Type | Text
minor name difference
Ignore | * Name differs ('OS 1:25k historic (OSM)' != 'OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited)'): https://ooc.openstreetmap.org/os1/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Ignore | * Name differs ('NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland), 1892-1905' != 'NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905'): https://geo.nls.uk/mapdata2/os/25_inch/scotland_1/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenStreetMap GPS traces' != 'OpenStreetMap GPS Traces'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.gps-tile.openstreetmap.org/lines/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Czech CUZK:KM tiles proxy' != 'Czech CUZK:KM'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}.zby.cz/tiles_cuzk.php/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2014/15 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm'): https://wms.zh.ch/OGDOrthoZH?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&STYLES=&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortho_s_14&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr 2015/16 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm'): https://wms.zh.ch/OGDOrthoZH?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&STYLES=&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortho_w_15&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2018 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm'): https://wms.zh.ch/OGDOrthoZH?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&LAYERS=ortho&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Terrainschummerung 50cm' != 'Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 50cm'): https://wms.zh.ch/OGDLidarZH?FORMAT=image/jpeg&STYLES=&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=dtm2014hillshade&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Oberflächenschummerung 50cm' != 'Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 50cm'): https://wms.zh.ch/OGDLidarZH?FORMAT=image/jpeg&STYLES=&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=dom2014hillshade&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Estonia Hillshading (Maaamet)' != 'Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet)'): https://kaart.maaamet.ee/wms/alus-geo?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=reljeef&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (Standard)' != 'OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard)'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('NLSC General Map with Contour line' != 'Taiwan e-Map Open Data (with Contour Line)'): https://wmts.nlsc.gov.tw/wmts/EMAP5_OPENDATA/default/EPSG:3857/{zoom}/{y}/{x }
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2016' != 'URBIS 2016 aerial imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=Urbis:Ortho2016&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2017' != 'URBIS 2017 aerial imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=Urbis:Ortho2017&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2018' != 'URBIS 2018 aerial imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=Urbis:Ortho2018&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2019' != 'URBIS 2019 aerial imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=Urbis:Ortho2019&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('IPR ortofoto LAST (tmsproxy)' != 'Praha IPR latest orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}.zby.cz/tiles_ipr_last.php/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Ignore | * Name differs ('IPR ortofoto Low-Vegetation (tmsproxy)' != 'Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}.zby.cz/tiles_ipr_vege.php/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Ignore | * Name differs ('Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd ortophoto 2017' != 'Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017'): http://wms.openstreetmap.hu/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/Soskut-Tarnok-Pusztazamor-Diosd/mercator/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Thunderforest OpenCycleMap' != 'OpenCycleMap'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=7bd5ed2197cf4da29fa26de0ba6530cc
Ignore | * Name differs ('Lithuania - NŽT ORT10LT' != 'ORT10LT (Lithuania)'): https://ort10lt.openmap.lt/g16/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
Ignore | * Name differs ('Latest available ortho geoportail.lu' != 'geoportail.lu ortho latest'): https://{switch:wmts1,wmts2}.geoportail.lu/opendata/wmts/ortho_latest/GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR_4_V3/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbisAdm FR' != 'URBISfr numerical imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=urbisFR&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('UrbisAdm NL' != 'URBISnl numerical imagery'): https://geoservices-urbis.irisnet.be/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=urbisNL&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Bordeaux 2016' != 'Bordeaux - 2016'): https://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/bordeaux_2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kartverket Road Network' != 'Kartverket Road Network overlay'): https://openwms.statkart.no/skwms1/wms.vegnett?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=all&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network options' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay)'): https://geo-baninfo.trafikverket.se/mapservice/wms.axd/BanInfo?service=wms&request=getCapabilities
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Street Names' != 'Trafikverket Street Names (overlay)'): https://mapproxy.openstreetmap.se/tiles/1.0.0/nvdb_names/EPSG3857/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay)'): https://geo-baninfo.trafikverket.se/mapservice/wms.axd/BanInfo?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Spar_Huvud_och_sidospar&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network' != 'Trafikverket Road Network (overlay)'): https://geo-netinfo.trafikverket.se/mapservice/wms.axd/NetInfo?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Vagtrafiknat,Funkvagklass,Farjeled&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network options' != 'Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay)'): https://geo-netinfo.trafikverket.se/mapservice/wms.axd/NetInfo?service=wms&request=getCapabilities
Ignore | * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network extra' != 'Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay)'): https://geo-netinfo.trafikverket.se/mapservice/wms.axd/NetInfo?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Vagnummer,Vaghinder,Rastplats,Rastficka,Hallplats,Farthinder,BroTunnel,ATK_Matplats&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('FTA Road Network options' != 'FTIA Road Network options (overlay)'): https://julkinen.vayla.fi/inspirepalvelu/wms?service=wms&request=getCapabilities
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (HOT Style)' != 'HDM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2014' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2014'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2014/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2016' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2016'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2017' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2017'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2017/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2018' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2018'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2018/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2016 (infrared)' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2016 (infrared)'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2016i/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2011' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2011'): https://fbinter.stadt-berlin.de/fb/wms/senstadt/k_luftbild2011_20?LAYERS=0&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/png&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Berlin aerial photography 2015' != 'Berlin aerial photograph 2015'): https://tiles.codefor.de/berlin-2015/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Lantmäteriet Economic Map 1950–1980' != 'Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1980'): https://mapproxy.openstreetmap.se/tms/1.0.0/ek_EPSG3857/{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpeg
Ignore | * Name differs ('OSIP 1ft Imagery Most Current Available' != 'Ohio Statewide Imagery Program, 1ft'): https://geo1.oit.ohio.gov/arcgis/services/OSIP/osip_best_avail_1ft/ImageServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('OSIP 6in Imagery Most Current Available' != 'Ohio Statewide Imagery Program, 6in'): https://geo1.oit.ohio.gov/arcgis/services/OSIP/OSIP_6in_best_avail/ImageServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Terrainmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief'): https://www.geoservice.apps.be.ch/geoservice2/services/a42geo/a42geo_hoehenwms_d_fk/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=GEODB.LDTM50CM_LTRELIEF_STANDARD&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Oberflaechenmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief'): https://www.geoservice.apps.be.ch/geoservice2/services/a42geo/a42geo_hoehenwms_d_fk/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=GEODB.LDOM50CM_LORELIEF_STANDARD&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('eox.at 2018 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018'): https://tiles.maps.eox.at?LAYERS=s2cloudless-2018_3857&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('2017 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town' != 'City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial'): https://citymaps.capetown.gov.za/agsext1/rest/services/Aerial_Photography_Cached/AP_2017_Jan/MapServer/WMTS/
Ignore | * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Jun 2019' != 'ACTmapi Imagery June 2019'): https://data.actmapi.act.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/actmapi/imagery201906mga/ImageServer/exportImage?f=image&format=jpeg&imageSR=3857&bboxSR=3857&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj }
Ignore | * Name differs ('City of Turku ortophoto' != 'Turku orthophoto'): https://opaskartta.turku.fi/TeklaOGCWeb/WMS.ashx?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Ilmakuva&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap Maxspeeds' != 'OpenRailwayMap - MaxSpeed'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/maxspeed/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap Signalling' != 'OpenRailwayMap - Signals'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/signals/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap' != 'OpenRailwayMap - Default'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/standard/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stuttgart Luftbild Stadtmessungsamt 2017' != 'Stuttgart latest aerial imagery'): https://gis5.stuttgart.de/arcgis/services/1_Base/WMS_Luftbilder_aktuell/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Bayonne 2016' != 'Bayonne - 2016'): https://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/bayonne_2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y }
Ignore | * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Jan 2020' != 'ACTmapi Imagery January 2020'): https://data.actmapi.act.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/actmapi/imagery202001mga/ImageServer/exportImage?f=image&format=jpeg&imageSR=3857&bboxSR=3857&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2018 (8cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2018'): https://download.data.grandlyon.com/wms/grandlyon?LAYERS=Ortho2018_Dalle_unique_8cm_CC46&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2015 (8cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018'): https://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/lyon/{zoom}/{x}/{y }
minor description difference
Ignore | * Description differs ('Norwegian road network from the National Road database (NVDB). Colours represent national, county, municipal, private and forest roads + footways/cycleways.' != 'Norwegian road network from the National Road database (NVDB), also used in Vbase and Elveg. Colours represent national, county, municipal, private and forest roads + footways/cycleways.'): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Scan of "Economic maps" ca. 1950–1980' != 'Scan of ´Economic maps´ ca. 1950-1980'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1980 [osmse-ekonomiska]
English and non-English names and description (translation system in ELI is opt-in and currently available only for a limited number of layers, mostly global layers)
Ignore | * Name differs ('Erlangen Luftbild (2016 5,0 cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2016 5.0 cm)'): https://osm.rrze.fau.de/protected/YgktSWTTo6HS9nKi/lbe2016/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Ignore | * Name differs ('Erlangen Luftbild (2018 5,0 cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2018 5.0 cm)'): https://osm.rrze.fau.de/protected/YgktSWTTo6HS9nKi/lbe2018/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
Ignore | * Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (turistautak)' != 'OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)'): https://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.openstreetmap.hu/tt/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE Distrito Federal' != 'IBGE Federal District addresses'): https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tiles.mapbox.com/styles/v1/wille/cirnnxni1000jg8nfppc8g7pm/tiles/256/{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoid2lsbGUiLCJhIjoicFNVWk5VWSJ9.hluCd0YGvYHNlFi_utWe2g
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Villa' != 'IBGE-BC250 Villages'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Vila_P&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Trecho Rodoviario' != 'IBGE-BC250 Highways stretches'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Trecho_Rodoviario_L&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Unidade de Uso Sistentável - APA' != 'IBGE-BC250 Units of Sustainable Use - APA'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Unidade_Uso_Sustentavel_A&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Pista de Pouso' != 'IBGE-BC250 Landing strip'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Pista_Ponto_Pouso_L&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BCIM-Estações Geradora de Energia Elétrica' != 'IBGE-BCIM Stations for Electrical Power Generation'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BCIM_Est_Gerad_Energia_Eletrica_P&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Rios Drenagem' != 'IBGE-BC250 River drains'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Trecho_Drenagem_L&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BCIM-Município' != 'IBGE-BCIM Municipalities'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BCIM_Municipio_A&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Aglomerado Rural Isolado' != 'IBGE-BC250 Isolated Rural Location'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Aglomerado_Rural_Isolado_P&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Terra Indigena' != 'IBGE-BC250 Indigenous Lands'): https://geoservicos.ibge.gov.br/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=CCAR:BC250_Terra_Indigena_A&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
Ignore | * Name differs ('Nomes de Ruas IBGE Salvador-BA' != 'IBGE Salvador street names'): https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/wille/cj8lp78dn62wl2rquim47qo0g/tiles/256/{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoid2lsbGUiLCJhIjoicFNVWk5VWSJ9.hluCd0YGvYHNlFi_utWe2g
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE Mapa de Setores Urbanos' != 'IBGE Map of urban areas'): https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/tmpsantos.hgda0m6h/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Name differs ('IBGE Mapa de Setores Rurais' != 'IBGE Map of rural areas'): https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/tmpsantos.i00mo1kj/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
Ignore | * Description differs ('Routes du réseau classé (autoroutes, nationales, départementales)' != 'Routes of the classified network (highways, nationals, departmentals)'): [FR] Route 500 [route500]
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Orthofoto2017 RGB' != 'Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017'): https://ows-raster.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/orthofoto2017?LAYERS=Orthofoto2017_RGB&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Basisplan-AV' != 'Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying'): https://ows.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/basisplanf?LAYERS=Basisplan_farbig&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau Relief DTM' != 'Canton Thurgau relief DTM'): https://ows-raster.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/reliefschattierung?LAYERS=DTMRelief&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Wanderwege' != 'Canton Thurgau hiking paths'): https://ows.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/wanderwege?LAYERS=Wanderwege&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Rad-Routen' != 'Canton Thurgau cycle routes'): https://ows.geo.tg.ch/geofy_access_proxy/radwege?LAYERS=Radwege&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Description differs ('Digitale Repräsentation des Geländes' != 'Digital representation of the terrain'): [CH] Canton Thurgau relief DTM [kt_tg_dtm_hillshade]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Basisplan-AV des Kantons Thurgau farbig & schwarzweiss mit Liegenschaften, Nomenklatur, Landes-, Kantons- und Gemeindegrenzen, Einzelobjekten, Bodenbedeckung, Strassennamen, Höhenkurven und Geländemodell' != 'Base plan cadastral surveying of the canton Thurgau coloured & black & white with properties, nomenclature, national, cantonal and municipal boundaries, individual objects, land cover, road names, contour lines and terrain model'): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Langsamverkehr: Verlauf der Wanderwege mit symbolischer Darstellung der Wegweiser, Unterführungen, Treppen und Brücken. Informationen über die Wegoberfläche und Rollstuhlgängigkeit.' != 'Slow traffic: the course of the hiking trails with symbolic representations of signposts, underpasses, stairs and bridges. Information about the path surface and wheelchair accessibility.'): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Langsamverkehr: Radweg-Netz (Routen) signalisiert durch Wegweiser' != 'Slow traffic: cycle path network (routes) indicated by signposts'): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
Ignore | * Name differs ('Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2016' != 'Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016'): https://geoportal.frankfurt.de/opendata/luftbild-2016.exe?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=luftbild_10m,luftbild_1m,luftbild_20cm,luftbild_2m,luftbild_50cm,luftbild_5m&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2017' != 'Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017'): https://geoportal.frankfurt.de/opendata/luftbild-2017.exe?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=wms_opendata_luftbilder_2017&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Orthophoto 1st cycle (1994-1999) - Latvia' != 'Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle (1994-1999)'): https://services.lgia.gov.lv/arcfree/services/Ortofoto_v1/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stadt St. Gallen' != 'City of St. Gallen'): https://map.stadt.sg.ch/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=d:data/wms_op_stadt_sg.map&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=OP_SG&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Schaffhausen, Luftbild 2013' != 'Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013'): https://wms.geo.sh.ch/raster?LAYERS=Luftbild_2013&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Schaffhausen, Relief 2013' != 'Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013'): https://wms.geo.sh.ch/raster?LAYERS=Relief_2013&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, DOM Relief 2014 50cm' != 'Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm'): https://geo.so.ch/api/wms?LAYERS=ch.so.agi.lidar_2014.dom_relief&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Übersichtsplan' != 'City of Zürich Overview map (Steets, buildings, house numbers)'): https://mapproxy.osm.ch/tiles/zh_uebersichtsplan/EPSG900913/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Stadtplan' != 'City of Zürich base map'): https://mapproxy.osm.ch/tiles/zh_stadtplan/EPSG900913/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2015 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB'): https://geo.so.ch/api/wms?LAYERS=ch.so.agi.orthofoto_2015.rgb&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2017 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB'): https://geo.so.ch/api/wms?LAYERS=ch.so.agi.orthofoto_2017_rgb&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2014 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB'): https://geo.so.ch/api/wms?LAYERS=ch.so.agi.orthofoto_2014.rgb&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2016 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB'): https://geo.so.ch/api/wms?LAYERS=ch.so.agi.orthofoto_2016_rgb&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2014 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014)'): https://ge.ch/sitgags2/services/RASTER/MNA_RELIEF_SURFACE/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=0&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE TERRAIN 2014 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014)'): https://ge.ch/sitgags2/services/RASTER/MNA_RELIEF_TERRAIN/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=0&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2018 (20cm) (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018)'): https://ge.ch/sitgags2/services/RASTER/ORTHOPHOTOS_2018/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=0&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011' != 'City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011'): https://mapproxy.osm.ch/tiles/zh_luftbild2011/EPSG900913/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
Ignore | * Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2013' != 'City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013'): https://www.ogd.stadt-zuerich.ch/wms/geoportal/Orthofoto_Stadt_Zuerich_2013?LAYERS=OP_2013_STZH.tif&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Description differs ('Ausdehnung: ganzer Kanton Aufloesung: 10cm per Pixel Bildflug: 1.4.2011' != 'Expansion: whole canton Resolution: 10cm per pixel Photo flight: 2011-04-01'): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Digitale Orthophotos für das gesamte Berliner Stadtgebiet mit einer Bodenauflösung von 0,20 m im Blattschnitt 2 km x 2 km.' != 'Digital orthophotos for the entire Berlin city area with a ground resolution of 0.20 m in a sheet section of 2 km x 2 km.'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2011 [Berlin-2011]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Orthofoto fuer den Nordteil des Kantons Zug. Geflogen am 20.04.2016. 10cm Aufloesung per Pixel. Abdeckung: Gemeinden Cham, Steinhausen und Baar, sowie Teile von Zug Befliegung vor Laubaustrieb, ohne Schneeabdeckung.' != 'Orthophoto for the northern part of the canton Zug. Flown on 20.04.2016. 10cm resolution per pixel. Coverage: Communities of Cham, Steinhausen and Baar, as well as parts of Zug.'): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Orthofoto fuer den Suedteil der Gemeinde Zug. Geflogen per Drohne an mehreren Tagen Anfangs April 2018. 10cm Aufloesung per Pixel. Abdeckung: Suedteil der Gemeinde Zug Befliegung vor Laubaustrieb, ohne Schneeabdeckung.' != 'Orthophoto for the southern part of the municipality of Zug. Flown by drone on several days in early April 2018. 10cm resolution per pixel. Coverage: Southern part of the community of Zug. Flying before leaves grow, without snow cover.'): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
Ignore | * Description differs ('Réseau hydrographique: cours et plans d'eau et POI' != 'Hydrographic network: courses and water features and POIs'): [FR] BD Carthage [route500hydro]
Ignore | * Name differs ('Kanton Zug (Walchwil und Zug (Alpli)) 2019' != 'Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019'): https://services.geo.zg.ch/ows/Orthofotos?LAYERS=zg.orthofoto_2019_kt_zg&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2016 (5cm) (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016)'): https://ge.ch/sitgags2/services/RASTER/ORTHOPHOTOS_2016/MapServer/WMSServer?LAYERS=0&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
Ignore | * Name differs ('FTIA Road Networkk' != 'FTIA Road Network (overlay)'): https://julkinen.vayla.fi/inspirepalvelu/wms?LAYERS=digiroad:dr_tielinkki_toim_lk&STYLES=digiroad:DR_Tielinkki_toiminnallinen_luokka_2018&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
josm has entry for wms_endpoint and ELI some of its layers
Ignore | - [LU] Basemap geoportail.lu [lu.geoportail.opendata.basemap]
Ignore | - [LU] Cadastre geoportail.lu [lu.geoportail.opendata.cadastre]
Ignore | - [LU] Ortho 2018 geoportail.lu [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho2018]
Ignore | - [LU] Ortho 2017 geoportail.lu [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho2017]
Ignore | - [LU] Topographical Map geoportail.lu [lu.geoportail.opendata.topo]
Ignore | + [AT] VoGIS: Höhen und Gelände [vogis.cnv.at-hoehen_und_gelaende_wms]
Ignore | - [AT] VoGIS: DGM (Terrain model) [vogis.cnv.at-DGM]
Ignore | - [AT] VoGIS: DOM (Surface model) [vogis.cnv.at-DOM]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Addresses [OSM_Inspector-Addresses]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Area [OSM_Inspector-Multipolygon]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Geometry [OSM_Inspector-Geometry]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Highways [OSM_Inspector-Highways]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Places [OSM_Inspector-Places]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Routing [OSM_Inspector-Routing]
Ignore | - OSM Inspector: Tagging [OSM_Inspector-Tagging]
Ignore | - [NO] Kartverket Hiking Trails [kartverket-friluft]
with and without mapbox access_token, see #14070
Ignore | * URL for id IBGE_Setores_Rurais differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/tmpsantos.i00mo1kj/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [BR] IBGE Map of rural areas [IBGE_Setores_Rurais]
Ignore | * URL for id IBGE_Setores_Urbanos differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/tmpsantos.hgda0m6h/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [BR] IBGE Map of urban areas [IBGE_Setores_Urbanos]
Different default entries
Ignore | - Missing JOSM default: Locator Overlay [mapbox_locator_overlay]
URL in attribution instead of license and has no finishing slash
Ignore | - Missing JOSM license URL (http://siglon.londrina.pr.gov.br): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
minor icon differences, partly disabled for now due to ELI change and r13961
skip Ignore | * Different icons: [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
skip Ignore | * Different icons: Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
skip Ignore | * Different icons: Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
Ignore | * Different icons: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
Ignore | * Different icons: [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
for low resolutions more recognizable icon version in JOSM
Ignore | * Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017_mirror1]
Ignore | * Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018_mirror1]
Ignore | * Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2015 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2015_mirror1]
Ignore | * Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
Ignore | * Different icons: [AT] basemap.at Overlay [basemap.at-overlay]
Ignore | * Different icons: [AT] basemap.at Orthofoto [basemap.at-orthofoto]
Ignore | * Different icons: [AT] basemap.at [basemap.at]
Ignore | * Different icons: [FI] City of Turku ortophoto - 2018 True ortho [turku-2018-true-ortho]
unnecessary description
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (The default OpenStreetMap layer.): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite and aerial imagery.): Mapbox Satellite [Mapbox]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite and aerial imagery.): Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Esri world imagery.): Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2017 [GeoPortal_DF_2017]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2018 [GeoPortal_DF_2018]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Digitales multispektrales Orthofotomosaik des Kantons Thurgau): [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (aerial imagery of Frankfurt am Main, photographed on 2016-05-06): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (aerial imagery of Frankfurt am Main, photographed on 11.06.2017 and 06.07.2017): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Orthofoto für das Gebiet von Walchwil und Zug (Alpli). Die Befliegung für das genannte Orthofoto fand am 29. März 2019 statt.): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Orthophotographie 2018 de la Métropole de Lyon): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (Aktuelle Digitale Orthophotos des LFRZ aus gemeinsamen Befliegungen mit den Landesregierungen): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
Attribution text differs
Ignore | * Attribution text differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011' != 'Stadt Zürich Open Government Data'): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
Ignore | * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano' != 'Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - OpenStreetMap contributors'): [IT] South Tyrol Topomap [sdi.provinz.bz.it-WMTS_TOPOMAP_APB-PAB]
Ignore | * Attribution text differs ('SZTE TFGT - University of Szeged' != 'Szegedi Tudományegyetem Természeti Földrajzi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék'): [HU] Szeged orthophoto 2011 [Szeged_2011]
temporary ignored until clarification, see https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/pull/203#issuecomment-302214059
Ignore | - Missing JOSM license URL (https://www.tirol.gv.at/data/datenkatalog/geographie-und-planung/gelaende-tirol): [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) [tirol.gv.at-tigris-DGM]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM license URL (https://www.tirol.gv.at/data/datenkatalog/geographie-und-planung/gelaende-tirol): [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) [tirol.gv.at-tigris-DOM]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM license URL (https://www.tirol.gv.at/data/datenkatalog/geographie-und-planung/gelaende-tirol): [AT] Tiris: contour lines [tirol.gv.at-tigris-contourlines]
No real shape possible
Ignore | - No JOSM shape: [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
different shapes for different layers of wms endpoit
Ignore | * Different number of points for shape 1 (249 ! = 30): [AT] VoGIS: Luftbilder [vogis.cnv.at-luftbilder_wms]
More simplified shape in JOSM
Ignore | * Different number of points for shape 1 (338 ! = 125): [DE] Saxony digital terrain model [GEOSN-DGM]
Ignore | * Different number of points for shape 1 (543 ! = 47): [MX] INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS) [inegi-wms]
Ignore | * Different number of points for shape 1 (534 ! = 191): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
ELI shape contains lots of water
Ignore | * Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan Land-Section Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_LANDSECT_mirror1]
Ignore | * Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan e-Map Open Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP6]
Ignore | * Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan Village Boundaries [TW_NLSC_WMS_Village_mirror1]
Ignore | * Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan e-Map Open Data (with Contour Line) [TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP5]
Ignore | * Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [AU] LPI NSW Topographic Map [LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (520 ! = 552): [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
Non-Standard EPSG codes or not enough entries
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: contour lines [tirol.gv.at-tigris-contourlines]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) [tirol.gv.at-tigris-DGM]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:2893 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6487 EPSG:6488'): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery [geodata.md.gov-MD_ThreeInchImagery]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:120100 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [US] NYS Orthos Online [orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest]
replaced by newer source in JOSM, ELI kept both, see #16161
Ignore | - [US] U.S. Forest Service roads [US_Forest_Service_roads]
projection 31463 works but is deprecated, thus not supported by JOSM
Ignore | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31463 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Hamburg (20 cm) [hamburg-20cm]
projection not supported in JOSM
Ignore | * Projections differ ('EPSG:102110 EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
Ignore | * Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:2393 EPSG:2394 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:3048 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3126 EPSG:3127 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3131 EPSG:3132 EPSG:3133 EPSG:3134 EPSG:3135 EPSG:3136 EPSG:3137 EPSG:3138 EPSG:3386 EPSG:3387 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3873 EPSG:3874 EPSG:3875 EPSG:3876 EPSG:3877 EPSG:3878 EPSG:3879 EPSG:3880 EPSG:3881 EPSG:3882 EPSG:3883 EPSG:3884 EPSG:3885 EPSG:4123 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4937 EPSG:5048' != 'EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:2393 EPSG:2394 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:3048 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3126 EPSG:3127 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3131 EPSG:3132 EPSG:3133 EPSG:3134 EPSG:3135 EPSG:3136 EPSG:3137 EPSG:3138 EPSG:3386 EPSG:3387 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3873 EPSG:3874 EPSG:3875 EPSG:3876 EPSG:3877 EPSG:3878 EPSG:3879 EPSG:3880 EPSG:3881 EPSG:3882 EPSG:3883 EPSG:3884 EPSG:3885 EPSG:4123 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5048'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
Better link in JOSM
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2011 [Berlin-2011]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2015 [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2014 [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2017 [Berlin-2017_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 (infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=367583#p367583' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal_Berlin'): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2018 [Berlin-2018]
Ignore | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.openrailwaymap.org/' != 'https://www.openrailwaymap.org/?style=signals'): OpenRailwayMap - Signals [openrailwaymap-signals]
Ignore | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.openrailwaymap.org/' != 'https://www.openrailwaymap.org/?style=maxspeed'): OpenRailwayMap - MaxSpeed [openrailwaymap-mapxspeed]
ELI restorage of original document
Ignore | * License URL differs ('https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/blob/gh-pages/sources/europe/fi/HRI_permission_07082018.pdf' != 'https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=710304#p710304'): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
minor URL differences
Ignore | * URL for id Bing differs (https://www.bing.com/maps): Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
non-working URL
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://ids.craig.fr/geocat/srv/fre/catalog.search?node=srv#/metadata/8cabc987-829c-4c9f-943b-6a0e255cd73' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_France/CRAIG'): [FR] Auvergne 2013 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2013]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://ids.craig.fr/geocat/srv/fre/catalog.search?node=srv#/metadata/e37c057b-5884-429b-8bec-5db0baef0ee' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_France/CRAIG'): [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://ids.craig.fr/geocat/srv/fre/catalog.search?node=srv#/metadata/e37c057b-5884-429b-8bec-5db0baef0ee' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_France/CRAIG'): [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016_mirror2]
no official ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in ELI, see https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/16573
Ignore | * Country code differs (XN != null): [XN] Nordic snowmobile overlay [kelkkareitit]
wms is marked best. tms is in ELI separate but not marked best. tms is in mirror of best marked wms in JOSM
Ignore | * Quality differs (null != eli-best): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
wms not working atm, see https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Maps/Australia?action=diff&version=43
Ignore | - [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2017 [ACT2017]
Ignore | - [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2018 [ACT2018]
mirror(proxy) specific description not supported ATM
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (This imagery is provided via a proxy operated by https://sosm.ch/): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror2]
Ignore | - Missing JOSM description (This imagery is provided via a proxy operated by https://sosm.ch/): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2012) [Bern-2012_mirror1]
ELI believes a perfectly working imagery from LINZ does not work. Of course it does, we check it every 6 hours.
ELI | * URL for id LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps differs (https://map.cazzaserver.com/linz_topo/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [NZ] LINZ NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps [LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps]
ELI | * URL for id LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery differs (https://map.cazzaserver.com/linz_aerial/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
JOSM has WMTS, ELI has non-working WMTS with the same id
ELI | - [ZA] 2018 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
ELI | - Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ZA] 2018 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
skip Ignore | * Name differs ('2018 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town' != 'City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial'): https://citymaps.capetown.gov.za/agsext1/rest/services/Aerial_Photography_Cached/AP_2018_Feb/MapServer/WMTS/
skip ELI | * URL for id South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018 differs (https://citymaps.capetown.gov.za/agsext1/rest/services/Aerial_Photography_Cached/AP_2018_Feb/MapServer/WMTS/tile/1.0.0/Aerial_Photography_Cached_AP_2018_Feb/default/default028mm/{zoom}/{x}/{y}): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
skip ELI | * Description differs ('City of Cape Town Aerial ortho-photography of the municipal area. 8cm ground sample distance.' != 'City of Cape Town Aerial ortho-photography of the municipal area. 8cm ground sample distance'): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
Low zoom only, not usefull in this condition, see https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/pull/833#issuecomment-644717886
Ignore | - [CH] Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS, OpenData.swiss, Geoinformation Stadt Bern [Bern-AmtlicheVermessung]
WMS not needed in JOSM, as JOSM has WMTS and wms is partly broken, see https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/issues/845
Ignore | - [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image]
Ignore | - Quality best entry not in JOSM for [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image]
Different categories
ELI | * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines January 2017 [db-inspire-2013-11]
ELI | * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines Nov 2015 [db-inspire-2015-11]
ELI | * Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [AT] Vienna: Beschriftungen (annotations) [wien.gv.at-labels]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2015 [KTBASELSTADT2015]
ELI | * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
ELI | * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2016) [Aargau-AGIS-2016]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2017) [Aargau-AGIS-2017]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2012) [Bern-2012_mirror1]
ELI | * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2014) [Aargau-AGIS-2014]
JOSM uses another URL
Ignore | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
Ignore | * Privacy policy URL differs ('https://www.bmlrt.gv.at/datenschutzinformationen.html' != 'https://www.lfrz.gv.at/kontakt/Datenschutzhinweise.html'): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
outdated in ELI (see #16073 for some of the entries listed below)
ELI | * Different number of shapes (12 != 8): [GB] OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited) [OS-historic-25k-OSM_Limited]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (12 != 6): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 3): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [GB] OS Town Plans, Edinburgh 1940s-1960s (NLS) [NLS_edinburgh1940_1960]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Czech_Republic/freemap' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cs:WikiProjekt_%C4%8Cesko/freemap#Ortofotomapy_IPR_Praha'): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror2]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Czech_Republic/freemap' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cs:WikiProjekt_%C4%8Cesko/freemap#Ortofotomapy_IPR_Praha'): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror2]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/'): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/'): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://data.public.lu/en/datasets/carte-de-base-webservices-wms-et-wmts' != 'https://data.public.lu/en/usage/'): [LU] geoportail.lu all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (7 != 8): [DE] Bavaria (80 cm) [bavaria-80cm]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Lantmäteriet' != '© Lantmäteriet, CC0'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1980 [osmse-ekonomiska]
ELI | * Name differs ('polska.e-mapa.net: Buildings' != 'National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings'): https://integracja02.gugik.gov.pl/cgi-bin/KrajowaIntegracjaEwidencjiGruntow?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://e-mapa.net/warunki/' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal.gov.pl'): [PL] National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings [kieg-buildings]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://polska.e-mapa.net/' != 'https://geoportal.gov.pl/web/guest/regulamin'): [PL] National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings [kieg-buildings]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('polska.e-mapa.net - Geoportal otwartych danych przestrzennych' != 'Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii'): [PL] National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings [kieg-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 18): [PL] National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings [kieg-buildings]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (19 != 24): [PL] National Integration of Land Registers: Buildings [kieg-buildings]
ELI | - [AR] IGN topographical map (TMS) [ign-topografico-tms]
ELI | - [AR] IGN topographical map (WMS) [ign-topografico-wms]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018_mirror1]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (3 != 5): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery [geodata.md.gov-MD_ThreeInchImagery]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 41): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 41): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
ELI | * Description differs ('Works only from within Ukraine or with an Ukrainian proxy server.' != 'Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre), CC BY 4.0'): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
ELI | * Description differs ('Works only from within Ukraine or with an Ukrainian proxy server.' != 'Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre), CC BY 4.0'): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
ELI | * URL for id OSM_Inspector-Boundaries differs (https://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/views/boundaries/wxs?service=wms&request=getCapabilities): OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
ELI | * Name differs ('OSM Inspector: Coastline (EU)' != 'OSM Inspector: Coastline'): https://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/views/coastline/wxs?service=wms&request=getCapabilities
ELI | * Country code differs (EU != null): [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
ELI | - No JOSM shape: [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
ELI | * URL for id Mapa-Educativo-wms differs (http://www.mapaeducativo.edu.ar/geoserver/ogc/wms?SERVICE=WMS&): [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (21 != 22): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://irs.gis-lab.info' != 'https://kosmosnimki.ru/terms.html'): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://openstreetmap.fr/outils' != 'https://data.bordeaux-metropole.fr/license'): [FR] Bordeaux - 2012 [Bordeaux_2012]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/marco-legal' != 'https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/seccion/Marco%20legal'): [AR] Ministry of Agroindustry (WMS) [Agroindustria-wms]
ELI | * URL for id Agroindustria-wms differs (https://ide.agroindustria.gob.ar/geoserver/agroindustria/ows?service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=GetCapabilities): [AR] Ministry of Agroindustry (WMS) [Agroindustria-wms]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.kartverket.no/data/kartdata/vegdata/' != 'https://kartkatalog.geonorge.no/metadata/kartverket/vegnett-wms/d89437af-03ba-40c4-bc9d-c977e9787636'): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.fomi.hu' != 'http://www.ftf.bfkh.gov.hu/portal_en/index.php/services/digital-aerial-photo-archive-online-service'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2005 [FOMI_2005]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo-option]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Street Names (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-navn]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://www.acessoainformacao.es.gov.br/DER-ES' != 'https://acessoainformacao.es.gov.br/#transparencia-publica'): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/portal/de/index/ogd/nutzungsbedingungen.html' != 'https://data.stadt-zuerich.ch/dataset/geo_basiskarte_zuerich_raster'): [CH] City of Zürich base map [Zuerich-city_map]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/marco-legal' != 'https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/seccion/Marco%20legal'): [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-option]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://data.rio/about' != 'https://www.data.rio/'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2015 [rio2015]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://data.rio/about' != 'https://www.data.rio/'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2013 [rio2013]
ELI | * URL for id rio2013 differs (http://geo.rio.rj.gov.br/ArcGIS/services/Imagens/Mosaico_2013/MapServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=1&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2013 [rio2013]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://openstreetmap.fr/outils' != 'http://opendata.grandnancy.eu/conditions-dutilisation/'): [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2012 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2012]
ELI | * Name differs ('GrandNancy - Orthophoto - 2012' != 'Nancy - Orthophoto - 2012'): https://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/nancy_2012/{zoom}/{x}/{y }
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.fomi.hu' != 'http://www.ftf.bfkh.gov.hu/portal_en/index.php/services/digital-aerial-photo-archive-online-service'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2000 [FOMI_2000]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://download.kortforsyningen.dk/content/vilkaar-og-betingelser' != 'https://download.kortforsyningen.dk/content/om-kortforsyningendownload'): [DK] SDFE aerial imagery [Geodatastyrelsen_Denmark]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/marco-legal' != 'https://datos.gob.ar/acerca/seccion/Marco%20legal'): [AR] Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS) [Ministerio-de-Energia-y-Mineria-wms]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://maps.nls.uk/townplans/peterhead' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/townplans/peterhead.html'): [GB] OS Town Plans, Peterhead 1868 (NLS) [NLS_peterhead1868]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Content/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667' != 'https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/DynamicContent/ContentDetails/58e384810bb22118e8041667'): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-extra]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/actualite/la-bd-carthage-en-licence-ouverte-open-licence' != 'https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/cours-deau-metropole-2016-bd-carthage/'): [FR] BD Carthage [route500hydro]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [FR] Vercors (Réserve naturelle des Hauts-Plateaux du Vercors) - Orthophoto - 1999 - 1 m [Vercors-Orthophotos-1999]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [FR] Auvergne 2013 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://www.geoportal.segeth.df.gov.br/' != 'http://www.seduh.df.gov.br/geoportal/'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://www.geoportal.segeth.df.gov.br/' != 'http://www.seduh.df.gov.br/geoportal/'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2017 [GeoPortal_DF_2017]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.agiv.be/~/media/agiv/producten/grb/documenten/grb%20open%20data%20licentie.pdf' != 'https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/sites/default/files/media/Digitale%20overheid/GRB/GRB%20open%20data%20licentie(2)(1).pdf'): [BE] AIV Flanders GRB [AGIVFlandersGRB]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://www.geoportal.segeth.df.gov.br/' != 'http://www.seduh.df.gov.br/geoportal/'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
ELI | * URL for id NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist differs (https://geo.nls.uk/mapdata2/bartholomew/great_britain/{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
ELI | - [RU] ScanEx SPOT [ScanEx-SPOT]
ELI | - [US] Texas Orthophoto [tnris.org]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 14): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [SK] Slovakia Historic Maps [Slovakia-Historic-Maps]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (3 != 13): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM_mirror1]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (gov.si).' != 'CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (www.gov.si).'): [SI] GURS: Road lines [GURS-roads]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (gov.si).' != 'CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (www.gov.si).'): [SI] GURS: Building outlines [GURS-buildings]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (3 != 1): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
ELI | * URL for id NLS-OS-7th_Series differs (https://geo.nls.uk/mapdata2/os/seventh/{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [BR] IBGE Map of urban areas [IBGE_Setores_Urbanos]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [BR] IBGE Map of rural areas [IBGE_Setores_Rurais]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/one-inch-seventh-series/index.html'): [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://sig.se.gob.ar/geoportal' != 'http://datos.minem.gob.ar/'): [AR] Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS) [Ministerio-de-Energia-y-Mineria-wms]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/25inch-2nd-and-later/index.html'): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (13 != 14): [GB] OS Town Plans, Strathaven 1858 (NLS) [NLS_strathaven1858]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/6inch/index.html'): [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
ELI | * URL for id Chorzow-buildings differs (http://e-odgik.chorzow.eu/services/wms/wms_funkcje_bud/MapServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/png&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=3,2,1,8,7,6&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Chorzów: Buildings [Chorzow-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id debicki-buildings differs (https://debica.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki,adresy,EBU,EBT,S&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat dębicki: Buildings [debicki-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id Swietochlowice-2012 differs (https://swietochlowice.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=ortofotomapa2012&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&SRS={proj}): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2012]
ELI | * URL for id Swietochlowice-2008 differs (https://swietochlowice.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=ortofotomapa2008&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&SRS={proj}): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2008 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2008]
ELI | * URL for id Swietochlowice-2009 differs (https://swietochlowice.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=ortofotomapa2009&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&SRS={proj}): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2009 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2009]
ELI | * URL for id rzeszowski-aerial differs (https://powiatrzeszowski.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortofotomapa&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
ELI | * URL for id stalowowolski-buildings differs (https://stalowawola.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=EBT,adresy,budynki,centroidy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat stalowowolski: Buildings [stalowowolski-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id przemysl-aerial differs (http://przemysl.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortofotomapa&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
ELI | * URL for id Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings differs (https://siemianowice.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&transparent=true&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki,drogi,adresy,ulice&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Buildings [Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id przemysl-buildings differs (http://przemysl.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=adresy,budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id rzeszowski-buildings differs (https://powiatrzeszowski.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki,EBT,EBU&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id lancucki-buildings differs (https://lancut.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=EBT,budynki,adresy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id sropczyce-buildings differs (https://spropczyce.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image differs (https://siemianowice.geoportal2.pl/map/wms/wms.php?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortofotomapa&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
ELI | - [AR] IGN orthophoto Posadas (WMTS) [ign-posadas]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 17): [PL] Powiat poznański: Buildings [poznanski-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id Lodz-buildings differs (https://gis.mapa.lodz.pl/awiskts/services/WMS_publikowane/LODZ/MapServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Budynki,Ulice,Adresy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id poznanski-buildings differs (http://wms.podgik.poznan.pl/cgi-bin/poznan?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat poznański: Buildings [poznanski-buildings]
ELI | - [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Lodz-2015]
ELI | - [PL] Powiat poznański: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznanski-aerial]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Campo Alegre AL [campo_alegre_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2015 aerial imagery [URBIS2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Highways stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] SSB City Centres overlay [ssb-sentrum]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Canvec - English [Canvec]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2014 aerial imagery [URBIS2014]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral - Sentiers [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Estrela de Alagoas [estrela_de_alagoas]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Terrain Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Terraen_Skyggekort_40cm]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BCIM Municipalities [IBGE_BCIM_Municipio]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Kartverket DOM Digital Surface Model [kartverket-dom-skygge]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Santana do Ipanema AL [santana_do_ipanema]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Palmeira dos Indios AL [palmeira_dos_indios]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2009 aerial imagery [URBIS2009]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2016 aerial imagery [URBIS2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2014 [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBISnl numerical imagery [URBISnl]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Teotonio Vilela AL [teotonio_vilela]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Minador do Negrão [minador_do_negrao]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 (infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2017 [Berlin-2017_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] União dos Palmares AL [uniao_dos_palmares]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Girau do Ponciano [girau_do_pnciano]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2011 [Berlin-2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) [geodata.state.nj.us-Natural2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Piranhas AL [al_piranhas]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Delmiro Gouveia AL [delmiro_gouveia]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Saxony topographic map [GEOSN-DTK]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2017 [GeoPortal_DF_2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Geobase Hydrography - French [Geobase_Hydrography_French]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Mar Vermelho AL [mar_vermelho_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Palestina AL [al_palestina]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Będzin: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Bedzin-PL-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) [geodata.state.nj.us-Infrared2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Viçosa AL [vicosa_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Poço das Trincheiras AL [poco_das_trincheiras]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Capela AL [capela_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [IT] Sicily - Italy [Sicily-ATA2007]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Landing strip [IBGE_BC250_Pista_Pouso]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 11): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2013 [rio2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR DBT) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT]
ELI | * URL for id Lombardia-Italy-CTR differs (https://www.cartografia.regione.lombardia.it/ArcGIS10/services/wms/ctr_wms/MapServer/WMSServer?STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=0&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR]
ELI | * URL for id Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT differs (https://www.cartografia.servizirl.it/arcgis/services/wms/ctr_wms/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Sfondo%20C.T.R.%2010000&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR DBT) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Arapiraca AL [arapiraca_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2018 aerial imagery [URBIS2018]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Zabrze: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Zabrze-2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2012 aerial imagery [URBIS2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BCIM Stations for Electrical Power Generation [IBGE_BCIM_Gerador_Eletrica]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Olho d’Agua do Casado AL [olho_dagua_do_casado]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NC Latest Orthoimagery [NC-US]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE DTK Kort25 [Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Skærmkort [Geodatastyrelsen_Skaermkort]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Units of Sustainable Use - APA [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] SSB Urban Areas overlay [ssb-tettsteder]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] Delaware 2012 Orthophotography [Delaware2012Orthophotography]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Surface Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Overflade_Skyggekort_40cm]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2015 [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Isolated Rural Location [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] PCN 2008 - IT Lazio+Umbria [PCN-Lazio_Umbria-2008]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Geobase Hydrography - English [Geobase_Hydrography]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2017 aerial imagery [URBIS2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2019 aerial imagery [URBIS2019]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Hillshade]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 7): [BR] IBGE-BC250 River drains [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Canvec - French [Canvec_French]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Branquinha AL [branquinha_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines January 2017 [db-inspire-2013-11]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Cajueiro AL [cajueiro_al]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NL] PDOK aerial imagery Beeldmateriaal.nl 25cm latest [Actueel_ortho25_WMS_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines Nov 2015 [db-inspire-2015-11]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Pão de Açucar AL [pao_de_acucar]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan [vogis.cnv.at-flaechenwidmung_wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Kartverket DTM Digital Terrain Model [kartverket-dtm-skygge]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [DE] Maps4BW (LGL-BW, www.lgl-bw.de) [Maps4BW-LGL_BW]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] Delaware 2017 Orthophotography [Delaware2017Orthophotography]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBISfr numerical imagery [URBISfr]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Norway Orthophoto (historic) [geovekst-nib-historic]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2014]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://openstreetmap.fr/bdortho' != 'https://www.openstreetmap.fr/bdortho/'): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://openstreetmap.fr/bdortho' != 'https://www.openstreetmap.fr/bdortho/'): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (3 != 5): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 3): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [LU] geoportail.lu all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
ELI | * URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2016 differs (https://www.geoservicos1.segeth.df.gov.br/arcgis/services/Imagens/FOTO_2016/ImageServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
ELI | * URL for id major_isidoro differs (http://geoserver.dados.al.gov.br:8080/geoserver/Alagoas/ows?LAYERS=Major%20Isidoro&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] Major Izidoro AL [major_isidoro]
ELI | * URL for id Sao_miguel_dos_campos differs (http://geoserver.dados.al.gov.br:8080/geoserver/Alagoas/ows?LAYERS=Sao_miguel_dos_campos&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] São Miguel dos Campos AL [Sao_miguel_dos_campos]
ELI | - [BR] Alagoas Litoral 2006 [alagoas_litoral]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] São Miguel dos Campos AL [Sao_miguel_dos_campos]
ELI | * Name differs ('Major Isidoro AL' != 'Major Izidoro AL'): http://geoserver.dados.al.gov.br:8080/geoserver/Alagoas/ows?LAYERS=Major%20Izidoro&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] Major Izidoro AL [major_isidoro]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM [Czech_CUZK-KM]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (1 != 2): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror2]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [HT] Canaan - American Red Cross, Dec-2017 [canaan_drone_red_cross_201712]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://data2.loire-atlantique.fr/licences/' != 'https://vuduciel.loire-atlantique.fr/utiliser-les-photos/'): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
ELI | * URL for id Bytom-2014 differs (http://sitplan.um.bytom.pl:11180/isdp/gs/wms?SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=default:fotoplan_2014&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
ELI | * URL for id Bytom-2012 differs (http://sitplan.um.bytom.pl/isdp/scripts/isdp.dll/wms?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=tiff_ortofoto_2012&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2008 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2008]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2009 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2009]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Świętochłowice: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Swietochlowice-2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Buildings [Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Rzeszów: Buildings [Rzeszow-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Ruda Śląska: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Ruda_Slaska-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Rzeszów: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Rzeszow-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat stalowowolski: Buildings [stalowowolski-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat dębicki: Buildings [debicki-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 13): [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) [Geoportal2-PL-prng]
ELI | * URL for id Bedzin-PL-buildings differs (http://www.geo.powiat.bedzin.pl/isdp/scripts/isdp.dll/wms?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=eg_budynki_geo,pkt_adr&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id Gliwice-buildings differs (,default:pkt_adr&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 17): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
ELI | * URL for id Gliwice-2013 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
ELI | - [PL] Katowice: Buildings [Katowice-buildings]
ELI | - [PL] Poznań: Buildings [poznan-buildings]
ELI | - [PL] Powiat lubaczowski: Buildings [lubaczowski-buildings]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 15): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
ELI | - [BE] URBISfr numerical imagery (2013) [URBISfr2013]
ELI | - [BE] URBISnl numerical imagery (2013) [URBISnl2013]
ELI | * URL for id poznan-ortofotomapa2014 differs (http://wms1.geopoz.poznan.pl:6080/arcgis/services/sip/ortofotomapa_2014/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ortofotomapa_2014_image&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 4): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
ELI | * URL for id PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto differs (http://giswa1.mag.mepnet.cz/arcgis/services/MAP/mimovegetacni_snimkovani_cache/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
ELI | * URL for id PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto differs (http://giswa1.mag.mepnet.cz/arcgis/services/MAP/letecke_snimky_posledni_snimkovani_cache/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (12 != null): [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle (1994-1999) [ORTOFOTO_V1]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://carto.lausanne.ch/lausanne-gc/' != 'https://map.lausanne.ch/'): [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto 2016 [Lausanne-2016]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (15 ! = 5): [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto 2016 [Lausanne-2016]
ELI | * URL for id Katowice-aerial_image differs (http://mapserver.um.katowice.pl/services/ortowms/MapServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=2&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Katowice: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Katowice-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Katowice: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Katowice-aerial_image]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.geo.bl.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Geodaten/Nutzungsbedingungen_GBD_BL_V3p2.pdf' != 'https://www.baselland.ch/politik-und-behorden/direktionen/volkswirtschafts-und-gesundheitsdirektion/amt-fur-geoinformation/geoportal/dokumente_generell/dokumente_generell/Nutzungsbedingungen_GBD_BL_V3p2.pdf'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Landschaft 10cm (2015) [Basel-Landschaft-2015]
ELI | - [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2012-03 10cm [orthophoto_lyon_2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (4 != 9): [LT] ORT10LT (Lithuania) [ORT10LT]
ELI | * URL for id Ukraine-orto10000-2012 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/oppna-data/anvandarvillkor/' != 'https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/maps-and-geographic-information/open-geodata/'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1960 [lantmateriet-orto1960]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/oppna-data/anvandarvillkor/' != 'https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/maps-and-geographic-information/open-geodata/'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1975 [lantmateriet-orto1975]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/oppna-data/anvandarvillkor/' != 'https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/maps-and-geographic-information/open-geodata/'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1980 [osmse-ekonomiska]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/oppna-data/anvandarvillkor/' != 'https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/maps-and-geographic-information/open-geodata/'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Topographic Map [lantmateriet-topowebb_mirror1]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/'): [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/'): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/'): [IE] Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940 [bartholomew_qi1940]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/'): [IE] Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136 [GSGS4136]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 4): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Campo Alegre AL [campo_alegre_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Major Izidoro AL [major_isidoro]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Estrela de Alagoas [estrela_de_alagoas]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] São Miguel dos Campos AL [Sao_miguel_dos_campos]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Santana do Ipanema AL [santana_do_ipanema]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Palmeira dos Indios AL [palmeira_dos_indios]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Teotonio Vilela AL [teotonio_vilela]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Minador do Negrão [minador_do_negrao]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] União dos Palmares AL [uniao_dos_palmares]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Girau do Ponciano [girau_do_pnciano]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Piranhas AL [al_piranhas]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Delmiro Gouveia AL [delmiro_gouveia]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Mar Vermelho AL [mar_vermelho_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Palestina AL [al_palestina]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Viçosa AL [vicosa_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Poço das Trincheiras AL [poco_das_trincheiras]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Capela AL [capela_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Arapiraca AL [arapiraca_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Olho d’Agua do Casado AL [olho_dagua_do_casado]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Branquinha AL [branquinha_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Cajueiro AL [cajueiro_al]
ELI | * License URL differs ('http://dados.al.gov.br/dataset/imagens-de-alta-resolucao' != 'http://seplag.al.gov.br/mapas-de-alagoas/package/eb54fcd7-3a91-4b0b-938a-5047cc4dbf8b'): [BR] Pão de Açucar AL [pao_de_acucar]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.npd.no/no/Kart/Faktakart/' != 'https://www.npd.no/fakta/'): [NO] NPD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://geoimage.at' != 'http://www.geoimage.at/'): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
ELI | - [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm) [vogis.cnv.at-ef2012_12cm]
ELI | - [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2015 (10cm) [vogis.cnv.at-ef2015_10cm]
ELI | - [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild Winter 2015 (20cm) [vogis.cnv.at-wi2015_20cm]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/clss-road-hierarchy' != 'https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/mrwa-road-hierarchy'): [AU] Main Roads WA Road Hierarchy [MainRoadsWA_Road_Hierarchy]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2014/15 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr 2015/16 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2018 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2018'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Terrainschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Terrain Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DTM]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Oberflächenschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Surface Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DOM]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.metropoleruhr.de/regionalverband-ruhr.html' != 'https://www.rvr.ruhr/daten-digitales/geodaten/luftbilder/'): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
ELI | - [BR] SIG Santa Catarina OrtoRGB 2012 [sc2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (2 != 3): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
ELI | * Name differs ('IBGE Nomes de Ruas' != 'IBGE Street Names'): https://api.maptiler.com/maps/b2037b15-5614-4fed-9608-9830b8dc574a/256/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?key=YmPoUxbTlEHlrASzv56Z
ELI | * Name differs ('Cartas Topográficas do Exército Brasileiro' != 'Brazilian Army Topographic Maps'): https://bdgex.eb.mil.br/mapcache?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=ctmmultiescalas_mercator&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://dakotacounty.us' != 'https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/MappingServices/GISData/Pages/default.aspx'): [US] Dakota County GIS 2017 Fall Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (1 != 3): [BR] Brazilian Army Topographic Maps [BDGEx_ctm_multi]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 3): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
ELI | * Date differs (''2017;2017' or '2017'' != '2019'): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
ELI | * Name differs ('Łódź: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image)' != 'Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image)'): https://mapa.lodz.pl/3/services/OGC/Ortofotomapa/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=0&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox }
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Luftbilder [vogis.cnv.at-luftbilder_wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2018 (10cm) [vogis.cnv.at-ef2018_10cm]
ELI | - [GB] OS OpenData Locator [OS-OpenData_Locator]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://download.agiv.be/Producten/Detail?id=1545&title=Orthofotomozaiek_middenschalig_winteropnamen_kleur_meest_recent_Vlaanderen_2016_04' != 'https://download.vlaanderen.be/Producten/Detail?id=1545&title=Orthofotomozaiek_middenschalig_winteropnamen_kleur_meest_recent_Vlaanderen_2016_04'): [BE] AIV Flanders most recent aerial imagery [AGIV_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://download.agiv.be/Producten/Detail?id=1209&title=Orthofotomozaiek_grootschalig_winteropnamen_kleur_2013_2015_Vlaanderen' != 'https://download.vlaanderen.be/Producten/Detail?id=1209&title=Orthofotomozaiek_grootschalig_winteropnamen_kleur_2013_2015_Vlaanderen'): [BE] AIV Flanders 2013-2015 aerial imagery 10cm [AGIV10cm]
ELI | * URL for id geoimage.at differs (https://gis.bmlfuw.gv.at/wmsgw/?key=4d80de696cd562a63ce463a58a61488d&service=WMS&LAYERS=Luftbild&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [AT] Geoimage.at MaxRes [geoimage.at]
ELI | * URL for id stamen-terrain-background differs (https://stamen-tiles-{switch:a,b,c,d}.a.ssl.fastly.net/terrain-background/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg): Stamen Terrain [stamen-terrain-background]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
ELI | * URL for id South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017 differs (https://citymaps.capetown.gov.za/agsext1/rest/services/Aerial_Photography_Cached/AP_2017_Jan/MapServer/WMTS/tile/1.0.0/Aerial_Photography_Cached_AP_2017_Jan/default/default028mm/{zoom}/{x}/{y}): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
ELI | * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2019 [ACT2019_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://osmlab.github.io/editor-layer-index/sources/oceania/au/act/ACTmapi-Imagery.PDF' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:ACT%20Government%2020180314%20Permission%20to%20Incorporate%20CCBY%20data%20into%20OSM.PDF'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2019 [ACT2019_mirror1]
ELI | * Different icons: [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2016 [IndianaMap2016]
ELI | * Different icons: [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2017 [IndianaMap2017]
ELI | * Different icons: [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2018 [IndianaMap2018]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (115 ! = 207): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (115 ! = 207): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (7 ! = 15): [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (7 ! = 15): [SG] Singapore Landlot [Singapore-Landlot]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [SG] Singapore Landlot [Singapore-Landlot]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 3): [DE] Saxony latest aerial imagery [GEOSN-DOP-RGB]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Saxony WebAtlasSN [GEOSN-WebAtlas]
ELI | * Different icons: [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://osmlab.github.io/editor-layer-index/sources/oceania/au/act/ACTmapi-Imagery.PDF' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:ACT%20Government%2020180314%20Permission%20to%20Incorporate%20CCBY%20data%20into%20OSM.PDF'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery June 2019 [ACT2019-06_mirror1]
ELI | * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery June 2019 [ACT2019-06_mirror1]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://osmlab.github.io/editor-layer-index/sources/oceania/au/act/ACTmapi-Imagery.PDF' != 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:ACT%20Government%2020180314%20Permission%20to%20Incorporate%20CCBY%20data%20into%20OSM.PDF'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery January 2020 [ACT2020-01_mirror1]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
ELI | * URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm differs (https://geoservices.buergernetz.bz.it/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=P_BZ_OF_2011_EPSG3857,P_BZ_OF_2011_20cm_EPSG3857&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2015 aerial imagery [SPW2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) PICC numerical imagery [SPW_PICC_2000]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2016 aerial imagery [SPW2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2009-2010 aerial imagery [SPW2009]
ELI | * URL for id hamburg-20cm differs (https://geodienste.hamburg.de/HH_WMS_DOP20?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=1&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [DE] Hamburg (20 cm) [hamburg-20cm]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (495 ! = 151): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
ELI | * Different icons: [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) [tirol.gv.at-tigris-DGM]
ELI | * Different icons: [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) [tirol.gv.at-tigris-DOM]
ELI | * Different icons: [AT] Tiris: contour lines [tirol.gv.at-tigris-contourlines]
ELI | * Different icons: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared [tirol.gv.at-orthofoto-cir]
ELI | * Different icons: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto [tirol.gv.at-orthofoto]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: HOK [dgu-hok]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Croatia 2017 South+East Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Croatia 2018 West Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2018]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] dgu.hr: Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (76 ! = 94): [CH] Kanton Aargau 50cm DTM/Hillshade [Aargau-AGIS-2014-Hillshade]
ELI | * Different icons: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
ELI | * Different icons: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Public Recreation Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-friluftsomrader]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 21): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (11 != 3): [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 45): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 37): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/25k-gb-1940-43/'): [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/national-grid/'): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/national-grid/'): [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/national-grid/'): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://geo.nls.uk/maps' != 'https://maps.nls.uk/os/national-grid/'): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://gis.iu.edu/datasetInfo/statewide/in_2016.php' != 'https://gis.iu.edu/dataset/statewide/in_2016.html'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2016 [IndianaMap2016]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://gis.iu.edu/datasetInfo/statewide/in_2016.php' != 'https://gis.iu.edu/dataset/statewide/in_2016.html'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2018 [IndianaMap2018]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://gis.iu.edu/datasetInfo/statewide/in_2016.php' != 'https://gis.iu.edu/dataset/statewide/in_2016.html'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2017 [IndianaMap2017]
ELI | * URL for id OpenStreetMap-turistautak differs (http://{switch:h,i,j}.tile.openstreetmap.hu/turistautak/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [HU] OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes) [OpenStreetMap-turistautak]
ELI | * URL for id osm-hu-ortho differs (http://adam.openstreetmap.hu/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/openstreetmap.hu.orthophotos/mercator/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [HU] openstreetmap.hu orthophotos [osm-hu-ortho]
ELI | * URL for id Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017 differs (http://adam.openstreetmap.hu/mapproxy/tiles/1.0.0/Soskut-Tarnok-Pusztazamor-Diosd/mercator/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [HU] Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017 [Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017]
ELI | * URL for id riksantikvaren-kulturminner differs (https://kart.ra.no/arcgis/services/Distribusjon/Kulturminner/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=3,6&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
ELI | * URL for id londrina2011 differs (https://siglon.londrina.pr.gov.br/arcgis/rest/services/Imagens/Ortofotos_2011_Paranacidade/MapServer/WMTS/tile/1.0.0/Imagens_Ortofotos_2011_Paranacidade/default/GoogleMapsCompatible/{zoom}/{y}/{x}): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('http://siglon.londrina.pr.gov.br' != 'https://geo.londrina.pr.gov.br/'): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
ELI | * URL for id osm-mapnik-german_style differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tile.openstreetmap.de/tiles/osmde/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): OpenStreetMap (German Style) [osm-mapnik-german_style]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Hiking [Waymarked_Trails-Hiking]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: MTB [Waymarked_Trails-MTB]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Horse Riding [Waymarked_Trails-Horse_Riding]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports [Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Skating [Waymarked_Trails-Skating]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Cycling [Waymarked_Trails-Cycling]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (4 != 3): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (13 != 15): [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.riksantikvaren.no/Veiledning/Data-og-tjenester/Karttjenester' != 'https://www.riksantikvaren.no/'): [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
ELI | * Different icons: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:4326'): [NO] SSB City Centres overlay [ssb-sentrum]
ELI | * License URL differs ('ftp://ftp.gisdata.mn.gov/pub/gdrs/data/pub/us_mn_state_mngeo/base_mn_composite_image_service/metadata/metadata.html' != 'https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/base-mn-composite-image-service'): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://dakotacounty.us' != 'https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/MappingServices/GISData/Pages/default.aspx'): [US] Dakota County GIS 2019 Spring Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2019-Spring-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Imagery Dates [NSW_LPI_Imagery_Dates]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Base Map [LPI_NSW_Base_Map]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Department of Customer Service 2019' != '© Department of Customer Service 2020'): [AU] LPI NSW Topographic Map [LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Imagery Dates [NSW_LPI_Imagery_Dates]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Base Map [LPI_NSW_Base_Map]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/mapping_and_imagery/lpi_web_services' != 'https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/products_and_services/web_services'): [AU] LPI NSW Topographic Map [LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map]
ELI | * Date differs (''2015;2015' or '2015'' != '2017'): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 49): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© Liikennevirasto' != '© Väylävirasto'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: Hiking [Waymarked_Trails-Hiking]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.thunderforest.com/terms/'): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [UG] imagico.de: Rwenzori Mountains 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N01_20160702T082522]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [US] imagico.de: Bogoslof Island [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://njgin.state.nj.us/NJ_NJGINExplorer/ShowMetadata.jsp?docId=188471FF-2803-4145-A5AD-605DE86D3B4D' != 'https://njgin.nj.gov/?docId=188471FF-2803-4145-A5AD-605DE86D3B4D'): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) [geodata.state.nj.us-Infrared2015]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://mtb.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://mtb.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: MTB [Waymarked_Trails-MTB]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://skating.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://skating.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: Horse Riding [Waymarked_Trails-Horse_Riding]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://slopes.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://slopes.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports [Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.thunderforest.com/terms/'): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://skating.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://skating.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: Skating [Waymarked_Trails-Skating]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/en/help/legal' != 'https://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/help/legal'): Waymarked Trails: Cycling [Waymarked_Trails-Cycling]
ELI | * Description differs ('Ortophotos from the city of Turku' != 'Ortophoto for Turku municipality'): [FI] Turku orthophoto [turku-orto]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2014 [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2016 (infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2017 [Berlin-2017_mirror1]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2011 [Berlin-2011]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2015 [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photograph 2018 [Berlin-2018]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin aerial photography 2019 [Berlin-2019]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (6 != null): [LU] geoportail.lu LIDAR prototype Nordstad 2017 [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho_10cm_proto_lidar]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [HT] Drone Imagery Matthew(Haiti) October 2016 [drone-imagery-2016]
ELI | * URL for id UkraineKyiv2014DZK differs (https://map.land.gov.ua/map/ortho_kiev/{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
ELI | * Date differs (''2019;2019' or '2019'' != '2019-08-26;2019-10-24'): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
ELI | * Date differs (''2019;2019' or '2019'' != '2019-03'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
ELI | * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (59 ! = 61): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
ELI | * License URL differs ('https://thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.thunderforest.com/terms/'): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.thunderforest.com/terms' != 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/'): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (5 ! = 9): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Chorzów: Buildings [Chorzow-buildings]
ELI | * Date differs (''2016-05-06;2016-05-06' or '2016-05-06'' != '2017-06-11;2017-07-06'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
ELI | * Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
ELI | - Missing JOSM privacy policy URL (https://data.beta.grandlyon.com/en/mentions-legales): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Stadtvermessungsam Frankfurt am Main' != 'Stadtvermessungsamt Frankfurt am Main'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Stadtvermessungsam Frankfurt am Main' != 'Stadtvermessungsamt Frankfurt am Main'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
ELI | * URL for id der-es differs (http://portal.der.es.gov.br/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=deres-ext:TRECHOINFO&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
ELI | * Description differs ('Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Agency, functional road classes.' != 'Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, functional road classes.'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
ELI | * Description differs ('Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Agency with several options for map layers.' != 'Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency with several options for map layers.'): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
ELI | * Different icons: [FI] Turku orthophoto [turku-orto]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (130 ! = 125): [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
ELI | * Date differs (''2012;2012' or '2012'' != '2012;2014'): [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Bassin d Arcachon 2018 [SIBA_2018]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Ville de Bayonne, Communauté d'Agglomtération Pays Basque - 2016' != 'Ville de Bayonne, Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque - 2016'): [FR] Bayonne - 2016 [Bayonne_2016]
ELI | * URL for id finds.jp_KBN_2500 differs (https://www.finds.jp/ws/tmc/1.0.0/KBN2500FN-900913-L/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [JP] Japan GSI KIBAN 2500 [finds.jp_KBN_2500]
ELI | * Description differs ('GSI Kiban 2500 via finds.jp. Good for tracing, but a bit older.' != 'GSI Kiban 2500. Good for tracing, but a bit older.'): [JP] Japan GSI KIBAN 2500 [finds.jp_KBN_2500]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.finds.jp/siteinfo/c_tou.html.ja' != 'https://aginfo.cgk.affrc.go.jp/info/c_tou.html.ja'): [JP] Japan GSI KIBAN 2500 [finds.jp_KBN_2500]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 4): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (17 ! = 19): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
ELI | * Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
ELI | * Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
ELI | * Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2017 [GeoPortal_DF_2017]
ELI | * URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2018 differs (wmts:https://www.geoservicos1.segeth.df.gov.br/arcgis/rest/services/Imagens/GEOEYE_TERRACAP_2018/ImageServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2018 [GeoPortal_DF_2018]
ELI | * Name differs ('USSR - Latvia' != 'Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps'): https://www.gisnet.lv/cgi-bin/topo?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&service=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=DTO,DTC,DIVDPTC,PD,VS,DS,PS,M&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox }
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūras brīvais WMS serviss 1994 - 1999.gada Latvijas ortofotokarte' != 'Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūras brīvais WMS serviss: 1994.-1999. gada Latvijas melnbaltā ortofotokarte'): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle (1994-1999) [ORTOFOTO_V1]
ELI | * Name differs ('USGS Topographic Maps' != 'USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps'): https://caltopo.s3.amazonaws.com/topo/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
ELI | * Country code differs (US != null): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (6 != 4): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (19 != 22): [HU] openstreetmap.hu orthophotos [osm-hu-ortho]
ELI | * URL for id UkraineVinnytsia2018 differs (https://gisapi.vmr.gov.ua/OpenData/ofp/2018-10/GoogleMapsCompatible/{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png?ver=22102018): [UA] Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2018 [UkraineVinnytsia2018]
ELI | - [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2007 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2007]
ELI | - [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2011 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2011]
ELI | - [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2013 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2013]
ELI | - [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2015 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2015]
ELI | - [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2017 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2017]
ELI | - Quality best entry not in JOSM for [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2017 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2017]
ELI | * Different icons: [PT] Carta de Uso do Solo 2010 (WMS) [COS2010_v1.0]
ELI | * Different icons: [PT] Ortofotos DGRF 2004-2006 (WMS) [ORTOS_DGRF_2004_06]
ELI | * Different icons: [PT] Ortofotos Litoral DGT 2014-2015 (WMS) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (39 ! = 41): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery January 2020 [ACT2020-01_mirror1]
ELI | * Attribution URL differs ('https://www.fomi.hu' != 'http://www.ftf.bfkh.gov.hu/portal_en/index.php/services/digital-aerial-photo-archive-online-service'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (0 != 4): [AU] QLDMap Topo [QLDMap_Topo]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (0 != 4): [AU] QLDMap Lite [QLDMap_Lite]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-Luftbild-2013]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-DSM-2013]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (35 ! = 73): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (35 ! = 73): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (38 ! = 75): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (50 ! = 95): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (12 ! = 24): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (12 ! = 24): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dtm-2014]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (12 ! = 42): [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (21 != 22): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
ELI | * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (14 != 3): [FR] Bordeaux - 2016 [Bordeaux_2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
ELI | * Different icons: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 19): [CH] Canton Thurgau relief DTM [kt_tg_dtm_hillshade]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dsm-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [CH] Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DOM]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DTM]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau relief DTM [kt_tg_dtm_hillshade]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-Luftbild-2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-DSM-2013]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
ELI | * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
ELI | * Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
ELI | * Date differs (''2019;2019' or '2019'' != '2019-03-29'): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
ELI | * Different number of points for shape 1 (9 ! = 7): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
ELI | * Different number of shapes (1 != 2): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016_mirror1]
ELI | * Attribution text differs ('© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA 2.0' != '© OpenStreetMap contributors'): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
ELI | * URL for id LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery differs (https://basemaps.linz.govt.nz/v1/tiles/aerial/EPSG:3857/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg?api=d01egend5f8dv4zcbfj6z2t7rs3): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
ELI | * Date differs (''2015-05;2015-05' or '2015-05'' != '2015-05;2018'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
ELI | * Privacy policy URL differs ('https://vayla.fi/web/en/contact-information/data-protection' != 'https://vanha.vayla.fi/web/en/contact-information/data-protection'): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
ELI | * Privacy policy URL differs ('https://vayla.fi/web/en/contact-information/data-protection' != 'https://vanha.vayla.fi/web/en/contact-information/data-protection'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
ELI | * Privacy policy URL differs ('http://www.geo.apps.be.ch/de/rechtliches.html' != 'https://www.geo.apps.be.ch/de/rechtliches.html'): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015]
ELI | * Privacy policy URL differs ('http://www.geo.apps.be.ch/de/rechtliches.html' != 'https://www.geo.apps.be.ch/de/rechtliches.html'): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015]