= Bem vindo ao sistema on-line de ajuda do JOSM =
From JOSM you can reach this page
* by clicking the menu item **''Help -> [[Image(source:trunk/images/help.png,20)]] Help''**
* by clicking on a [[Image(source:trunk/images/help.png,20)]] **help button** in one of the JOSM dialogs
* by pressing **{{{F1}}}**
Please help to improve online help information.
This help might get outdated from time to time. Please help improving it by fixing parts that are missing or outdated - this is a wiki!
== Getting Started ==
* [wiki:Introduction Introduction to JOSM]
* [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Josm JOSM page on the OSM wiki]
* [wiki:HowTo How Tos] about JOSM
* [wiki:Help/AudioMapping Audio mapping:] playing voice notes and synchronizing them with your GPS tracks in JOSM
* [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/FAQ FAQ about OSM in general]
* [wiki:Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts]
== Concepts ==
* [wiki:Help/Concepts/Object Objects] - explains what '''objects''' maps consist of and how these objects are described in detail
* [wiki:Help/Concepts/Conflict Conflict] - explains the basics of '''conflicts''', why they occur, how they are detected and how you can resolve them
* [wiki:Help/Concepts/Changeset Changeset] - explains why you create a '''changeset''' when you upload data to the OSM serve
== JOSM interface ==
=== Map View ===
* [wiki:Help/MapView Map View] - The main area, where editing takes place
=== Main Menu ===
Depending on which [wiki:Help/Preferences/Plugins plugins] you have installed you may have more options on this menu.
* [wiki:Help/Menu/File File]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Edit Edit]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/View View]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Tools Tools]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Presets Presets]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Audio Audio]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Imagery Imagery]
* [wiki:Help/Menu/Help Help]
=== Toolbars ===
* [wiki:Help/MainToolbar Main Toolbar] - the toolbar above the main JOSM window. [[BR]]
This toolbar is highly customisable, with the ability to add and remove menus items from the [wiki:Help/Action/Preferences preferences] dialog.
* [wiki:Help/EditToolbar Edit Toolbar] - the toolbar down the left hand side of the main JOSM window
=== Toggle Dialogs ===
* [wiki:Help/ToggleDialogs Toggle Dialogs] - lower right part of JOSM window
=== Other dialogs ===
* [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changesetdialog.png)]] [wiki:Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager Changeset Manager] - query, download, view, and close [wiki:Help/Concepts/Changeset changesets]
* [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/conflict.png)]] [wiki:Help/Dialog/Conflict Conflict Dialog] - use the Conflict Dialog to [wiki:Help/Concepts/Conflict resolve conflicts].
* [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/history.png)]] [wiki:Help/Dialog/History History Dialog] - browse the history of a [wiki:Help/Concepts/Object node, way, or relation]
* [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/relationlist.png)]] [wiki:Help/Dialog/RelationEditor Relation Editor] - use the Relation Editor to create and/or modify [wiki:Help/Concepts/Object relations]
* [[Image(source:trunk/images/preference.png)]] [wiki:Help/Action/Preferences Preferences Dialog] - view and change the preferences of JOSM.
* [wiki:Help/Dialog/UnsavedChangesDialog Unsaved Changes Dialog] - dialog to warn and offer upload/save function if a data layer is deleted.
* [wiki:Help/Action/UploadDialog Upload Dialog] - infos about the upcomming upload, comment-field and many options
== JOSM Plugins ==
* A list of available plugins can be found at the [wiki:Plugins plugin page].
* [wiki:Help/Plugins Plugin descriptions] within JOSM help.
* Information and Documentation about various JOSM plugins can be found here: [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/JOSM/Plugins]
== JOSM error messages ==
* [wiki:Help/ErrorMessages Error messages]