== United Kingdom addresses preset == These presets allow convenient use of the UK-specific addressing tags described in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Addresses_in_the_United_Kingdom The icons are my own work, and are hereby released into the public domain. As the icons are 16x16 low-detail representations of well-known and commonly available items used on paper envelopes, no infringement upon the trade marks or copyrights of The Royal Mail Group Limited or its subsidiaries is intended or could reasonably be inferred from their use in map editing software or otherwise. No sponsorship or endorsement is implied, or would be accepted. === Usage === The main `UK Address` preset coverts all the accepted tags for tagging. There's a second preset that can be use for migrating tags that are deprecated in the UK to better accepted alternatives in the UK schema. === The preset itself === {{{ #!preset }}}