Changes between Version 585 and Version 586 of Maps

2020-11-06T22:40:02+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • Maps

    v585 v586  
    1818|| '''type''' || The type. Can be {{{tms}}}, {{{wmts}}}, {{{wms}}} and {{{wms_endpoint}}}. If {{{wms_endpoint}}} is used then the user can choose one of the provided wms layers when adding the entry as background. In addition, there are the special types {{{bing}}} and {{{scanex}}} with hardcoded behaviour. ||
    1919|| '''url''' || The URL of the service. Can contain templates, e.g.{{{ {zoom} }}} will be replaced by the current zoom level (see below). The list of services is a XML document, so if the URL contains a `&` character, the URL must be wrapped in `<![CDATA[...]]>`. (Technically alternatively the `&` character could be replaced by `&amp;` but that makes comparing urls harder and is therefore strongly discouraged.) ||
     20|| '''custom-http-headers''' || HTTP headers to be sent to server (replacement of {header(''header'', ''value'')}). It has two attributes {{{header-name}}} and {{{header-value}}}. Might be specified multiple times. ||
    2021|| '''default''' || If set to "true", the entry is in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Imagery users list] by default. (Only josm wiki administrators can change default entries.) ||
    2122|| '''date''' || Creation date of imagery in form YYYY-MM-DD;YYYY-MM-DD. DD and MM as well as a second date are optional. a single "-" marks an unknown or open timespan. Examples **2015** or **2015;2016** or **2015-10;2016-01** or **2015;-**. The date is displayed in JOSM in the mouse over tool tip in the imagery preferences, the Imagery menu and in the toolbar. ||
    4748Attributes are included directly within the `<entry>` property, e.g. `<entry eli-best="true">``.
     50When {header(''header'',''value'')} is included in the URL, this part is stripped and send as HTTP header to the server. (Deprecated, use `custom-http-headers` instead.)
    4952=== Tile Map Services (TMS) ===
    6770 * {-y} is replaced by 2^zoom^ - 1 - Y (OSGeo Tile Map Service Specification style Y coordinate)
    6871 * {switch:...} is replaced by a random selection from the given comma separated list, e.g. {switch:a,b,c} or {switch:1,2,3,4}. This allows several simultaneous HTTP connections by splitting the download to several subdomains which makes the tile download faster.
    69  * When {header(''header'',''value'')} is included in URL, this part is stripped and send as HTTP header to the server
    7072 * {apikey} is replaced by the JOSM custom API Key for the given id, if defined on the JOSM web server
    7981|| '''projections''' || A list of supported projections (inside {{{<code>}}} tags) ||
    8082|| '''code''' || A projection name, part of its parent {{{<projections>}}}, e.g {{{<code>EPSG:4326</code>}}} ||
    81 || '''custom-http-headers''' || HTTP headers to be sent to server (replacement of {header(''header'', ''value'')}). It has two attributes {{{header-name}}} and {{{header-value}}}. Might be specified multiple times. ||
    8283|| '''default-layers''' || default layer to open (when using WMS_ENDPOINT type). Contains list of {{{layer}}} tag with two attributes - {{{name}}} and {{{style}}}, e.g. {{{<default-layers><layer name="Basisdata_NP_Basiskart_JanMayen_WMTS_25829" style="default" /></default-layers>}}} (not allowed in {{{<mirror>}}} tag) ||
    8384|| '''format''' || format to use when connecting tile server (when using WMS_ENDPOINT type) ||
    9495 * {w},{s},{n},{e} are replaced by corresponding coordinates
    9596 * {wkid} is replaced by projection "well known id", i.e. {proj} with "EPSG:" string stripped of
    96  * When {header(''header'',''value'')} is included in URL, this part is stripped and send as HTTP header to the server
    9898To find out all the needed parameters of a WMS open the GetCapabilities URL. It usually looks like this `http://...service=wms&request=getcapabilities`
    106106|| '''projections''' || A list of supported projections (inside {{{<code>}}} tags) ||
    107107|| '''code''' || A projection name, part of its parent {{{<projections>}}}, e.g {{{<code>EPSG:4326</code>}}} (see also projection hints in the WMS section above) ||
    108 || '''custom-http-headers''' || HTTP headers to be sent to server (replacement of {header(''header'', ''value'')}). It has two attributes {{{header-name}}} and {{{header-value}}}. Might be specified multiple times. ||
    109108|| '''default-layers''' || default layer to open (when using WMS_ENDPOINT type). Contains list of {{{layer}}} tag with three attributes - {{{name}}}, {{{style}}} and {{{tile-matrix-set}}}, e.g. {{{<default-layers><layer name="Basisdata_NP_Basiskart_JanMayen_WMTS_25829" style="default" tile-matrix-set="default028mm" /></default-layers>}}} (not allowed in {{{<mirror>}}} tag) ||
    112111For WMTS you specify the URL to the GetCapabilities document. JOSM will fetch the document and interpret all the data there. If there is more than one layer within one service, JOSM will ask the user, which tile he wants to work with. Multiple styles are not yet supported.
    113  * When {header(''header'',''value'')} is included in URL, this part is stripped and sent as HTTP header to the server
    115113=== Other important information ===