Changes between Version 136 and Version 147 of Introduction

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Introduction

    v136 v147  
    45== Introduction to JOSM ==
    56=== JOSM Terminology ===
    77 [[JOSMImage(data/node,middle,inline,link=)]] Node:: A node is a point.
    99 [[JOSMImage(data/way,middle,inline,link=)]] Way:: A way is a line connecting multiple nodes. Way, therefore, is a general term for series of joined nodes, not just for roads or ways in reality.
    11  [[JOSMImage(data/relation,middle,inline,link=)]] Relation:: A relation is an ordered sequence of ways and nodes, a logical container used to group elements. Only [ 1% of the data] is modeled using relations.
     11 [[JOSMImage(data/relation,middle,inline,link=)]] Relation:: A relation is an ordered sequence of ways and nodes, a logical container used to group elements. Only [taginfo:reports/database_statistics 1% of the data] is modeled using relations.
    1313 [[JOSMImage(data/closedway,middle,inline,link=)]] Area:: An area is a way whose ends are connected.
    15  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,middle,16,inline,link=)]] Tag:: Tags describe what each node, way or relation represents. Tags are organized into "keys" and "values." Keys are basically larger categories, such as "Highway" or "Land Use," while values are specific features, such as "Primary Road" or "Residential Street," and "Residential" or "Retail" land use.
     15 [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,middle,16,inline,link=)]] Tag:: Tags describe what each node, way or relation represents. Tags are pairs of key and value. Keys are basically larger categories, such as "Highway" or "Land Use," while values are specific features, such as "Primary Road" or "Residential Street," and "Residential" or "Retail" land use. For example `highway=residential` is pair of key `highway` and value `residential` and represents a residential street.
    17 If a road, track or path is curved, the curve is approximated using a number of nodes within a way, and short lines connecting them. If a way has a direction, that is indicated partly by using tags. For example, "oneway=yes" is a road that goes only in one direction. Other tags refer to being on the left and right of the direction of way along the way.
     17If a road, track or path is curved, the curve is approximated using a number of nodes within a way, and short lines connecting them. If a way has a direction, that is indicated partly by using tags. For example, "oneway=yes" is a road that goes only in one direction. Other tags refer to being on the left and right of the direction of way along the way (ie. Coastline).
    1920== Launch JOSM ==
    20 JOSM is a Java program, can be run from the [wikitr:/Download#Recommendedoptions Download page].
     21JOSM is a Java program, can be obtained from the [wikitr:/Download#Recommendedoptions Download page] which contains download links and link to further help.
     23If you don't know how to start it, ask someone familiar with your platform or [osmwiki:Contact_channels other OSM mappers] how to run a Java program.
    2226== Your first edit with JOSM ==
    2427=== Welcome screen ===
    2628When JOSM starts, it presents you with a few messages about recent changes in JOSM. You should have a look at this page from time to time as it keeps you informed on some of the more interesting changes.
    28 === Downloading ===
    30 The next step is to download some data. You can practice using JOSM by downloading your neighborhood or locality you know or just recently visited.
     30=== Downloading ===#Downloading
     31The next step is to download some data. You can practice using JOSM by downloading your neighborhood or locality you know or just recently visited.
    3233==== OSM data ====
    34 Next, add data for that area from main server, click at: [[JOSMImage(download,middle,20,link=)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download from OSM] ({{{Ctrl+Shift+↓}}}).
     34Next, add data for that area from main server, click at: [[JOSMImage(download,middle,20,link=)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download from OSM] (`Ctrl+Shift+↓`).
    38 ''The Download window will be displayed which contains a map of the world. You need to select a small area for your edit, not the entire globe (thus you will see the "Download area too large" message).
     38The Download window will be displayed which contains a map of the world. You need to select a small area for your edit, not the entire globe (thus you will see the "Download area too large" message).
    40 ''To move around the map and select the specific area you want to download, there are several tools: 
    41 * ''Click with the right mouse button to drag the map
    42 * ''Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out
    43 * ''Click with the left mouse button and move the mouse to define an area.
     40To move around the map and select the specific area you want to download, there are several tools:
     41* Click with the right mouse button to drag the map
     42* Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out
     43* Click with the left mouse button and move the mouse to define an area.
    45 ''After the "Download area too large" error disappeared and you selected a region, click "Download" to fetch the data from the main server.''
     45After the "Download area too large" error disappeared and you selected a region, click "Download" to fetch the data from the main server.
    4747=== Enable Aerial imagery ===#EnableAerialimagery
    4948For most places on earth there is at least one imagery available. You can pick one from the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Imagery Imagery menu] at the top of the editor. Bing and Mapbox are popular, but there may be more recent resources for your locality. Note that all local imagery resources, which are available for the region you are currently working, are displayed in the lower part of the Imagery menu.
    5150Imageries may have different levels of detail and clarity in different places, so it is often worth checking different imageries. Simply select one of them from the imagery menu and you're ready to go.
    53 Mapbox-only: you can [ request a better imagery for the region of your interest] ([ announcement in 2014-04-11 by Eric Gundersen])
    5956=== Editing in JOSM ===
    61 JOSM is an offline editor which means everything you do won't be visible for anyone else until you upload it to the server. This makes it possible to experiment and repeatedly moving, tagging, adding and deleting elements without breaking anything. Subsequent actions on a single element will go into the database as a single modification when uploaded.
     57JOSM is an offline editor which means everything you do won't be visible for anyone else until you upload it to the server. This makes it possible to experiment with moving, tagging, adding and deleting elements repeatedly without breaking anything. Subsequent actions on a single element will go into the database as a single modification when uploaded.
    6359=== Adding a Node or a Way ===
    64 The first step of actual editing is to [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw add a node] or way to the OSM data. You can add standalone nodes or you can add nodes to ways, especially where there is a [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw#Commonnodeswithanotherway junction between two ways].
     60The first step of actual editing is to [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw add a node or way] to the OSM data. You can add standalone nodes or you can add nodes to ways, especially where there is a [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw#Commonnodeswithanotherway junction between two ways].
    66 To add a node, activate "Draw Nodes" [wikitr:Help/EditToolbar#Workingmodes mode], ''either by clicking the [[JOSMImage(mapmode/node/autonode,20,middle,link=)]] button in the left menu bar, or by hitting the "A" key on the keyboard (the button should then be highlighted)''.
     62To add a node, activate "Draw Nodes" [wikitr:/Help/EditToolbar#Workingmodes mode], ''either by clicking the [[JOSMImage(mapmode/node/autonode,20,middle,link=)]] button in the left menu bar, or by hitting the "A" key on the keyboard (the button should then be highlighted)''.
    6864Then move the mouse cursor over where you want the node, over a way or over your GPS track (if you uploaded one) and left click wherever you want to place the node. A red dot (a selected node) should appear and a rubber-line spans from that node to the mouse cursor. If you create subsequent nodes, the earlier nodes will be shown as yellow nodes.
    7268=== Adding Tags ===#AddingTags
    73 Ways or nodes on their own are not of much use unless they are ''[wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tagged]'' to say what they represent. The [osmwiki:Map_Features Map Features] page shows some popular tags, this page will never be complete about all tags.
     69Ways or nodes on their own are not of much use unless they are ''[wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tagged]'' to say what they represent. The [osmwiki:Map_Features Map Features] page shows some popular tags, but this page will never be complete about all tags.
    7571The first step in adding tags is to be sure the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership Tags/Membership window] is open on the right hand side of JOSM. ''The [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,20,middle,link=)]] button on the left should be highlighted. If it is not highlighted, click on it or hit `Alt+Shift+P`''.
    77 You will see three buttons: [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add,20,middle,link=)]] '''Add''', [[JOSMImage(dialogs/edit,20,middle,link=)]]'''Edit''' and [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,20,middle,link=)]]'''Delete'''.
     73You will see three buttons: [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add,20,middle,link=)]]**Add**, [[JOSMImage(dialogs/edit,20,middle,link=)]]**Edit** and [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,20,middle,link=)]]**Delete**.
    79 To edit the properties of a node or way (such as adding a tag) in the Tags/Membership window, the way or node must be selected. 
    80 1. ''Enter [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select mode] by clicking on [[JOSMImage(mapmode/move/move,20,middle,link=)]] of the left-hand icons or by hitting the {{{S}}} key.''
    81 1. ''Highlight the way or point you wish to select. Click the [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add,20,middle,link=)]]'''Add''' button.''
     75To edit the properties of a node or way (such as adding a tag) in the Tags/Membership window, the way or node must be selected.
     761. ''Enter [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select mode] by clicking on [[JOSMImage(mapmode/move/move,20,middle,link=)]] of the left-hand icons or by hitting the `S` key.''
     771. ''Highlight the way or node you wish to select, then click the [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add,20,middle,link=)]]**Add** button.''
    82781. ''A [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/AddValue dialog box] will appear, and you will be asked to select a key and a value for each tag. Type in the key/value pair that represents the tag you are creating. For example, for the key you might type "amenity" and for the value "fountain" (without quotes).''
    83 1. ''Click OK. You have now tagged your way. You can add several tags to one object.
    84 ''
    85 [[Image(poi-restourant.gif,left,link=)]]
     791. ''Click OK. You have now tagged your way. You can add several tags to one object.''
    88 [[br]][[br]][[br]]
    9083=== Presets ===#Presets
    9284Instead of adding tags manually you can also use [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#presets Presets].
    9486All presets can be found:
    95 1. at the [wikitr:/Help/Menu main menu] (shown on the left below)
     871. at the [wikitr:/Help/Menu main menu] (shown below on the left)
    96881. at the [wikitr:/Help/MainToolbar main toolbar] (no picture below)
    97 1. with the {{{F3}}} shortcut (pop-up menu shown below on the right)
     891. at the pop-up menu with the `F3` shortcut (shown below on the right)
    102 Presets for [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList#Selection currently selected object(s)] are displayed above the tags for the current object (displayed in [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership Tags/Memberships window]):
     94Presets for the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList#Selection currently selected object(s)] are displayed above the tags in the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership Tags/Memberships window]:
    10698=== Left mouse click on respective preset heading will open complete preset view ===#Leftmouseclickonrespectivepresetheadingwillopencompletepresetview
    108 [[Image(single-preset-shown-in-context-of-tagsmemberships-single-object.png,nolink)]]
    110102=== Uploading to OSM ===#UploadingtoOSM
    112103If you are happy with all that you have done then you must upload your work to the OSM server. Click on the [[JOSMImage(upload,20,middle,link=)]] button.
    114 This will automatically trigger a [wikitr:/Help/Validator validation] of your changes. Review all validation warnings and try to resolve them before you upload. This will prevent unfortunate mistakes such as un-tagged objects or unconnected roads. Note that validator warnings can also be wrong in seldom special cases.
     105This will automatically trigger a [wikitr:/Help/Validator validation] of your changes. Review all validation warnings and try to resolve them before you upload. This will prevent unfortunate mistakes such as un-tagged objects or unconnected roads. Note that validator warnings can also be wrong in rare special cases.
    116107Before you upload, add a proper changeset comment and specify which source you used. This is important as it will show other users who see your changesets what this changeset was intended to modify and from where you took the information.
    118109[[Image(uploading data.gif,link=)]]
    120 ''JOSM will give you an overview of the elements that it is about to upload. You will be asked to provide a short text summary and the source of your edits. This description will be saved with your data on the server and provides information, for example, for the [osmwww:history Recent Changes list].''
     111''JOSM will give you an overview of the elements that it is about to upload. You will be asked to provide a short text summary and the source of your edits. This description will be saved with your data on the server and provides information for the [osmwww:history Recent Changes list], for example.''
    122113If you need more details or have questions about upload process, it is precisely covered at [wikitr:/Help/Action/Upload Upload data].
    124116== Thank you! ==
     117Thanks for contributing to the OSM database. For more information see our [wikitr:/Help help page] or simply press `F1` over buttons or any interface element within JOSM. This will directly lead you to the respective help page.
    126 Thanks for contributing to the OSM database. For more information see our [wikitr:/Help help page] or simply press {{{F1}}} over buttons or any interface element within JOSM. This will directly lead you to the respective help page.
    128120== What's next ==
    130121=== Results of your job ===
    132122* Your changes will appear at the [osmwww:#layers= "Standard" layer] probably within a few minutes.
    133 * Data in your routing software, maps and other services: will be updated per each service (from minutes to days, weeks and months)
     123* Data in your routing software, maps and other services will be updated per each service (from minutes to days, weeks and months)
    135125=== Tell your friends ===
    137 * Tell your friends how easy it is to update data and how your changes get displayed quickly. Truck drivers, couriers, photographers, bikers, journalists, fisherman and simply runners with GPS are always welcome in OSM.
    138 * Precise and actual information may affect how you make decisions in your life. The more people who are active in the project - the faster the data gets updated. And while [ a few contributors] can be called as "active" at a given point in time. Every small change advances OSM to a complete and actual state.
     126* Tell your friends how easy it is to update data and how your changes get displayed quickly. Truck drivers, couriers, photographers, bikers, journalists, fishermen and simply runners with GPS are always welcome in OSM.
     127* Precise and actual information may affect how you make decisions in your life. The more people who are active in the project, the faster the data gets updated. And while only [ a few contributors] can be called as "active" at a given point in time. Every small change advances OSM to a complete and actual state.
    139128* OSM data may be viewed as clocks: without an arrow you wouldn't know minutes. It often gets outdated - simply refresh it. When clocks stop we wind them up again.
    140129* OpenStreetMap is about the whole planet in the same way how your clock about the current time.
    142132= External links =
    143 * [ Mapping with OpenStreetMap] with animations by Mapbox team covers mostly the same topics.
    144133* [ Your first steps with JOSM - the Java OpenStreetMap editor] 09/02/2016 by Ramya Ragupathy at Mapbox blog
    146136= See also =
    147137* [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object Objects in OSM data model]
    150141Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]