6 | | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenSeaMap/josm/master/INT-1-preset.xml |
7 | | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenSeaMap/josm/master/Presets_Hafen.xml |
8 | | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/species/josm-preset-wheelchair/master/sidewalks_kerbs.xml |
9 | | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/species/josm-preset-transformap/master/transformap.xml |
10 | | http://osm.michis-pla.net/presets/observatory.xml |
11 | | http://osmtools.de/josm/steps.xml |
12 | | http://somewhere.dk/email/josm/source.xml |
13 | | http://textual.ru/irs.xml |
14 | | http://www.country-linedance.de/daten/Archaeologie-de.zip |
15 | | http://www.country-linedance.de/daten/Verkehrszeichen-vorlage.zip |
16 | | http://www.freietonne.de/ft_icons/josm/FreieTonne_rules_presets_zip.php |
17 | | |
18 | | # in case of trouble please make issue: https://github.com/kendzi/Simple3dBuildingsPreset |
19 | | http://zibi.openstreetmap.org.pl/kendzi/k/Simple3dPreset/s3db-preset.zip |
20 | | |
21 | | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zibik/stork_nests/master/stork_preset.xml |
22 | | https://raw.github.com/Flacus/Windrad/master/windrad.xml |
23 | | https://raw.github.com/hotosm/presets/master/HDM.xml |
24 | | https://raw.github.com/unhcr/presets/master/HDM-camp.xml |
25 | | https://raw.github.com/molysgaard/OAM-JOSM/master/oam-presets.xml |
26 | | https://raw.github.com/przemas75/OSM-permissions-preset/master/Presets_access_PL-preset.xml |
27 | | |
28 | | http://maps.openstreetmap.ie/josm/irishboundaries.xml |
29 | | |
30 | | Dead links: |
31 | | http://sites.google.com/site/towardsfloss/Home/doctor_presets_el.xml |
32 | | http://www.schoenitzer.de/test/pavement.xml |
33 | | }}} |
34 | | {{{ |
35 | | #!comment |
36 | | Note for translators: |
37 | | - The above list and this note can be stripped from translation. |
38 | | }}} |