Changes between Version 12 and Version 43 of HowTo

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  • HowTo

    v12 v43  
     3= HowTo =
    25This page will hopefully give you some tips on how to perform common tasks in JOSM.
    4 == Select a way sharing common nodes ==
     7== How to change an intersection into a roundabout == #Roundabout
    6 Quite often you will come across the situation where two or more ways share a common set of nodes. Using the [wiki:Help/Action/Move/Move select] tool you seem to only be able to select one way.
     9Say, someone drew an intersection, but you know better and like to have a roundabout instead. If it's a small one, add the tag [osmwiki:Tag:highway%3Dmini_roundabout highway=mini_roundabout] and you are done. If not, proceed...
    8 If you hold down the middle mouse button while the cursor is over the ways you get a pop up listing the ways.  If you hold CTRL while the middle mouse button is still held down, you can release the middle mouse button and then use the left mouse button to select one of the ways from the pop up.
     11 * Draw a single line, approximately as long as the diameter of the roundabout.
    10 == How to extend a way ==
     14 * Select the line and use ''Tools -> Create Circle''.
    12 Use the "select" tool (s) and select the end of the existing way.
    13 Then, use the "node" tool (a) to draw new nodes which will automatically extend the way.
     17 * If you think, it is not round enough, add more nodes and use ''Tools -> Align Nodes in Circle''.
    15 The revised way will contain
    16 the original way plus the new elements and if you named it or added any
    17 other attributes the extended way will have those attributes.
     19 * Move the circle on top of the crossing.
    19 == How to use voice notes and continuous sound recordings ==
     22 * You can rotate the circle holding CTRL+SHIFT in ''Select'' mode.
    21 See [wiki:Help/HowTo/AudioMapping Audio Mapping].
     24Now we dismember the junction :)
    23 == Further "How To" information from Rick ==
     26 * Select the node in the center and unglue it by pressing G (''Tools -> UnGlue Ways'')
    25 I am a new user and have found (or not found) a lot of features in JOSM that will make creating maps easier.  In response to my pleas for help (disguised as suggestions for improvements) I have received a few juicy tidbits and I would like to share them with you.  In fact, it was suggested that I "could somehow make his personal learning curve into something that benefits other JOSM users by adding to the existing documentation."  So I am starting a new page with my personal observations. 
     28 * Click into some empty area to clear the selection. Select the central node again (there are two of them on top of each other now), and move it a bit. The two ways should be separated now.
    27 [wiki:RicksHowToPage Rick's How To Page]
     31 * Select one of the two nodes an press P (''Tools -> Split Way''). Select the same node again, unglue it (shortcut G), reselect it and move it a little.
    29 == Using JOSM under Linux ==
     34 * Repeat with the other way; you should have four loose ends now.
    31 Running: java -jar ./josm-tested.jar
     36 * Move these ends approximately to where they should dock to the circle.
    33 [wiki:HowTo/JOSM-under-Linux]
     39 * Click on one of the ends and press A.
    35 Back to [wiki:Help Main Help]
     41 * Click on the circle to add the way to the roundabout. (Either snap to one of the existing nodes or click on the segment to add another node.)
     44 * Select the same node again and press the ''Delete'' key to remove it.
     46 * Repeat for the other three ends.
     48 * Done!
     54 * Check that the circle has the right orientation. (Use ''Tools -> Reverse Ways'' to change it.)
     56 * Check whether the ways are part of some relation. If you don't care for relations, then please don't destroy them. It's nice to have neat roundabouts, but relations are actually useful :) .
     58 * See [osmwiki:Tag:junction=roundabout] for more details.
     61* Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]