
Version 12 (modified by mrgenie, 3 years ago) ( diff )

The use of "preset" in the subsection of "preset" is weird.. so I removed it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        description="Philippines Jeepney Presets for conveniently adding all Objects part of Jeepney Routes"
        shortdescription="Philippines Jeepneys"
== Notes to Public/Users/Contributors ==

I created this preset for my own use. But it might help others too, so I release it here. 

1) All the tags, schemes and selections in this preset are hopefully or should be according to 
   a) [[|Public Transport]] \\
   b) [[|Philippines Convention]] \\
   c) [[|Version 2]] \\
   d) [[|Plaform]] \\
   option 'b' is a PH specific extension to the basic public transportation tagging convention and supersedes any conflicting tag.
   note in option 'b' the wiki isn't always up-to-date and in the LoCos PH chat channels we do sometimes discuss alternatives. As always - Openstreetmap should comply with the local mapping convention, yet nothing is forbidden and you're always free to "invent" your own tags or what you think might be better. It is advisable however to start a "talks" page in the wiki for that.
   I created therefore this preset in the hope it's complying as much as possible - at least it's working for me and it renders properly in all the apps/websites I've tested also the navigation public_transportation in OSMAnd works like a charm with these settings.
   So it's basically MY way of mapping Jeepney Lines in the Philippines - as much as I interpreted the general global conventions with the specifics for the Philippines.
   However, nothing in OSM is settled in stone so please by all means should you find any error/mistake/improvement/missing/typo/recommendation/suggestion anything really feel free or even encouraged to contact me. The Openstreetmap concept only works if we all collaborate and assist each other to improve ourselves and each other and the community as a whole.
   A) For mapping I recommend the German style to map
                * The real stop location on the road as a node [[|Bus Stop]] and [[|Stop Position]]
                * The actual waiting location/platform as a node/way/closedway/multipolygon
                * Possible [[|shelter]] and tag it as [[|shelter_type=public_transport]]and/or [[|bench]] as node/way/closedway 
                * wrap all of this into a [[|Stop Area]]
   Feel free to do it less accurate or even incomplete - the concept of Openstreetmap is someone else will fill in the gaps some time in future. It's fine not adding everything totally.
   At very minimum try to stick to public_transportation_version 2: you add the stop location ON the road and the platform/waiting area NEXT to the road.
2) all images/icons/artwork is either done by me personally OR under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication license or other sources like JOSM presets which are in compliance with the use for OSM //
//  //
   it is encouraged to anyone with artistic qualities to make better art for this preset collection - just make sure the license is valid for this purpose.
3) Generally, OSM is a global effort which only works if everyone with an opinion speaks out, by that I mean "constructive" opinions that add positively to the cause please.
   * a comment like:"you made a mistake" or "silly" without any specifics isn't helpful! I know I make mistakes, proud to be a human and not a machine over here! But please be specific if something is wrong.
   * a comment like:"Hello, I noticed there's a typo at ........" or "Hi, the tag/key combination for object ..... isn't right according to this source ........"
   The latter is constructive and helpful, so feel free to positively/constructively contribute to the community and point out the mistake, explain why it's a mistake and how it should be done properly? ;)

4) Contact details for suggestions, recommendations, corrections and any other comment
   b) Telegram Messenger 
        * user:  @HikeAndMap
        * group:
<!-- Chunks are being used in the actual items -->
        <chunk id="separator_line">
                <space />
                <label text="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <space />
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                <text key="name" text="Name (i.e. 'Quezon Hill PUJ Terminal' for an initial stop)*" requisite="required" default="" use_last_as_default="false" />
                <label text="* Use the accurate name of the stops. If no name exists, you may consider giving them reasonable names of nearby Sitio/Neighbourhood/POI/Turning Point to assist user's navigation" />
                <space />
        <chunk id="name_stop_area" >
                <text key="name" text="Name (i.e. 'Kayang Street Terminal Area' near the public market Baguio City)*" requisite="required" default="" use_last_as_default="false" />
                <label text="* Use the name how it's being addressed either officially by the government or the locals or both using the 'alt_name' key" />
                <space />
        <chunk id="no_stop_area">
                <space />
                <label text="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     The following only if no 'stop area' exists:     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <space />
        <chunk id="not_mapped_separately">
                <space />
                <label text="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     The following only if the amenities are not mapped seperately:     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <space />
        <chunk id="no_master">
                <space />
                <space />
                <label text="--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Below is only recommended if no 'Route Master' exists:     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <space />
        <chunk id="surface">
                <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,concrete:plates,concrete:lanes,paving_stones,sett,cobblestone,grass_paver,compacted,fine_gravel,gravel,pebblestone,ground,mud,sand,grass,wood,metal" />
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        <!-- colours according to -->
                <combo key="colour" text="Colour (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="#000000,#0000FF,#000080,#A52A2A,#808080,#008000,#FFA500,#800080,#FF0000,#ffC0CB,#C0C0C0,#FFFFFF,#FFFF00,#D2B48C,#CD853F" display_values="Black,Blue,Navy,Brown,Gray,Green,Orange1,Purple,Red,Pink,Silver,White,Yellow,Tan,Tan3" editable="true" />
        <chunk id="oh">
                <combo key="opening_hours" text="Operating Hours (Where applicable also set in 'route')" delimiter="|" values="24/7|08:30-12:30,15:30-20:00|Sa-Su 00:00-24:00|Mo-Su 09:00-21:00|Mo-Sa 08:00-18:00|Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00|Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Sa,Su 08:00-15:00; PH off|Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Tu-Su 08:00-15:00; Sa 08:00-12:00|Mo-Su 08:00-18:00; Apr 10-15 off; Jun 08:00-14:00; Aug off; Dec 25 off|sunrise-sunset|Su 10:00+|week 01-53/2 Fr 09:00-12:00; week 02-52/2 We 09:00-12:00" values_no_i18n="true" values_sort="false" />
        <chunk id="public_transport_route_mandatories">
                <space />
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                <space />
                <text key="name" text="Name (i.e. 'Jeepney: Baguio → Itogon' or 'Jeepney: Itogon → Baguio')" default="Jeepney: 'from' → 'to'" requisite="required" use_last_as_default="false"/>
                <text key="from" text="From (initial stop, the actual 'name' of the stop)" default="" requisite="required" use_last_as_default="false"/>
                <text key="to" text="To (terminal stop, the actual 'name' of the stop)" default="" requisite="required" use_last_as_default="false"/>
        <chunk id="public_transport_route_optionals">
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                <space />
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                <text key="duration" text="Duration (Possible: HH:MM:SS, H:MM:SS, HH:MM, H:MM, MM, M)" default="" use_last_as_default="false"/>
                <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
                <reference ref="network" />
                <reference ref="description" />
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                <space />
                <reference ref="no_master" />
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                <reference ref="oh" />
                <text key="ref" text="Reference (This is what renderers show as name of the line)" default="" use_last_as_default="false"/>
<!-- End of Chunks-->
        <group name="Philippines" icon="flag.svg">
                <group name="Jeepney" icon="JeepneyFront.svg">                                  
                        <!-- Jeepney Stop, exact point on the highway -->
                        <item name="Stop Position" icon="StopPosition.svg" type="node">
                                <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=stop_position" />
                                <link wiki="Tag:highway=bus_stop" />
                                <label text="Jeepney stop position (node) on the road" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="bus" value="yes" />
                                <key key="highway" value="bus_stop" /> 
                                <key key="public_transport" value="stop_position"/>
                                <reference ref="name" />
                                <reference ref="no_stop_area" />
                                <reference ref="network" />
                        <separator />                   
                        <!-- Jeepney Platforms -->
                        <item name="Platform" icon="presets/transport/platform.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon">
                                <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=platform" />
                                <label text="Node/Way/Area where people are actually waiting for the jeep." />
                                <space />
                                <key key="public_transport" value="platform"/>
                                <reference ref="name" />
                                        <check key="covered" text="Covered" default=""/>
                                        <check key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" default=""/>
                                        <reference ref="surface" />
                                        <space />
                                        <reference ref="no_stop_area" />
                                        <reference ref="network" />
                                        <space />
                                        <reference ref="not_mapped_separately" />
                                        <check key="bench" text="Bench" default=""/>
                                        <check key="shelter" text="Shelter" default=""/>
                                        <reference ref="description" />
                        <separator />                   
                        <!-- Jeepney Waiting Shelter -->
                        <item name="Waiting Shelter" icon="shelter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon">
                                <link href="" />
                                <label text="Jeepney Waiting Shelter" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="amenity" value="shelter"/>
                                <key key="shelter_type" value="public_transport" />
                                <check key="bench" text="Bench" />
                                <check key="bin" text="Bin" />
                                <reference ref="surface" />
                                <combo key="building" text="Building" default="roof" values="roof,cabin,kiosk,transportation,shed,hut,yes" editable="true" />
                                <reference ref="description" />
                        <!-- Jeepney Waiting Bench -->
                        <item name="Waiting Bench" icon="backrest_yes.svg" type="node,way">
                                <link href="" />
                                <label text="Jeepney Waiting Bench" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="amenity" value="bench"/>
                                <check key="backrest" text="Backrest" default=""/>
                                <text key="seats" text="Number of seats" default=""/>
                                <reference ref="surface" />
                                <combo key="material" text="Material" default="" values="wood,steel,stone,concrete,metal,rock" editable="true" />
                                <reference ref="description" />
                        <!-- Jeepney Information Board -->
                        <item name="Information Board" icon="board_14.svg" type="node,way">
                                <link wiki="Tag:information=board" />
                                <link wiki="Key:board_type" />
                                <label text="Information Board" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="tourism" value="information" />
                                <key key="information" value="board"/>
                                <key key="board_type" value="public_transport" />
                                <text key="board:title" text="Board Title (Headline or title)" />
                                <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
                                <reference ref="network" />
                                <reference ref="description" />
                        <separator  />                  
                        <!-- Jeepney Stop Area basically includes everything in all directions that belongs to a specific stop -->
                        <item name="Stop Area" icon="stop_area.svg" type="relation">
                                <link href="" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="public_transport" value="stop_area"/>
                                <key key="type" value="public_transport" />
                                <reference ref="name_stop_area" />
                                <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
                                <reference ref="network" />
                                        <role key="stop" text="stop position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="stop_exit_only" text="stop position (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="stop_entry_only" text="stop position (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="" text="shelter" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="amenity=shelter" />
                                        <role key="" text="parking" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="amenity=parking" />
                                        <role key="" text="taxi" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="amenity=taxi" />
                                        <role key="" text="tricycle station" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="amenity=taxi" />
                                        <role key="" text="bench" requisite="optional" type="node,way" member_expression="amenity=bench" />
                                        <role key="" text="information board" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=board" />
                                        <role key="" text="traffic sign" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="traffic_sign" />                                        
                        <!-- Jeepney Route -->
                        <item name="Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
                                <link wiki="Public_transport#Service_routes" />
                                <link wiki="Tag:route=bus" />
                                <link wiki="Relation:route" />
                                <label text="Before adding the actual route(s), it is recommended that you have at least the initial and final stop mapped, preferably all stops." />
                                <space />
                                <key key="type" value="route" />
                                <key key="route" value="bus" />
                                <key key="bus" value="share_taxi" />
                                <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" />
                                <reference ref="public_transport_route_mandatories" />
                                <space />
                                        <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
                                        <role key="stop" text="stop position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="stop_exit_only" text="stop position (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="stop_entry_only" text="stop position (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
                                        <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
                                        <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway" />
                                        <role key="hail_and_ride" text="hail and ride route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway" />
                        <!-- Jeepney Route Master-->                    
                        <item name="Route Master" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">                               
                                <link wiki="Relation:route_master" />
                                <label text="Before adding the master route, it is recommended that you do the routes first" />
                                <space />
                                <key key="type" value="route_master" />
                                <key key="route_master" value="bus" />
                                <key key="bus" value="share_taxi" />
                                <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" />
                                <text key="name" text="Name (i.e. 'Jeepney: Baguio → Itogon' - one-way only)" requisite="required" default="Jeepney: 'from' → 'to'" use_last_as_default="false"/>                               
                                <text key="ref" text="Reference (This is what renderers show as name of the line)" requisite="required" default="" use_last_as_default="false"/>
                                        <text key="operator" text="Operator" value="" use_last_as_default="true"/>
                                        <text key="network" text="Network" value="" use_last_as_default="true"/>
                                        <reference ref="colour" />
                                        <reference ref="oh" />
                                        <check key="school" text="School" disable_off="true" />
                                        <reference ref="description" />
                                        <role key="" text="route variant/direction (at least 2)" requisite="required" type="relation" member_expression="type=route" />


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