Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ru:Help/Preferences/Audio

2017-11-20T11:23:54+01:00 (7 years ago)



  • Ru:Help/Preferences/Audio

    v1 v1  
     1[[TranslatedPages(revision=11,outdated=Перевод не завершён)]]
     2= Настройки > Параметры Аудио =
     6Настройки аудиопроигрывателя и аудиомаркеров.
     9См. дополнительные детали в [wiki:Ru:Help/AudioMapping Картографирование с использованием аудиозаписей].
     11== Показать меню Аудио ==
     13При снятии флажка меню [wiki:Ru:Help/Menu/Audio Аудио] исчезает, для тех, кто не заинтересован в звукозаписях и не хочет, чтобы это меню засоряло интерфейс его редактора JOSM.
     15== Показывать звуковые подсказки в реальном времени ==
     17При установке этого флажка оранжевая стрелка («головка воспроизведения») будет перемещаться по треку во время воспроизведения, показывая, где вы находились, когда записывался даный участок звуковой дорожки (подразумевается, что звук синхронизирован со звукозаписью). Головку можно перетаскивать, чтобы перейти к любому нужному вам месту звуковой дорожки.
     19== Label audio markers ==
     21С маркерами обычно ассоциировано имя или номер. A plain marker, such as one made from a GPS waypoint, would show an X with the name alongside. Audio markers - that is, those which have sound associated with them, display a clickable icon to play the sound. This check box controls whether the name is also displayed.
     23== Create non-audio markers when reading GPX ==
     25If there are waypoints in the GPX file, a marker layer is usually
     26created for explicit display of those waypoints (using a 'x'). If you
     27are going to use audio markers in their own layer as well, you probably
     28won't want these plain markers as well. This option allows you to
     29turn off making the plain marker layer as a side effect of reading a
     30GPX file.
     32== When importing audio, make markers from... ==
     34Audio markers help you associate and synchronize between points in the
     35audio commentary and positions on the GPS track. This section
     36determines what combination of the contents of the GPX data and the
     37audio are used to create these markers.
     39=== Explicit waypoints with valid timestamps ===
     41 With this on any waypoints in the GPX layer are used to make a corresponding marker. However, if a waypoint does not have a timestamp (the GPS stored the time it was made, as for a track point) it will not be included. Nor will waypoints timed before the first track point be included.
     43=== Explicit waypoints with time estimated from track position ===
     45 Those waypoints which could not be imported using valid time stamps can alternatively be included by estimating their time from their nearest point on the track. You can treat all waypoints this way by also turning off the first option, or only those with inadequate timestamps by having both options turned on. However, if your GPS allows you to create waypoints away from the track, those which are more than about 25m from the track will be excluded: the closest part of the track is not clear and the time would probably not be credible.
     47=== Named trackpoints ===
     49 Some GPS devices don't create waypoints, but instead just name selected points which are part of the ordinary track. With this option checked, such points are imported as markers as if they were waypoints.
     51=== Start of track ===
     53 You always need at least one audio marker, and if none of the above methods yield any, one called 'start' will always be created at the beginning of the track. With this option, you can also add a 'start' marker in addition to any others.
     55== Forward/back time (seconds) ==
     57Controls the amount by which the [[Image(source:trunk/images/audio-fwd.svg,20)]] [wiki:Help/Action/AudioFwd Forward] and [[Image(source:trunk/images/audio-back.svg,20)]] [wiki:Help/Action/AudioBack Back] buttons advance or rewind the sound track when you press them. Default is 10 seconds.
     59== Fast forward multiplier ==
     61Controls the amount by which the [[Image(source:trunk/images/audio-faster.svg,20)]] [wiki:Help/Action/AudioFaster Fast Forward] and [[Image(source:trunk/images/audio-slower.svg,20)]] [wiki:Help/Action/AudioSlower Slow Forward] buttons accelerate or decelerate the audio playback when you press them. Default is 1.3.
     63== Lead-in time (seconds) ==
     65When an audio marker is played, the sound at that point tends to be immediate, so you can lose the first part of your phrase. So playback starts this number of seconds before the actual time for the marker. If, on the other hand, you find yourself not speaking for a few seconds after you place a waypoint (maybe you need to fiddle with your GPS), you can set this value negative to start playing a little after the time at the waypoint.
     67== Voice recorder calibration ==
     69The clock on your voice recorder is not as accurate as that on the GPS receiver. As well as synchronizing the time at the start of the recording with a corresponding waypoint, you will also need to make sure the clocks stay in sync throughout the track. This option is the ratio of a duration on your voice recorder with a duration in accurate (e.g. GPS) time. So let's say over an accurate hour your voice recorder actually records for 5 seconds too long (it runs slow) you'd set this to (3600 + 5)/3600 or 1.00139, and if it runs fast, to a number a little less than 1.
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