Changes between Version 260 and Version 268 of Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation
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v260 v268 8 8 * [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search dialog] 9 9 10 Consider installing the [ MapCSS Syntax Highlighter] in VS Code to add visual highlighting for MapCSS paint and validator syntax. 10 11 11 12 == General Structure == … … 20 21 set: class; 21 22 set: .class; 23 /* note that validator rules do not use the colon after set */ 22 24 } 23 25 }}} … … 341 343 }}} 342 344 {{{#!td align=left valign=top 343 [https://do Regular expression] match345 [ Regular expression] match 344 346 345 347 }}} … … 350 352 /* Note, that reqular expressions have to be enclosed in /.../ */ 351 353 }}} 352 Case-insensitive matching can be enabled via the embedded flag expression `(?i)` (see [ javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html#CASE_INSENSITIVE Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE]).354 Case-insensitive matching can be enabled via the embedded flag expression `(?i)` (see [ Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE]). 353 355 {{{ 354 356 #!mapcss … … 362 364 }}} 363 365 {{{#!td align=left valign=top 364 negated [https://do Regular expression] match366 negated [ Regular expression] match 365 367 366 368 }}} … … 506 508 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 507 509 {{{#!td align=left valign=top 508 Presence of tag by [https://do Regular expression] match (since r6547)510 Presence of tag by [ Regular expression] match (since r6547) 509 511 }}} 510 512 {{{#!td align=left valign=top … … 1199 1201 comparison operators 1200 1202 asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, log, max, min, mod (since r17759), random, round, signum, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh:: 1201 the usual meaning, [https://do details]1203 the usual meaning, [ details] 1202 1204 cond(b, fst, snd):: 1203 1205 b ? fst : snd:: … … 1272 1274 return the substring of ''str'', starting at index ''idx'' (0-indexed) [''since r6534''] 1273 1275 substring(str, start, end):: 1274 return the substring of ''str'', starting at index ''start'' (inclusive) up to ''end'' (exclusive) (0-indexed) [''since r6534''] 1276 return the substring of ''str'', starting at index ''start'' (inclusive) up to ''end'' (exclusive) (0-indexed) [''since r6534''], a negative end index counts from the string end [''since r19259''] 1275 1277 replace(string, old, new):: 1276 1278 Replaces any occurrence of the substring ''old'' within the string ''string'' with the text ''new'' … … 1297 1299 CRC32_checksum(''str''):: 1298 1300 calculate the CRC32 checksum of a string (result is an integer from 0 to 2^32^-1) [''since r6908''] 1301 siunit_length(''str''):: 1302 convert length units to meter (fault tolerant, ignoring white space) [''since r19089''] 1299 1303 is_right_hand_traffic():: 1300 1304 Check if there is left-hand or right-hand traffic at the current location. [''since r7193''] … … 1327 1331 sort(''str1'', ''str2'', ''str3'', ''...''):: 1328 1332 sorts an array of strings [''since r15279''] 1329 sort_list():: 1333 sort_list(''list_name''):: 1330 1334 sorts a list of strings [''since r15279''] 1331 1335 tag_regex(''regex''):: 1332 returns a list of values that match the regex [''since r15317'']1336 returns a list containing the values of keys that match the regex [''since r15317''] 1333 1337 to_boolean(''str''):: 1334 1338 returns the string argument as a boolean [''since r16110''] … … 1347 1351 uniq(''str1'', ''str2'', ''str3'', ''...''):: 1348 1352 returns a list of strings that only have unique values from an array of strings [''since r15323''] 1349 uniq_list():: 1350 returns a list of strings that only have unique values from a list of strings [''since r153 53'']1353 uniq_list(''list_name''):: 1354 returns a list of strings that only have unique values from a list of strings [''since r15323''] 1351 1355 parent_way_angle():: 1352 returns the angle of the parent way as a double in rad [''since r186 78''] (see: text-rotation or icon-rotation)1356 returns the angle of the parent way as a double in rad [''since r18664''] (see: text-rotation or icon-rotation) 1353 1357 convert_primitive_to_string(''PrimitiveId''):: 1354 1358 returns the primitive id as a string [''since r18829'']