
Version 10 (modified by skyper, 4 years ago) ( diff )


Public Transport GTFS

This preset adds additional tags for public transportation tagging. One major part are tags to use with GTFS and PTNA.

Help needed

Please, feel free to:

  • enhance and update the preset
  • translate
    • Due to #11392 translation is still only possible within the source code.
  • create some nice icons.
  • write me an email


  • This tagging schema is still under heavy development and therefore the preset might change in near future.
  • Watch out: Due to #19392 it is dangerous to use the preset links within the presets if opened from the relation editor.

Supported Tags

Source code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<presets xmlns=""
  shortdescription="Public Transport GTFS"
  description="Additional tags for public transportation including tags for GTFS and PTNA"

  <!-- Chunks -->
  <chunk id="cond">
      <text key="duration:conditional" text="Conditional duration" />
      <text key="interval:conditional" text="Conditional interval" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="short">
      <text key="network:short" text="Common short network" alternative_autocomplete_keys="network" />
      <text key="operator:short" text="Common short operator" lternative_autocomplete_keys="operator" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="gtfs_name">
      <text key="gtfs:name" text="GTFS name" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />

  <chunk id="feed_guid">
      <space />
      <label text="Only one of the following tags is needed for PTNA:" />
      <text key="network:guid" text="General unified network id" match="key" />
      <text key="operator:guid" text="General unified operator id" match="key" />
      <text key="gtfs:feed" text="General GTFS feed" match="key" />
      <item_separator />
      <text key="gtfs:source_date" text="Date of the GTFS source" match="key" />
      <reference ref="gtfs_name" />
      <item_separator />
      <reference ref="short" />

  <chunk id="route_id">
      <space />
      <text key="gtfs:route_id" text="GTFS route id" match="key" />

  <chunk id="shape_id">
      <space />
      <text key="gtfs:route_id" text="GTFS route id" />
      <text key="gtfs:shape_id" text="GTFS shape id" match="key" />
      <optional text="Use one of the following, if no `shape_id` exists:">
          <text key="ref_trips" text="Common GTFS trip reference (= shape_id)" match="key" />
          <text key="gtfs:ref_trip" text="Concrete GTFS trip reference (= trip_id" match="key" />
          <space />
          <label text="Only to be used if the relation represents one, single trip" />
          <text key="gtfs:trip_id" text="GTFS trip id" match="key" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="note_gtfs">
      <text key="note:gtfs" text="Note about GTFS" />

  <chunk id="source_note">
      <text key="source" text="Source" />
      <reference ref="note_gtfs" />

  <chunk id="stop_all">
      <space />
      <label text="    Format is:    `Country code`:`Admin area`:`General stop id`:`Level id`:`Quay id`        " />
      <space />
      <label text="    Regex:              [a-z]{2}:[0-9]{5}:[1-9][0-9]{0,4}:[1-9][0-9]{0,1}:[1-9][0-9]{0,1}  " />
      <space />
      <text key="ref:IFOPT" text="IFOPT reference" length="18" match="key" />
      <text key="ref:IFOPT:description" text="IFOPT description" />
      <reference ref="gtfs_name" />
      <item_separator />
      <reference ref="short" />
      <space />
      <reference ref="note_gtfs" />
      <space />

  <!-- Group -->
  <group name="GTFS" icon="presets/transport/bus.svg">
      <item name="Stop - GTFS" icon="presets/transport/stop_position.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="node">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <combo key="railway" text="Railway" values="stop" />
          <text key="local_ref" text="Local reference" length="3"/>
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Stop Position" />
      <item name="Platform - GTFS" icon="presets/transport/platform.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <text key="local_ref" text="Local reference" length="3"/>
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Platform" />
      <item name="Stop Area - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/interpolation.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Stop Area" />
      <separator/> <!-- Stops -->

      <item name="Route - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="shape_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="cond" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public Transport Route (Bus)" />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public Transport Route (Rail)" />
      <item name="Route Master - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="route_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <combo key="quality" name="Quality" delimiter="|" values="complete|complete, ordered|incomplete" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Route Master" />
      <item name="Route (Ptv1) - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="way,closedway,relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="route_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="cond" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public transport route (Legacy)" />
  </group> <!-- Routes -->


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.