== Release == The latest release is JOSM 1.5. Get it at: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/josm-1.5.jar. The hotlink to the always latest release is http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/josm.jar == Nightly Builds == You can always grab the latest nightly build - version from http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/josm-latest.jar. It is usually pretty stable too. == Getting the Source == JOSM is available under GPL, and so of course you can get the sources and compile, modify or redistribute it by yourself. You can grab the sources via [http://subversion.tigris.org subversion] svn co http://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk josm Or you can inspect single files over the web frontend at http://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn. == Compiling == === Using ant === The easiest way to compile JOSM provided Java on your machine is properly set up is to go to the josm directory and type: {{{ ant }}} That will create a `dist/josm-custom.jar` file if successful. === Using eclipse === Use eclipse and the provided `.project` and `.classpath` file. Just add a new Java Project using the JOSM source folder as existing path. === Using javac === You can also build josm without ant or eclipse. To do so, change into the `src/` folder and call `javac` on the file `org/openstreetmap/josm/Main` with all libs from `../lib/*.jar` in your classpath (you have to specify all subsequent). If running linux, be sure to have your `JAVA_HOME` set. As example, this could look like: {{{ $ cd ~/src $ svn co http://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn josm ''tons of output here'' $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0 $ cd josm/src $ javac -cp .:../lib/MinML2.jar:../lib/metadata-extractor-2.3.1.jar:../lib/gettext-common-0.9.jar org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/MainApplication.java }}} == Running == === Microsoft Windows === Double clicking on the jar file. If this does not help, you probably need to install [http://java.sun.com Java] If you want to be able to handle more points in JOSM you can create a shortcut like the following example: {{{ C:\WINNT\system32\java.exe -jar -Xmx512M "C:\PATH-TO-JOSM\josm-latest.jar" }}} === Linux / *BSD === '''using the shell''':: Go to the directory where the josm-latest.jar is and type {{{ #!sh java -jar josm-latest.jar }}} to launch. Replace `''josm-latest.jar''` with the name of the jar file you loaded, e.G. `josm.jar` for releases. If this don't help, try to set you JAVA_HOME variable to the java location (the root location, not the bin. As example: {{{ #!sh export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/sun-j2se5.0-jdk java -jar ''josm.jar'' }}} '''KDE''':: There is a [http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/tutorials/setting_up_kde.avi tutorial] on how to setup your environment to start jar-files by clicking on them. '''GNOME''':: Right click on the JAR file, and select __O__pen with "Sun Java 5.0 Runtime", or whatever java version you have. '''XGL/Compiz''':: Type this into a shell: {{{ #!sh export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit && java -jar josm-test.jar }}} as described here: http://kubasik.net/blog/index.php/2006/06/19/java-sun-150-and-xglcompiz-on-ubuntu/ === MacOS === 1.) If you have downloaded "josm-latest.jar" you can start JOSM by clicking on the josm-latest.jar file in the MacOS Finder (you might get the warning that you are about to open a file from the internet - just accept). This way to start JOSM should be sufficient in most cases. 2.) However, if you need to start it up with additional Java parameter(s) (e.g. -Xmx512M) you can also use the MacOS "Terminal" and start JOSM (Java) manually: Start the "Terminal" application (e.g. by typing "Terminal" into the Spotlight search) Now you have two options: a.) type in the following command and press "Enter" to start JOSM without any special java options (simply starts up JOSM like under point 1): {{{ java -jar FOLDER/josm-latest.jar }}} Whereas "FOLDER" should be replaced by the name of the folder you have josm-latest.jar downloaded to. If you have downloaded it to the standard MacOS "Download" Folder it would look like: {{{ java -jar Download/josm-latest.jar }}} b.) to use additional java options just add them right after "java" If you for example have experienced the "Out of memory" warning (e.g. trying to load geo-tagged photos to JOSM) you would start JOSM like this: {{{ java -Xmx256M -jar FOLDER/josm-latest.jar }}} This would allow JOSM to use up to 256 MB of RAM (memory). The java option "-Xmx256M" set's the maximum Java heap size to 265 MB. You are free to replace -Xmx256M by any number appropriate for your system (e.g. -Xmx512M or even -Xmx1024M). By the way. To get an overview of all Java start options you can type in: {{{ java -help }}} {{{ #!html

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