
Version 73 (modified by kellerma, 13 years ago) ( diff )

revert #71: Auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch von Geoimage

Imagery sources

This wiki page provides imagery sources for JOSM. You can add more WMS and TMS servers to the list below, but make sure, they can be used for OpenStreetMap.

List of services (editable)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

        <name>Open Aerial Map</name>

    <!--different forms for web access-->

        <name>Bing Sat</name>
        <!-- url is used as identifier, so put something here -->

    <!--Tile based access-->

        <name>MapQuest Open Aerial</name>

        <name>OpenStreetMap (Mapnik)</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>OpenStreetMap (Mapnik Black &amp; White)</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>MapQuest OSM</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

    <!--ODBL map has zoom 1-4, but the tiles are empty-->
        <name>ODBL coverage</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

    <!--only for Europe-->

        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>German Style</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

    <!--only for Germany-->

        <name>Streets NRW</name>

        <name>Hike &amp; Bike</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>Sorbische Karte</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>Deutsche Karte</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

        <name>OpenPT Map</name>
        <bounds min-lat='45.7' min-lon='5.9' max-lat='55.0' max-lon='17.3'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</attribution-text>

    <!--only for Bavaria in Germany-->
        <name>Bayern (2 m)</name>

    <!--only for Austria-->
        <name> MaxRes</name>
        <bounds min-lat='46.0872' min-lon='9.35676' max-lat='49.2092' max-lon='17.3099'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'></attribution-text>

    <!--only for North America-->

    <!--Terraserver USCG - High resolution maps-->
        <name>MSR Maps Topo</name>
        <name>MSR Maps Urban</name>

    <!--only for Czech Republic-->

        <name>Czech CUZK:KM</name>

        <name>Czech UHUL:ORTOFOTO</name>

    <!--only for GB-->

        <name>NPE Maps</name>

        <name>NPE Maps (Tim)</name>

        <name>7th Series (OS7)</name>

    <!--only for Japan-->

        <name>MLIT Japan (ORTHO)</name>

        <name>MLIT Japan (ORTHO01)</name>

        <name>MLIT Japan (ORTHO02)</name>

        <name>MLIT Japan (ORTHO03)</name>

    <!--only for Italy-->

        <name>Lodi - Italy</name>

        <name>Sicily - Italy</name>

        <name>PCN 2006 - Italy</name>

    <!--only for France-->

        <name>CRAIG - Auvergne 30 cm</name>
        <bounds min-lat='44.604' min-lon='2.045' max-lat='46.822' max-lon='4.507'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Orthophotographie CRAIG/TopoGEODIS 2009-2010</attribution-text>
        <name>CRAIG - Moulins 15 cm</name>
        <bounds min-lat='46.375' min-lon='3.114' max-lat='46.727' max-lon='3.583'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Orthophotographie CRAIG/TopoGEODIS 2009</attribution-text>
        <name>CRAIG - Montluçon 15 cm</name>
        <bounds min-lat='46.227' min-lon='2.402' max-lat='46.423' max-lon='2.665'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Orthophotographie CRAIG/TopoGEODIS 2009</attribution-text>
        <name>CRAIG - Vichy 15 cm</name>
        <bounds min-lat='45.997' min-lon='3.249' max-lat='46.260' max-lon='3.569'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Orthophotographie CRAIG/TopoGEODIS 2009</attribution-text>
        <name>CRAIG - Le Puy 15 cm</name>
        <bounds min-lat='44.866' min-lon='3.615' max-lat='45.145' max-lon='4.063'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Orthophotographie CRAIG/TopoGEODIS 2010</attribution-text>
        <name>Géolittoral - Ortophotos 2000</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Ortho littorale 2000</attribution-text>
        <name>Géolittoral - Sentiers</name>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Ortho littorale 2000</attribution-text>

    <!--only for Spain-->

        <name>PNOA Spain</name>
        <eula mandatory='true'><![CDATA[]]></eula>

    <!--only for Estonia-->

        <name>Estonia Basemap (Maaamet)</name>

        <name>Estonia Ortho (Maaamet)</name>

        <name>Estonia Multi (Maaamet)</name>

    <!--only for Denmark-->

        <name>Fugro (Denmark)</name>
        <bounds min-lat='54.46819' min-lon='8.01887' max-lat='57.8229' max-lon='15.30992'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Fugro Aerial Mapping</attribution-text>

        <name>Stevns (Denmark)</name>
        <bounds min-lat='55.23403' min-lon='12.09144' max-lat='55.43647' max-lon='12.47712'/>
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>Stevns Kommune</attribution-text>

    <!--only for Phillipines-->

        <name>Pangasinan (Phillipines HiRes)</name>

    <!--only for Russia-->

        <name>ScanEx IRS</name>
        <!-- url is used as identifier, so put something here -->
        <attribution-text mandatory='true'>IRS</attribution-text>

    <!--only for South Africa-->

        <name>South Africa Topo (OOC)</name>
        <bounds min-lat='-35' min-lon='16.30' max-lat='-22.1' max-lon='33.15'/>


General properties: (name, type and url are mandatory.)

Property Description
name The name of the imagery source
type The type. Can be tms, wms and html. In addition, there are the special types bing and scanex with hardcoded behaviour.
url The URL of the service. Can contain templates, e.g. {zoom} will be replaced by the current zoom level (see below). The list of services is a XML document, so the '&' character is represented by '&amp;'. Alternatively, the URL can be wrapped in a <![CDATA[...]]> section.
bounds The area of use, e.g. <bounds min-lat='45.7' min-lon='5.9' max-lat='55.0' max-lon='17.3'/>
eula A link to an EULA text that has to be accepted by the user, before the imagery source is added.
attribution-text The attribution text to be shown all the time on the map.
attribution-url A link that is opened, when the user clicks on the attribution text
terms-of-use-url A link that is opened, when the user clicks on the terms-of-use text
country-code The ISO 3166 country code

Tile Map Services (TMS)

Properties specific to Tile Map Service:

Property Description
min-zoom The minimum zoom level
max-zoom The maximum zoom level. For higher scales, the images of the maximum level is enlarged.

For TMS you can specify tile URL template. Following patterns are supported:

  • {zoom} is replaced by tile zoom level
  • {x} is replaced by X-coordinate of the tile
  • {y} is replaced by Y-coordinate of the tile
  • {!y} is replaced by 2zoom - 1 - Y (Yahoo style Y coordinate)
  • {switch:...} is replaced by a random selection from the given comma separated list, f.e. {switch:a,b,c} or {switch:1,2,3,4}

Web Map Services (WMS)

URLs of these services must be designed to append arguments directly behind. So the they should either end with ? or &. Following arguments are added

  • width
  • height
  • bbox
  • srs - projection method - is only added when no srs is given already (In this case the projection is checked and an error is issued when they mismatch).

If more specific URL design is needed, then patterns are supported as well. If patterns are found no other arguments are added:

  • {proj} is replaced by projection. Also {proj(...)} is supported, where ... is a list of comma separated EPSG codes to allow checking valid projections.
  • {bbox} is replaced by bounding box using projected coordinates
  • {width} is requested display width
  • {height} is requested display height
  • {w},{s},{n},{e} are replaced by corresponding coordinates

Pseudo-WMS services

Pseudo-WMS service are specified by 'html:' prefix. Essentially they are equal to WMS services, but instead of a real WMS a HTML script does the image creation. The resulting file is then downloaded by an image grabber. This method was mainly developed to support Yahoo which requires usage of the Yahoo API for image retrieval.

Other information

JOSM uses this URL to fetch the imagery sources. The URL can be customized in the advanced preferences (key imagery.layers.sites).

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.