
Version 103 (modified by Christof Dallermassl <cdaller.hw@…>, 18 years ago) ( diff )


Plugins for JOSM

This is a list of all plugins available via the in JOSM integrated plugin manager. If you wrote a plugin and like JOSM to find it, add your site to the list. The link in the first column should point to a direct download of the jar file and should be named exact like the plugin (without the .jar).

Column version should contain a version number if and only if the plugins manifest contain the attribute 'Plugin-Version' matching the version number string on this site.

Note: You should put a link to a plugin, which only works with the latest release (JOSM 1.5 as of July the 12th 2007) here

colorschemeChristof DallermasslAllows the user to create different color schemes and to switch between them. Just change the colors and create a new scheme. Used to switch to a white background with matching colors for better visibility in bright sunlight. Dialog is in JOSM's preferences on tab 'Map settings' (strange but true).
geotaggedRob NeildImport exif geotagged images
lang-deSven AndersTranslations of JOSM into german
lang-en_GBBruce CowanTranslations of JOSM into british english
lang-frFrederic BonifasTranslations of JOSM into french
lang-roOvidiu ConstantinTranslations of JOSM into romanian
livegpsFrederik RammSupports live GPS input ("moving dot") through a connection to "gpsd"
mappaintNick Whitelegg/Ulf LampingYou'll need JOSM from September 3 or later, for older JOSM versions use released mappaint version here! An alternative render for the map with colouring, line thickness, icons after tags. More info (like setup of your own rendering style) at
measurementRaphael MackProvides a dialog which displays the angle and length of selected segments
namefinderFrederik RammAllows input of place names in JOSM download dialog0.9
nearclickImi/David EarlSimulates a click when you do a small and short drag. This is useful for tablet pens orslippery mice, when you have problems just clicking the tablet without the mouse moving (general Java - tablet problem).
osmarender80nDisplays the current screen as nicely rendered SVG in FireFox. Activate with new menu item View/Osmarender. You need to have FireFox installed and set the Firefox executable under Preferences/MapSettings.4
plastic_lafImiThe Plastic look and feel from
slippymapFrederik RammDisplays a slippy map grid in JOSM. Can load tiles from slippy map as background. Alpha version||||
surveyorChristof DallermasslAdd nodes/waypoints at the current gps position. More info at . This plugin heavily depends on livegps plugin||1.3.2
tagging-preset-testerImiAdds a tagging preset tester to the help menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well.
tways-0.2Thomas WalraetMass wayfication of segments. It creates one way per "segment chain", ie segments that follow each others with the same alignment and no intersection.
UtilsPluginMartijn van OosterhoutSeveral utilities I made to make my life easier: Merge Points, Join Point and Segment, Merge Ways, Way Deduplicator. Also prototype JosmLint (checks for problems with map while editting.)
validatorFrancisco R. SantosData validator. It checks for problems in data, and provides fixes for the common ones. Spellcheck integrated for tag names. More info at
wmspluginDisplay background images from any WMS source. Also supports using Metacarta's Map Rectifier ( to display warped WMS images
ywmsFrancisco R. SantosYahoo WMS server. This plugin acts as a WMS server for Yahoo imagery4034


Open the JOSM preferences on tab "Plugins". Then click on the button "Get more plugins". Finally, enable all plugins you want to install. If JOSM complain it can't download a plugin, please fix the link on this page's table (should point to a downloadable jar file) or report the problem to the plugin author.

You can install plugins manually by putting the .jar files in a plugins directory under the Josm directory. Under windows, this is in C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\JOSM\plugins. Then restart Josm and the plugins should show up.

Want to create plugins? Go here: DevelopingPlugins

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.