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Editing Presets/Access_Mapping_Indonesia
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{{{ #!preset <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <presets xmlns="" author="Patrick" version="1.[[revision]]_[[date]]" shortdescription="Access Mapping India" description="Access Mapping India" baselanguage="id"> <group name="Access SM Jalan Raya / Highway" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg"> <group name="Jalan" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg"> <!-- by Patrick not applicable in NTB <item name="Motorway" icon="presets/transport/way/way_motorway.svg" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" /> <label text="Edit Motorway" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="motorway" /> <text key="ref" text="Reference" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" default="2" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="on" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Motorway Link" icon="presets/transport/way/way_motorway_link.png" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" es.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Motorway Link" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="motorway_link" /> <optional> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" default="2" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="on" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Trunk" icon="presets/trunk.png" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Trunk" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="trunk" /> <text key="ref" text="Reference" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" default="2" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="on" /> <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" default="on" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Trunk Link" icon="presets/trunk.png" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href=""/> <label text="Edit Trunk Link" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="trunk_link" /> <text key="ref" text="Reference" /> <optional> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" default="1" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="on" /> <check key="motorroad" text="Motorroad" default="on" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> End by patrick --> <item name="Jalan Primer" icon="presets/transport/way/way_primary.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Jalan Primer"/> <label text="Jalan Primer adalah Jalan antar kota provinsi, Jalan Arteri Primer,"/> <label text="Jalan Nasional - Jalan utama dalam kota, Jalan Arteri, "/> <label text="yang menghubungkan Kota besar" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="primary" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Jalan" /> <space /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="2,4,5,6,7,99" display_values="Jalan Negara,Jalan Provinsi,Jalan Kabupaten,Jalan Kecamatan,Jalan Desa,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <space /> <label text="Perkerasan Jalan, walaupun rusak masih kedsfaf sf.........................." /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Jumlah Jalur" values="1,2,3" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Jalan Sekunder" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan Sekunder"/> <label text="Jalan Sekunder adalah jalan yang menghubungkan kota Kabupaten dan"/> <label text="jalan penting tingkat provinsi lainnya........." /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="secondary" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Jalan" /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="2,4,5,6,7,99" display_values="Jalan Negara,Jalan Provinsi,Jalan Kabupaten,Jalan Kecamatan,Jalan Desa,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan oleh Provinsi dengan dana APBD I" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Jalur/lanes" values="1,2,3" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Jalan Tersier" icon="presets/transport/way/way_tertiary.svg" type="way"> <link href="" da.href="" de.href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan Tersier"/> <label text="Jalan Tersier adalah jalan yang menghubungkan kota kecamatan," /> <label text="desa dan pusat pemukiman lainnya" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="tertiary" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Jalan" /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="2,4,5,6,7,99" display_values="Jalan Negara,Jalan Provinsi,Jalan Kabupaten,Jalan Kecamatan,Jalan Desa,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan oleh Kabupaten atau Kota dengan dana APBD II" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Jalur" values="1,2,3" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Pemukiman" icon="presets/transport/way/way_residential.svg" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan Pemukiman"/> <label text="Jalan Permukiman adalah jalan di dalam Kampung/Desa/Kota "/> <label text="yang bisa dilewati mobil dengan baik. Biasanya dua mobil bisa berpapasan. Kadang kadang Nama "/> <label text="Jalan adalah Gang xxx (eks. di Perumahan) walaupun cukup besar Jenis Jalan bukan Gang tetapi Jalan Pemukiman."/> <space /> <key key="highway" value="residential" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Jalan" /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="6,7,8,99" display_values="Jalan Kecamatan,Jalan Desa,Jalan Linkungan,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan oleh pihak pengembang lingkungan atau perumahan atau juga oleh desa/kelurahan" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Jalur" values="1,2,3" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Gang Besar" icon="presets/transport/way/way_living_street.svg" type="way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Gang Besar"/> <label text="Gang Besar adalah Gang atau Jalan kecil yang masih bisa dilewati motor atau mobil."/> <label text="Gang ini sempit apabila ada mobil yang berpapasan, satu mobil harus "/> <label text="agak menepi supaya mobil lainnya bisa lewat" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="living_street" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Gang" /> <text key="name:induk_idn" text="Nama Jalan Induk - Hanya isi kalau Gang ini punya jalan induk" /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="6,7,8,99" display_values="Jalan Kecamatan,Jalan Desa,Jalan Linkungan,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan atas swadaya warga atau bantuan dari pihak lain" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Gang kecil" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Gang Kecil"/> <label text="Gang Kecil adalah gang atau jalan yang hanya bisa dilewati sepeda dan motor." /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="path" /> <text key="name" text="Nama Gang" /> <text key="name:induk_idn" text="Nama Jalan Induk - Hanya isi kalau Gang ini punya jalan induk yang bernama" /> <label text="Status Jalan menurut pengelolaan/milik....." /> <combo key="admin_level" values="7,8,99" display_values="Jalan Desa,Jalan Linkungan,Lain" editable="false" text="Status pengelolaan" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan atas swadaya warga atau bantuan dari pihak lain" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <optional> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Jalan Setapak" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_footway.svg" type="way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan Setapak"/> <label text="Jalan Setapak adalah Jalan kecil yang hanya bisa dilewati dengan jalan kaki/sepeda"/> <label text="Susah dilewati motor." /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="footway" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan atas swadaya warga atau bantuan dari pihak lain" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <optional> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Jalan Komplek" icon="presets/transport/way/way_unclassified.svg" type="way"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pl.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan Komplek"/> <label text="Jalan Komplek adalah jalan terletak di dalam Komplek"/> <label text="seperti di dalam Kantor Gubernor, di dalam property Hotel, di dalam Perusahaan, dll." /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="service" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <!--<label text="Perkerasan atau perbaikan jalan ini dilakukan oleh pihak dalam komplek tersebut" /> <combo key="surface" values="paved,unpaved" display_values="terkersan,tidak terkerasan" editable="false" text="Permukaan Jalan" />--> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <check key="oneway" text="Satu Jalur / One Way" default="off" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Jalur" values="1,2,3" /> <check key="bridge" text="Jembatan" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Terowongan" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Perpotongan" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Pematang" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Sulut" default="off" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Track / Jalan Logging, Jalan Pertambangan" icon="presets/transport/way/track.svg" type="way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Track"/> <label text="Track adalah Jalan khusus untuk kegiatan industri, "/> <label text="pertanian, kehutanan, dan tidak dipakai untuk akses umum atau lainnya." /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="track" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama Track" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,concrete,cobblestone,gravel,ground,grass,sand" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Jalan (Jenis tidak tahu - belum survey)" icon="presets/transport/way/way_unclassified.svg" type="way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Jalan (yang belum disurvey)"/> <label text="Jalan di mana jenisnya tidak diketahui" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="road" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="off" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,metal,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="under Construction" icon="presets/landuse/construction.svg" type="way"> <label text="Edit Highway Under Construction" /> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="construction" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="off" /> <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <check key="lit" text="Lit" default="off" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="paved,unpaved,asphalt,concrete,metal,wood,paving_stones,cobblestone,gravel,pebblestone,compacted,grass_paver,grass,sand,ground" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> <item name="Road Restrictions / Pembatas Jalan" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/restrictions.svg" type="node,way"> <link href="" da.href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" sv.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Road Restrictions / Pembatas Jalan" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="off" /> <check key="toll" text="Toll" default="off" /> <check key="noexit" text="No exit (cul-de-sac)" default="off" /> <label text="Transport mode restrictions" /> <combo key="access" text="General Access" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="foot" text="Foot" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" match="key" /> <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" match="key" /> <label text="Vehicles per type" /> <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" match="key" /> <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="goods" text="Light Commercial Vehicles (goods)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> <combo key="hgv" text="Heavy Goods Vehicles (hgv)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" match="key" /> </item> <separator/> <item name="Bundaran kecil (Titik)" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/mini_roundabout_left.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="highway" value="mini_roundabout" /> </item> <item name="Bundaran besar (Garis)" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/roundabout_right.svg" type="closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" es.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ro.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Bundaran besar (tagging hanya bisa untuk garis)" /> <space /> <key key="junction" value="roundabout" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="on" /> <!--<check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" /> <check key="cutting" text="Cutting" default="off" /> <check key="embankment" text="Embankment" default="off" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" /> <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" /> --> </optional> </item> <item name="Jembatan" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg" type="node,way"> <link href="" de.href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" uk.href="" /> <label text="Edit Jembatan" /> <space /> <combo key="bridge" text="Bridge" values="yes,viaduct,swing,aqueduct" match="key!" default="yes" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="1" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <text key="maxweight" text="Max. weight (tonnes)" /> <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Gerbang Jalan" type="node"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Gerbang Jalan"/> <label text="Gerbang Masuk / Representatif yang sering di Masuk Lingkunganm BTN dll..."/> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="entrance" /> <key key="entrance:type_idn" value="gerbang_jalan" /> <key key="access" value="yes" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <!-- <item name="Tunnel" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg" type="way"> <label text="Edit Tunnel"/> <link href="" de.href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <space /> <key key="tunnel" value="yes" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="-1" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" /> <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" /> </optional> </item> --> <item name="Ford/sungai crossing" icon="presets/vehicle/ford.svg" type="node,way"> <link href="" /> <label text="Tempat penyeberangan yang terletak di sungai" /> <label text="Ford adalah tempat menyeberang sungai yang tidak memerlukan/ada jembatan" /> <space /> <key key="ford" value="yes" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> </group> <!-- Streets --> <group name="Waypoints" icon="presets/vehicle/waypoints.svg"> <!-- <item name="Motorway Junction" icon="presets/motorway_exit.png" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" es.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Motorway Junction" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="motorway_junction" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="ref" text="Number" /> <text key="exit_to" text="Exit to" /> </item> <item name="Services" icon="presets/vehicle/services.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Service Station" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="services" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Rest Area" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/parking.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" ru.href="" sv.href="" /> <label text="Edit Rest Area" /> <space /> <key key="highway" value="rest_area" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" default="off" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Emergency Phone" icon="presets/service/telephone.svg" type="node"> <link href="" /> <key key="amenity" value="emergency_phone" /> </item> <separator/> <item name="Stop" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/stop.svg" type="node"> <key key="highway" value="stop" /> </item> <item name="Mini-roundabout" icon="presets/roundabout_left.png" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="highway" value="mini_roundabout" /> <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="clockwise" /> </item> --> <item name="Traffic Signal" icon="presets/vehicle/traffic_signals.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="highway" value="traffic_signals" /> </item> <item name="Pedestrian Crossing" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Crossing" /> <key key="highway" value="crossing" /> </item> <!-- <item name="Traffic Calming" icon="presets/chicane.png" type="node"> <link href="" fi.href="" fr.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href=""/> <label text="Edit Traffic Calming" /> <combo key="traffic_calming" text="Type" values="yes,bump,chicane,choker,cushion,hump,table" /> </item> <item name="Passing Place" icon="presets/vehicle/passing_place.svg" type="node"> <link href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href=""/> <label text="Edit Passing Place" /> <key key="highway" value="passing_place" /> </item> <item name="Turning Circle" icon="presets/vehicle/turning_circle.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="highway" value="turning_circle" /> </item> <item name="City Limit" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/city_limit.svg" type="node"> <link href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit City Limit Sign" /> <space /> <key key="traffic_sign" value="city_limit" /> <space /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="alt_name" text="Second Name" /> </item> <item name="Speed Camera" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/speed_camera.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="highway" value="speed_camera" /> </item> <separator/> <item name="Grit Bin" icon="presets/misc/grit_bin.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <key key="amenity" value="grit_bin" /> </item> <separator/> --> <item name="Mountain Pass / Puncak" icon="presets/landmark/mountain_pass.svg" type="node"> <link href="" it.href=""/> <label text="Edit Mountain Pass" /> <space /> <key key="mountain_pass" value="yes" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="ele" text="ketinggian (m)" /> </optional> </item> </group> <!-- Waypoints --> <!-- <group name="Barriers" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg"> --> <!-- *** node barriers *** --> <!-- <item name="Bollard" icon="presets/barrier/bollard.svg" type="node,way"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" nl.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Bollard" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="bollard" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- bollard --> <!-- <item name="Cycle Barrier" icon="presets/barrier/cycle_barrier.svg" type="node"> <link href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="cycle_barrier" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- cycle_barrier --> <!-- <item name="Block" icon="presets/block.png" type="node,way,closedway"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- block --> <!-- <item name="Cattle Grid" icon="presets/cattle_grid.png" type="node"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Cattle Grid" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="cattle_grid" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- cattle_grid --> <!-- <item name="Bus Trap" type="node"> <key key="barrier" value="bus_trap" /> </item> --><!-- bus_trap --> <!-- <item name="Spikes" type="node"> <label text="Edit Spikes" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="spikes" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- spikes --> <!-- <item name="Toll Booth" icon="presets/barrier/toll_station.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" it.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" zh-hans.href="" /> <label text="Edit Toll Booth" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="toll_booth" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> </optional> </item> --><!-- toll_booth --> <!--<item name="Border Control" icon="presets/barrier/douane.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Border Control" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="border_control" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- border_control --> <!--<separator/>--> <!-- *** linear barriers *** --> <!--<item name="Hedge" icon="presets/barrier/hedge.svg" type="way,closedway,relation"> <link href="" de.href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" nl.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="hedge" /> </item> --><!-- hedge --> <!--<item name="Fence" icon="presets/barrier/fence.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" it.href="" ja.href="" nl.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="fence" /> <optional> <combo key="fence_type" text="Type" values="barbed_wire,chain,electric,hedge,pole,split_rail,wood" /> </optional> </item> --><!-- fence --> <!--<item name="Wall" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <key key="barrier" value="wall" /> </item> --><!-- wall --> <!--<item name="City Wall" icon="presets/barrier/city_wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="city_wall" /> </item> --><!-- city_wall --> <!--<item name="Retaining Wall" icon="presets/barrier/retaining_wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="retaining_wall" /> </item> --><!-- retaining_wall --> <!--<item name="Ditch" type="way"> <link href="" /> <key key="barrier" value="ditch" /> <optional> <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" /> </optional> </item> --><!-- ditch --> <!--<separator/>--> <!-- *** access *** --> <!--<item name="Entrance" icon="presets/barrier/entrance.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Entrance" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="entrance" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- entrance --> <!--<item name="Gate" icon="presets/barrier/gate.svg" type="node"> <link href="" fr.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item>--> <!-- gate --> <!--<item name="Lift Gate" icon="presets/barrier/lift_gate.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Lift Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="lift_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- lift_gate --> <!--<item name="Hampshire Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Hampshire Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="hampshire_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- hampshire_gate --> <!--<item name="Bump Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Bump Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="bump_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- bump_gate --> <!--<item name="Kissing Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Kissing Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="kissing_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" /> </item> --> <!-- kissing_gate --> <!--<item name="Stile" icon="presets/stile.png" type="node"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Stile" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="stile" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- stile --> <!--<item name="Turnstile" icon="presets/barrier/turnstile.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Turnstile" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="turnstile" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- turnstile --> <!--<item name="Sally Port" icon="presets/barrier/sally_port.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Sally Port" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="sally_port" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" /> </item> --><!-- sally_port --> <!--</group> --><!-- Barriers --> </group> <!-- End Group Jalan Raya --> <!-- Start Group Air --> <group name="Access SM Air / Water" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg"> <group name="Air" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg"> <separator/> <item name="Sungai (Garis)" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Sungai (Garis)" /> <label text="Sungai adalah perairan yang cukup besar sehingga orang tidak bisa melompatinya" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="river" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="intermittent" text="Sungai adalah intermittend - tidak selalu ada air" default="off" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Sungai kecil" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_stream.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Sungai kecil" /> <label text="Sungai kecil adalah perairan alami yang bisa dilompati orang." /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="stream" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <check key="intermittent" text="Sungai adalah intermittend - tidak selalu ada air" default="off" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Saluran Irigasi Primer" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Saluran Irigasi Primer" /> <label text="Kanal Primer adalah Sungai irigasi primer" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="canal" /> <key key="canal:type_idn" value="irigasi_primer"/> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Saluran Irigasi Sekunder" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Saluran Irigasi Sekunder" /> <label text="Kanal Sekunder adalah Sungai irigasi sekunder" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="canal" /> <key key="canal:type_idn" value="irigasi_sekunder"/> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Saluran Irigasi Tersier" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" type="way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Saluran Irigasi Tersier" /> <label text="Kanal Tersier adalah Sungai irigasi tersier" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="ditch" /> <key key="ditch:type_idn" value="irigasi_tersier"/> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <!-- <item name="Drain" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_drain.svg" type="way"> <link href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" ru.href="" /> <label text="Edit Drain" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="drain" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" /> </item> --> <separator/> <item name="Mata Air" icon="presets/landmark/spring.svg" type="node"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Mata Air" /> <label text="tempat dimana ada sumber air baik yang berada di dalam tanah, goa, sungai, dll" /> <key key="natural" value="spring" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <check key="spring:broncapture" text="Mata air dipakai untuk sistem leding air minum / dibroncaptured" default="off" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Air Terjun" icon="presets/nautical/waterfall.svg" type="node,way"> <label text="Edit Air Terjun" /> <label text="aliran air melewati jeram hingga air jatuh bebas ke dasar sungai, lereng, lembah" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="waterfall" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <optional> <text key="height" text="Ketinggian Jatuh Air di Air Terjun (m)"/> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Embung" icon="presets/nautical/weir.svg" type="node,way"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Embung"/> <label text="Waduk berukuran kecil di lahan pertanian, digunakan sebagai sumber irigasi suplementer."/> <label text="Dibangun untuk menampung kelebihan air hujan disaat musim penghujan." /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="weir" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Bendungan" icon="presets/nautical/dam.svg" type="node,way,closedway"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Bendungan"/> <label text="Bangunan penahan atau penimbun air "/> <label text="untuk irigasi, mikrodydro, pengairan pertanian, dll" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="dam" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Groyne" icon="presets/nautical/groyne.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <label text="Pemecah gelombang sambung pantai - Bangunan yang dibuat sejajar pantai dan terletak pada garis pantai"/> <label text="Dibangun untuk perlindungan perairan pelabuhan. " /> <space /> <key key="man_made" value="groyne" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Breakwater" icon="presets/nautical/groyne.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href=""/> <label text="Pemecah gelombang lepas pantai - Bangunan yang dibuat sejajar pantai dan berada pada jarak tertentu dari garis pantai"/> <label text="Dibangun untuk perlindungan pantai dari erosi " /> <space /> <key key="man_made" value="breakwater" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> <!-- <item name="Basin" icon="presets/landuse/basin.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <label text="Jenis perairan yang merupakan nama lain dari daerah aliran sungai" /> <label text="Daerah aliran sungai ini biasa merupakan perairan dari hulu sampai ke hilir" /> <space /> <key key="landuse" value="basin" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> </item>--> <item name="Reservoir" icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href="" ru.href="" /> <label text=" merupakan Tempat/Daerah/Wadah untuk menampung.... atau bisa juga disebut Danau buatan"/> <space /> <key key="landuse" value="reservoir" /> <!-- maybe also key="water" value="reservoir"??? --> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="intermittent" text="Reservoir adalah intermittend - tidak selalu ada air" default="off" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> <item name="Air (Danau) alami" icon="presets/nautical/water.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Air (Danau) alami"/> <label text="Air alami seperti Danau, ...." /> <space /> <key key="natural" value="water" /> <!-- maybe also key="water" value="river"??? --> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="intermittent" text="Danau adalah intermittend - tidak selalu ada air" default="off" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Garis Pantai" icon="presets/nautical/coast_line.svg" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Garis Pantai / Coastline" /> <key key="natural" value="coastline" /> </item> <item name="Sungai Besar (polygon)" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Sungai besar (polygon)"/> <label text="Sungai Besar (lebih dari 12m), Kalau Sungai besar tetap harus juga memetakan sungai dengan garis di tenggah. Kalau Sungai besar sekali (>12m lebar) sebaiknya digitasi polygon juga additionally" /> <space /> <key key="natural" value="water" /> <key key="water" value="river" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <check key="intermittent" text="Sungai adalah intermittend - tidak selalu ada air" default="off" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> <item name="Rawa" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Rawa" /> <label text="Tanah yang rendah umumnya di daerah pantai dan digenangi air" /> <label text="biasanya banyak terdapat tumbuhan air seperti: mangrove, dll"/> <space /> <key key="natural" value="wetland" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <combo key="wetland" text="Type" values="swamp,bog,marsh,reedbed,saltmarsh,tidalflat,mangrove" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Pantai" icon="presets/nautical/beach.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Pantai" /> <label text="Tepi laut atau Pesisir" /> <label text="Perbatasan daratan dengan laut"/> <space /> <key key="natural" value="beach" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Teluk" icon="presets/nautical/bay.svg" type="node,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Teluk" /> <label text="Bagian laut yang menjorok ke darat" /> <space /> <key key="natural" value="bay" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Cliff/Jurang" icon="presets/misc/cliff.svg" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Jurang" /> <label text="Lembah yang curam dan sempit" /> <label text="serta curam dindingnya"/> <space /> <key key="natural" value="cliff" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> </group> <!-- Water --> <group name="Pelayaran" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg"> <item name="Pelabuhan" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Pelabuhan" /> <label text="Tempat kapal berlabuh atau bersandar" /> <label text="Tempat menaikan dan menurunkan penumpang atau barang yang memakai jasa kapal" /> <space /> <key key="amenity" value="ferry_terminal" /> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <optional> <combo key="cargo" text="Barang/Cargo" values="passengers,vehicle,passengers;vehicle" display_values="orang,kendaraan,??????" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Ferry Route" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="" /> <label text="Edit Ferry Route " /> <label text="Rute perjalanan kapal ferry untuk menaikkan dan menurunkan penumpang atau barang"/> <space /> <key key="route" value="ferry" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <separator/> <item name="Marina / Pelabuhan untuk perahu liburan, yacht, ..." icon="presets/nautical/marina.svg" type="node,closedway"> <label text="Edit Marina" /> <label text="Pelabuhan khusus yang disediakan untuk kapal pesiar"/> <label text="Biasanya dilengkapi dengan prasarana yang dibutuhkan seperti air tawar dan telekomunikasi"/> <space /> <key key="leisure" value="marina" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <optional> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <item name="Tembok Laut" icon="presets/nautical/pier.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href=""/> <label text="Edit Tembok Laut"/> <label text="Jembatan yang mengarah ke laut - biasanya dipakai untuk rekreasi" /> <space /> <key key="man_made" value="pier" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Nama" /> <text key="description" text="Catatan" /> </optional> </item> <!-- <item name="Lock Gate" icon="presets/nautical/lock_gate.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" ja.href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <key key="waterway" value="lock_gate" /> </item> <item name="Turning Point" icon="presets/nautical/turning.svg" type="node"> <link href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <key key="waterway" value="turning_point" /> </item> <separator/> <item name="Slipway" icon="presets/nautical/slipway.svg" type="node"> <link href="" de.href="" fi.href="" pt.href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <label text="Edit Slipway" /> <key key="leisure" value="slipway" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> </item> <item name="Boatyard" icon="presets/nautical/boatyard.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <label text="Edit Boatyard" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="boatyard" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> </item> <item name="Dock" icon="presets/nautical/boatyard.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href="" de.href="" pt_BR.href="" /> <label text="Edit Dock" /> <space /> <key key="waterway" value="dock" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> </item>--> </group> <!-- Shipping --> </group> <!-- End Group Air --> </presets> }}}
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