[[TranslatedPages(revision=26,outdated=Translation is incomplete)]] [[PageOutline(2-10,目次)]] = ツール > 直交した形状 = [[JOSMImage(ortho)]] ''ショートカットキー:'' **{{{Q}}}** **全ての角が90度か180度になるようにノードを配置します。** 一つ以上のウェイを選択すると全ての角が90度か180度になるように変形されます。 [[JOSMImage(misc/error,20,middle)]] **Be careful when using this feature e.g. on buildings. A lot of buildings are indeed not orthogonal in reality.** == Simple use case == Select each way separately or several ways together and hit `Q`. This will orthogonalize each single way on its own. Ways with min. 2 sharing nodes which were selected together were orthogonalized together too. [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:q-simple.gif)]] == Using two nodes for alignment == You can select two additional nodes. Then segments will be aligned in accordance with these nodes. [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:q-align.gif)]] == Complex buildings == * temporarily split buildings with {{{P}}} [wikitr:/Help/Action/SplitWay Split Way] * orthogonalize portions of a building as usual * reconnect parts back with {{{C}}} [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay Combine Ways] [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:split-q-then-combine.gif)]] == Undo moves of selected nodes == Select nodes you want to undo, then press {{{Shift+Q}}} and selected nodes will be placed back to origin. [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:shift-q.gif)]] == Orthogonalization is not Rotation == Before (note small extrusion, multiple times smaller than other part): [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:Orthogonalization is not Rotation - before - cropped.png,nolink)]] After Orthogonalization ([https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/getting-started/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/AutoCAD-Core/files/GUID-9810D35D-E975-49E2-88EA-51FE4ACC92DB-htm.html dimensions]/length is not preserved): [[Image(wiki:Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape:Orthogonalization is not Rotation - after - cropped.png,nolink)]] For rotation see [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select#Rotate Rotate]. ---- [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Tools ツールメニュー]に戻る[[Br]] [wikitr:/Help ヘルプ]に戻る