726 } 708 727 709 728 *["natural"="sandbar"] 710 729 { 711 712 713 714 730 group: "deprecated tagging"; 731 throwWarning: "Use natural=reef + reef=sand in place of natural=sandbar"; 732 fixAdd: "natural=reef"; 733 fixAdd: "reef=sand"; 715 734 } 716 735 … … 723 742 *["natural"="riverbed"] 724 743 { 725 726 727 728 744 group: "deprecated tagging"; 745 throwWarning: "Use natural=water + water=river in place of {0.tag}"; 746 fixAdd: "natural=water"; 747 fixAdd: "water=river"; 729 748 } 730 749 … … 736 755 *["natural"="glacier"]["glacier:type"="rock"] 737 756 { 738 739 740 741 742 757 group: "deprecated tagging"; 758 throwWarning: "Use geological=rock_glacier + natural=scree in place of natural=glacier + glacier:type=rock"; 759 fixAdd: "geological=rock_glacier"; 760 fixAdd: "natural=scree"; 761 fixRemove: "glacier:type"; 743 762 } 744 763 745 764 *["geological"="rock_glacier"][!"natural"] 746 765 { 747 748 749 766 group: "missing tag"; 767 throwWarning: "Consider adding natural=scree for additional detail"; 768 fixAdd: "natural=scree"; 750 769 } 751 770 … … 753 772 *["natural"="rock_shelter"] 754 773 { 755 756 757 774 group: "deprecated tagging"; 775 throwWarning: "Use natural=rock_overhang in place of natural=rock_shelter"; 776 fixAdd: "natural=rock_overhang"; 758 777 } 759 778 … … 765 784 relation["natural"="saddle"] 766 785 { 767 768 786 group: "geometry"; 787 throwError: "Map natural=saddle as a node, not as a way or relation"; 769 788 } 770 789 … … 774 793 *["natural"="pass"] 775 794 { 776 777 778 795 group: "deprecated tagging"; 796 throwWarning: "Use natural=saddle in place of {0.tag}"; 797 fixAdd: "natural=saddle"; 779 798 } 780 799 … … 784 803 *["geological"="salt_pan"] 785 804 { 786 787 788 789 790 805 group: "deprecated tagging"; 806 throwWarning: "Consider natural=dry_lake + surface=salt in place of geological=salt_pan"; 807 fixAdd: "natural=dry_lake"; 808 fixAdd: "surface=salt"; 809 fixRemove: "geological"; 791 810 } 792 811 … … 807 826 *["natural"="sinkhole"][!"sinkhole"] 808 827 { 809 810 828 group: "missing tag"; 829 throwWarning: "Add sinkhole=bluehole/doline/estavelle/pit/ponor for additional detail"; 811 830 } 812 831 … … 822 841 *["natural"="channel"] 823 842 { 824 825 826 843 group: "deprecated tagging"; 844 throwWarning: "Use natural=strait in place of natural=channel"; 845 fixAdd: "natural=strait"; 827 846 } 828 847 … … 835 854 *["natural"="stream"] 836 855 { 837 838 839 840 856 group: "deprecated tagging"; 857 throwWarning: "Use waterway=stream in place of {0.tag}"; 858 fixAdd: "waterway=stream"; 859 fixRemove: "natural"; 841 860 } 842 861 843 862 *["natural"="waterway"] 844 863 { 845 group: "deprecated tagging"; 846 throwWarning: "Use waterway=river/stream in place of natural=waterway"; 847 } 848 849 /* Stream pool */ 864 group: "deprecated tagging"; 865 throwWarning: "Use waterway=river/stream in place of natural=waterway"; 866 } 867 868 *["waterway"]:closed 869 { 870 group: "geometry"; 871 throwWarning: "Use waterway=* only on linear features"; 872 } 873 874 /* Stream pool - see Lake */ 850 875 /* Strike ridge */ 851 876 /* Structural bench - see Bench */ … … 859 884 *["natural"="summit"] 860 885 { 861 862 863 886 group: "deprecated tagging"; 887 throwWarning: "Use natural=peak in place of natural=summit"; 888 fixAdd: "natural=peak"; 864 889 } 865 890 way["natural"="peak"], 866 891 relation["natural"="peak"] 867 892 { 868 869 893 group: "geometry"; 894 throwError: "Map natural=peak as a single node at the highest point of elevation, not as a way or relation"; 870 895 } 871 896 … … 887 912 *["geological"="tor"] 888 913 { 889 890 891 914 group: "deprecated tagging"; 915 throwWarning: "Use geological=outcrop in place of geological=tor"; 916 fixAdd: "geological=outcrop"; 892 917 } 893 918 … … 912 937 relation["natural"="gully"]:closed 913 938 { 914 915 939 group: "geometry"; 940 throwError: "Map {0.tag} as an unclosed way"; 916 941 } 917 942 … … 926 951 *["natural"="crater_rim"] 927 952 { 928 929 930 931 953 group: "deprecated tagging"; 954 throwWarning: "Use geological=volcanic_caldera_rim in place of {0.tag}"; 955 fixAdd: "geological=volcanic_caldera_rim"; 956 fixRemove: "natural"; 932 957 } 933 958 … … 945 970 *["natural"="volcano"][!"volcano:status"] 946 971 { 947 948 972 group: "missing tag"; 973 throwWarning: "Add {1.key}=* for additional detail"; 949 974 } 950 975 … … 952 977 *["natural"="wadi"] 953 978 { 954 955 956 957 958 979 group: "deprecated tagging"; 980 throwWarning: "Use waterway=stream + intermittent=yes in place of natural=wadi"; 981 fixAdd: "waterway=stream"; 982 fixAdd: "intermittent=yes"; 983 fixRemove: "natural"; 959 984 } 960 985 … … 962 987 node["waterway"="waterfall"]["intermittent"!="yes"] < way["waterway"]["intermittent"="yes"] 963 988 { 964 965 966 989 group: "missing tag"; 990 throwWarning: "Add intermittent=yes to a waterfall on an intermittent waterway"; 991 fixAdd: "intermittent=yes"; 967 992 } 968 993 … … 974 999 *["natural"="wetland"][!"wetland"] 975 1000 { 976 977 1001 group: "missing tag"; 1002 throwWarning: "Add wetland=bog/swamp/marsh/tidalflat/* for additional detail"; 978 1003 } 979 1004 … … 986 1011 *["natural"="landform"] 987 1012 { 988 989 1013 group: "deprecated tagging"; 1014 throwWarning: "Use a more specific tag for the landform in place of {0.tag}"; 990 1015 } 991 1016 992 1017 *["natural"="oilfield"] 993 1018 { 994 995 996 1019 group: "deprecated tagging"; 1020 throwWarning: "Use man_made=oilfield in place of natural=oilfield"; 1021 fixChangeKey: "natural=>man_made"; 997 1022 } 998 1023