{{{ #!comment This contains the list of external preset addresses in alphabetical order. (Only addresses with file-extension are supported.) It will be parsed about each 10 minutes and is used to update the preset list. http://dev.openseamap.org/josm/Presets_Hafen.xml http://dev.openseamap.org/josm/Presets_Sport.xml http://download.freemap.sk/JOSM//address_sk_cz.xml http://osm.michis-pla.net/presets/observatory.xml http://osmtools.de/josm/steps.xml http://somewhere.dk/email/josm/source.xml http://textual.ru/irs.xml http://www.country-linedance.de/daten/Archaeologie-de.zip http://www.country-linedance.de/daten/Verkehrszeichen-vorlage.zip http://www.freietonne.de/ft_icons/josm/FreieTonne_rules_presets_zip.php http://www.schoenitzer.de/test/pavement.xml https://raw.github.com/Flacus/Windrad/master/windrad.xml https://raw.github.com/hotosm/presets/master/HDM.xml https://raw.github.com/unhcr/presets/master/HDM-camp.xml https://raw.github.com/molysgaard/OAM-JOSM/master/oam-presets.xml https://raw.github.com/przemas75/OSM-permissions-preset/master/Presets_access_PL-preset.xml Dead links: http://openstreetmap.org.pl/kendzi/preset/current/roofspresets.xml (blocking josm.openstreetmap.de?) http://sites.google.com/site/towardsfloss/Home/doctor_presets_el.xml }}} {{{ #!comment Note for translators: - The above list and this note can be stripped from translation. }}} [[TranslatedPages]] = JOSM presets = [[Styles(en|presets|short description|author|description|version|More details)]] == Installation == The presets listed above can be selected and activated within [wiki:Help/Preferences/Map map settings] in the JOSM preferences. == Create new presets == See also [wiki:TaggingPresets] or [http://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk/data/defaultpresets.xml standard preset] in case you want to create own files. {{{ #!comment Note for translators: - The reference below to change the source of this page should be modified, so it tells the reader to modify the English page. }}} * New wiki based presets can be created when making a page similar to the already existing pages listed [#List below]. * New external hosted preset URLs can be entered when editing this page. * **Note**: Only URLs with file-extension (e.g. *.mapcss, *.xml, *.zip, *.php) are supported. See [wiki:Styles#CreateStyle] for a description how the JOSM wiki helps to create own styles or presets and how attached files are handled. == Presets managed in JOSM wiki ==#List [[TitleIndex(Presets/)]] ---- Back to [wiki:/Help main help]