Version 11 (modified by 8 months ago) ( diff ) | ,
Public rights of way in England and Wales, using the good bits out of the global tagging style while retaining our ancient folkways and customs. This is a JOSM presets file implementing a hybrid version of the United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines, at least the part about public footpaths, bridleways, byways and permissive paths.
Change log
- Trac version 0.9 .. 0.11
- Uploaded 2024-06-23
- Use a combo for bridleway bicycle access.
- Use SVG icons, and provide icon for presets as a whole.
- Move the changelog here
- Trac versions 0.7 .. 0.8
- Uploaded 2012-01-29
- Don't require certain <access>=no tags.
- Allow agricultural/private/forestry etc. access for some traffic.
- Better rationales for byways.
- Trac versions: 0.4 .. 0.6
- Uploaded 2012-01-28
- Split permissive_path into permissive_{footpath,bridleway}.
- Trac versions: 0.1 .. 0.3
- Uploaded 2012-01-27
- Created and announced.
Preset XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <presets xmlns="" author="achadwick" description="Public rights of way in England and Wales, using the good bits out of the global tagging style while retaining our ancient folkways and customs." shortdescription="Rights of way in England and Wales" version="0.12_2024-06-23" icon="sign_footpath.svg" > <!-- Implements *General goals* These presets should be sufficient for clearly marked footpaths in rural contexts which may or may not follow farm tracks, and for pedestrian cut-throughs in towns. This doesn't try to impose highway=path everywhere, but is still close in spirit to the "global tagging scheme" shown on the wiki. I use dedecated types where they would make sense, but also mix in highway=track and highway=unclassified where those are more appropriate for the physical aspects of the route. Continuity of RoW tagging along a way is represented by continuity of the designation=* and *=designated tags. Given the nature of E+W rights of way and historical OSM usage, public paths in England and Wales with markers can almost always can be expressed as highway=bridleway or highway=footway, and unless they have the character of a rough farm track or actually follow a minor road they probably should be. Almost no marked RoW needs highway=path, the exception being marked permissive paths narrower than a rough farm track where the landowner allows bikes. --> <group name="Rights of way" icon="sign_footpath.svg"> <item name="Public footpath" type="way" icon="arrow_public_footpath.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Public footpath, often waymarked with yellow arrows." /> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'Public footpath' signage"/> <label text="or if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space/> <!-- what makes it this kind of RoW, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="public_footpath" /> <key key="foot" value="designated" /> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo text="Physical aspect" key="highway" values="footway,steps,track" display_values="Simple marked footpath,Steps forming part of footpath,Follows rough vehicle track" default="footway" required="true" /> <label text="The values above are useful for isolated paths, but are"/> <label text="not the only possibilities. Feel free to combine with"/> <label text="other presets if the RoW is along a public road, say."/> <space/> <!-- There may be evidence of vehicular or horse rider usage too. Typically some flavour of private and guessed from tracks. --> <combo text="Horse rider access" key="horse" values="no,private,permissive" default="no" required="false" /> <combo text="Vehicular access" key="vehicle" values="no,agricultural,forestry,private,permissive" default="no" required="false" /> <!-- Optional extras --> <optional> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo text="Lit" key="lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo text="Build quality" key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" /> <text text="Width (metres)" key="width" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <item name="Public bridleway" type="way" icon="arrow_bridleway.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Public bridleway, often waymarked in blue."/> <label text="These are trails or paths for use by horse riders and"/> <label text="on foot. Cyclists may use them, but they are not required"/> <label text="to be kept usable by bicycles."/> <space /> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'bridleway' signage or"/> <label text="if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space/> <!-- what makes it a RoW, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="public_bridleway" /> <key key="horse" value="designated" /> <key key="foot" value="designated" /> <!-- Variable things --> <key key="bicycle" value="yes" /> <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="designated,yes,dismount,discouraged" editable="true" default="designated" /> <label text="Bridleways are legal for use by cyclists, but are not"/> <label text="legally required to be maintained for their use."/> <space/> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo key="highway" text="Physical aspect" values="bridleway,track" display_values="Simple marked bridleway,Follows rough vehicle track" default="bridleway" delete_if_empty="false" /> <label text="The values above are useful for isolated bridleways, but"/> <label text="aren't the only possibilities. Feel free to combine with"/> <label text="other presets if the RoW is along a public road, say."/> <space/> <!-- There may be evidence of vehicular usage too. Typically some flavour of private and guessed from tracks. --> <combo text="Vehicular access" key="vehicle" values="no,agricultural,forestry,private,permissive" default="no" required="false" /> <!-- Optional extras --> <optional> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="lit" text="Lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" text="Build quality" /> <text text="Width (metres)" key="width" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <item name="Byway" type="way" icon="arrow_byway.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Byway Open To All Traffic, or BOAT. Red markers, often."/> <label text="These are minor roads which the public have a right to"/> <label text="travel on, but which are mainly used like footpaths and"/> <label text="bridleways. They have may have varying states of repair."/> <space /> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'byway' signage or"/> <label text="if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space /> <!-- what makes it a RoW, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="byway_open_to_all_traffic" /> <key key="foot" value="designated" /> <key key="horse" value="designated" /> <key key="vehicle" value="yes" /> <key key="bicycle" value="designated" /> <!-- Rationale: the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, section 15(9)(c) states that a BOAT is "[...] a highway over which the public have a right of way [access=yes] for vehicular and all other kinds of traffic but which is used by the public mainly for the purpose for which footpaths and bridleways are used [access=designated]". Bicycles were probably using bridleways commonly by 1984, so they are designated. --> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo key="highway" text="Physical aspect" values="track,unclassified" display_values="Rough track,Well-surfaced minor road" default="track" delete_if_empty="false" /> <label text="If you choose the 'minor road' option, please also specify"/> <label text="the number of lanes."/> <space /> <optional> <combo text="Number of lanes" key="lanes" values="1,2" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="lit" text="Lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" text="Build quality" /> <text text="Width (metres)" key="width" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <item name="Restricted Byway" type="way" icon="arrow_restricted_byway.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Restricted Byway, often marked with purple arrows."/> <label text="These are minor roads open to non-motorized traffic"/> <label text="with often highly varying states of repair."/> <space/> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'restricted byway' signage"/> <label text="or if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space /> <!-- what makes it a RoW, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="restricted_byway"/> <key key="foot" value="designated"/> <key key="horse" value="designated"/> <key key="vehicle" value="yes"/> <key key="bicycle" value="designated"/> <!-- Rationale: the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Section 48(4) actually lists'n'designates specific restricted byway rights: "(a) a right of way on foot, (b) a right of way on horseback or leading a horse, and (c) a right of way for vehicles other than mechanically propelled vehicles" A quick sampling of some council websites describe them as commonly unsuitable for motor vehicles. Common enough to be an un-designation. In practice, this all boils down to being the same as for ordinary Byways, but motor vehicles are prohibited (save for owner/access uses; see below). --> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo key="highway" text="Physical aspect" values="track,unclassified" display_values="Rough track,Well-surfaced minor road" default="track" delete_if_empty="false" /> <label text="If you choose the 'minor road' option, please also specify"/> <label text="the number of lanes."/> <space /> <!-- There may be evidence of motor vehicle usage too. Typically some flavour of private and guessed from tracks. --> <combo text="Motor vehicle access" key="motor_vehicle" values="no,agricultural,forestry,private,permissive" default="no" required="false" /> <optional> <combo text="Number of lanes" key="lanes" values="1,2" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="lit" text="Lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" text="Build quality" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <item name="Permissive footpath" type="way" icon="arrow_permissive_path.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Permissive path for walkers. Waymarks: white arrows."/> <label text="These are paths the landowner has granted permission to"/> <label text="use which can be revoked. Syn: permitted/concessionary."/> <space/> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'permissive' signage"/> <label text="or if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space/> <!-- what makes it list kind of permissive path, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="permissive_footpath"/> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo key="highway" text="Physical aspect" values="footway,track,cycleway,unclassified" display_values="Simple footpath,Follows rough vehicle track,Smooth cycleway,Well-surfaced minor road" default="footway" delete_if_empty="false" /> <label text="If you choose the 'minor road' option, please also specify"/> <label text="the number of lanes."/> <space/> <!-- Access --> <key key="foot" value="permissive"/> <combo text="Horse" key="horse" values="permissive" /> <combo text="Bicycle" key="bicycle" values="permissive" /> <space/> <!-- Optional extras --> <optional> <combo text="Number of lanes" key="lanes" values="1,2" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="lit" text="Lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" text="Build quality" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <item name="Permissive bridleway" type="way" icon="arrow_permissive_path.svg" preset_name_label="true" > <label text="Permissive path for horse riders. Waymarks: white arrows."/> <label text="These are paths the landowner has granted permission to"/> <label text="use which can be revoked. Syn: permitted/concessionary."/> <space/> <label text="Only use if there's unambiguous 'permissive' signage"/> <label text="or if the source can be used to verify the legal status."/> <space/> <!-- what makes it list kind of permissive path, mandatory --> <key key="designation" value="permissive_bridleway"/> <!-- physical type or degree of importance, list only isolated types --> <combo key="highway" text="Physical aspect" values="bridleway,track,cycleway,unclassified" display_values="Simple bridleway,Follows rough vehicle track,Smooth cycleway,Well-surfaced minor road" default="bridleway" delete_if_empty="false" /> <label text="If you choose the 'minor road' option, please also specify"/> <label text="the number of lanes."/> <space/> <!-- Access --> <key key="horse" value="permissive"/> <combo text="Foot" key="foot" values="permissive" default="permissive"/> <combo text="Bicycle" key="bicycle" values="permissive" /> <space/> <!-- Optional extras --> <optional> <combo text="Number of lanes" key="lanes" values="1,2" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface type" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,gravel,ground,grass," default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="lit" text="Lit" values=",yes,no" display_values="Unknown,Yes,No" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="tracktype" default="" delete_if_empty="true" values=",grade1,grade2,grade3,grade4,grade5" display_values="Unknown, Paved or heavily compacted, Gravel or densely packed, Even mix of hard & soft, Mostly bare; partly solid, Bare ground" text="Build quality" /> </optional> <link href="" /> </item> <!-- TODO: other permissive types? --> </group> </presets>
Attachments (6)
- arrow_restricted_byway.svg (3.9 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
- arrow_byway.svg (3.9 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
- arrow_bridleway.svg (3.9 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
- arrow_permissive_path.svg (3.3 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
- arrow_public_footpath.svg (3.9 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
- sign_footpath.svg (5.7 KB ) - added by 8 months ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip
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