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Editing Ru:Help/AudioMapping
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[[TranslatedPages(revision=13)]] = Картографирование в JOSM с использованием записи звука = Один из способов съемка является запись заметок о названиях улиц и достопримечательностей на диктофон во время использования приемника GPS, чтобы точно отметить положение. Во время правки карт вы конечно можете просто воспроизводить записи через диктофон и вносить правки. Однако, если у вас есть цифровой диктофон, который может загружать аудио файлы на ваш компьютер и JOSM предоставляет возможности для автоматизации этого процесса. Есть три техники для автоматизации которые вы можете использовать. Перейдите к заголовку для получения подробностей. См. также [wiki:Help/AudioMapping/Synchronization как синхронизировать ] ваши записанные треки с данными GPS приемника. == О калибровке == Вы должны [wiki:Help/AudioMapping/Calibration calibrate] часы диктофон в каждый так часто, что это ввести чтение, чтобы компенсировать неточность в часы вашего диктофона или аудио частоты дискретизации. Это особенно важно с методом 2, но и сделает работу с звуковую дорожку легче Способ 1. Вы можете быть уверены, что часы в GPS очень точен - GPS триангуляции опирается на чрезвычайно точные сроки. Однако, аудио рекордеры зачастую не столь точны, поэтому необходимо измерить, является ли это случай для записи и сказать JOSM, насколько быстро или медленно он работает. Ошибка 5 секунд в час будет означать, что вы может быть 100 или более после четырех часов съемки на велосипеде, и больше в машине. An alternative is to resynchronize every 30 minutes or so during surveying, but you should at least test your voice recorder for its accuracy to understand what the tolerances are. == [wiki:/Help/AudioMapping/GPSWaypoints 1. Continuous audio with GPS waymarks] == With [wiki:Help/AudioMapping/GPSWaypoints this method], you collect explicit waypoints along your track using the buttons on your GPS and at the same time dictate onto a continuous sound recording on your voice recorder what the waymark represents on the ground - a street name or point of interest. Your GPS notes three key pieces of information about each waypoint - its location, the time it was made, and it's name or number. The audio and waypoint data are then synchronized in JOSM so that you can play back each description by clicking on a Marker representing the waypoint. Each Marker is used to identify the position accurately and the voice recording is only used for annotation. Synchronization merely helps you to conveniently select the right part of the sound track to play for each marker. Advantages: it's easy in JOSM to locate the audio description for each point of interest. Disadvantages: some GPS receivers require quite a lot of fiddly button pressing to make a waymark, which makes it awkward and hazardous while moving. == [wiki:/Help/AudioMapping/VocalWaypoints 2. Continuous audio with vocally-identified points of interest] == With [wiki:Help/AudioMapping/VocalWaypoints this method] you also make a continuous sound recording but instead of entering waypoints into your GPS you dictate an audible cue for each point of interest, for example "MARK! River Lane Primary School on left". Though there isn't a precise "location" for street names it will help to be consistent about recording the name just after you enter a street so you know where to look for the relevant clip. Synchronization of the sound track with the GPS data and calibration of the voice recorder's clock are then more critical because the time into the recording is used to accurately measure the equivalent time into the GPS track, and therefore the location. Advantages: you don't need to press any buttons while you are moving Disadvantages: unless you are very methodical it can be time consuming to find each bit of audio description, or to be sure you played them all; it relies on the accuracy of your voice recorder's clock; you need to be moving when you make your synchronization cue. == [wiki:/Help/AudioMapping/SeparateClips 3. Audio clips with waymarks] == With [wiki:Help/AudioMapping/SeparateClips this method], you make waypoints to identify locations of interest. However you record a separate audio file for each one and the name of each file is added as a <link> element in the corresponding waypoint in the GPX file before loading into JOSM. When JOSM then creates the Audio Marker for each waypoint, it knows which audio clip to play when you click on the marker. Advantages: by far the simplest method to work with in JOSM; no synchronization or calibration is required; ideal if you have an easy to use GPS that has a voice note function, or if you can automate linking the individual files to waypoint elements in your GPX file. Disadvantages: unless your GPS automatically takes voice notes at a waypoint the recorder needs to be started and stopped for each waypoint as well as making the waypoint itself; another piece of software is required to join the audio to the GPX file, unless you have a GPS that does this for you. Bug: if the waypoint contains a <time> element, such as the time of recording, JOSM will show an error message "This is after the end of recording" when clicking the Audio Marker. So remove the <time> element or use <cmt> or <desc> instead. ---- Назад к [wiki:/Ru:Help Основной странице]
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