
Version 1 (modified by DiGro, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Revision parameter missing. Current base revision is 38


In het venster Voorkeuren bestaan meerdere hoofdgroepen:

source:trunk/images/preferences/display.pngBeeldscherminstellingen Verschillende instellingen die de visuele representatie van het gehele programma beïnvloeden.
source:trunk/images/preferences/connection.pngVerbindingsinstellingen configureeer de API URL van de server van OSM, hoe te authenticeren en of een proxy moet worden gebruikt
source:trunk/images/preferences/map.pngKaartinstellingen Instellingen voor de kaartprojectie en interpretatie van gegevens
source:trunk/images/preferences/audio.pngAudio Settings Settings for the audio player and audio markers
source:trunk/images/preferences/plugin.pngPlugins Configure available plugins and plugin update policy
source:trunk/images/preferences/toolbar.pngToolbar Customization Customize the elements on the toolbar.
source:trunk/images/preferences/shortcuts.pngShortcuts Preferences configure keyboard shortcuts manually
source:trunk/images/preferences/validator.pngValidator Settings Setting for validator and list of checks it runs
source:trunk/images/preferences/remotecontrol.pngRemote Control Settings for the remote control feature
source:trunk/images/preferences/imagery.png Imagery Preferences Modify the list of imagery sources displayed in the imagery menu, imagery settings and list of offset bookmarks
source:trunk/images/preferences/advanced.pngAdvanced Preferences Setting preferences entries directly. Use with caution !

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