
Version 33 (modified by Don-vip, 8 years ago) ( diff )

remove invalid preset. Please make sure external archives can be loaded without error before adding them to this page

This contains the list of valid external preset addresses. (Only addresses with file-extension are supported.) It will be parsed about each 10 minutes and is used to update the preset list.

In case of trouble please make issue:

Dead links:

Unmaintained and invalid presets causing errors in JOSM unit tests. Presets can be restored only after their errors are fixed upstream:

    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/group_home.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/ambulantorycare.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/social_living.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/sheltered_workshop.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/foodbank.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/outpatient_care.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/social_shelter.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/outreach.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/group_home.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/JusticeScales.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/trade.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/glaziery.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/shoe_repair.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/blacksmith.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/shoemaker.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/buero.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/employment_agency.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/architect.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/government.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/employment_agency.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/government.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/research.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/estate_agent.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/it.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/ngo.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/quango.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/company.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/lawyer.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/travel_agent.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/accountant.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/telecommunication.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/insurance.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/newspaper.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/ambulance_station.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons//health/pharmacy.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons//health/veterinary.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/ambulantorycare.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/beauty.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/blacksmith.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/campmgmt.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/community/leisure/playground-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/community/social_facility-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/community_services.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/company.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/coordination.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/drinking_water-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/education.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/education/college.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/education/education_nursery3.n.16.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/education/education_school.n.16.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/environment.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/food.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/funeral_directors.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/glaziery.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/government.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/health.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/health/clinic.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/health/dentist-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/health/doctor.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/health/hospital.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/livelihood.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/logistic.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/office/government-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/office/ngo-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/office/townhall-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/office/un-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/power.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/power/pole.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/power/power_station.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/power/power_substation.n.16.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/power/power_tower_low.n.16.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/powerstreetlamp.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/research.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/security.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/shelter.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/sheltered_workshop.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/shoe_repair.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/shoemaker.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/social_living.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/telecom.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/telecom/post_box.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/telecom/post_office.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/trade.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/shower-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/toilets-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/waste_basket-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/waste_basket-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/water_tower-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/water_well_pump_manual-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'icons/watsan/watermill-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/block.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/book.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/chicane.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/church.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/church.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/cow.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/dollar.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/ford.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/gate.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/JusticeScales.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/peak.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/pitch.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/places.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/prison.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/recycling.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/reservoir.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/soccer.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/sports_centre.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/tent.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/tent.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/traffic-light.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/tree.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/tree.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/tree.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/turning_circle.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/service/police-18.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/shop/optician.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/shop/rental/library.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/shop/supermarket.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/shop/supermarket.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'styles/standard/vehicle/zebra_crossing.png'
    ERROR: Failed to locate image ''
    ERROR: Failed to locate image 'presets/traffic-light.png'
    ERROR: Could not get presets icon

Do not attach your preset to this page as attachement. Either add an external link or create a page in this wiki with your preset. More info see Presets.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.