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5361 | | <name>CT ECO Orthoimagery 3 inch (2016)</name> |
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5376 | | <date>2016-03-12;2016-04-16</date> |
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5380 | | <attribution-url>https://cteco.uconn.edu/data/imagery/index.htm</attribution-url> |
5381 | | <description lang="en">The 2016 3-inch 4-band orthoimagery for the State of Connecticut in natural color</description> |
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| 5385 | <privacy-policy-url>https://uconn.edu/disclaimers-privacy-copyright/</privacy-policy-url> |
| 5386 | <attribution-text mandatory='false'>Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online</attribution-text> |
| 5387 | <attribution-url>https://cteco.uconn.edu/data/imagery/index.htm</attribution-url> |
| 5388 | <description lang="en">The 2016 3-inch spring orthoimagery for the State of Connecticut in natural color</description> |
| 5389 | <icon>https://cteco.uconn.edu/images/logos/cteco-logo.png</icon> |
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