[[TranslatedPages]] == Status Bar == [[Image(statusbar.png)]] The status bar (bottom panel) displays the following information (from left to right): ||= Box =||= Displays =||= Notes =|| ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/lat.png)]]||The geographic latitude of the mousepointer||A left click opens the [Action/JumpToPosition Jump to Position Dialog]. With a right click you can change the coordinates format (Decimal Degrees, deg° min' sec", deg° min' (Nautical), Projected Coordinates).|| ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/lon.png)]]||The geographic longitude of the mousepointer||Same as above.|| ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/heading.png)]]||The (compass) heading of the line segment being drawn.|| || ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/angle.png)]]||The angle between the previous and the current way segment. The background color of this box changes to green if [wiki:Help/Action/Draw#Anglesnapping Angle snapping] is active.||See also context menu below.|| ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/dist.png)]]||In edit mode: the length of new way segment being drawn; in select mode: the length of selected way(s) or the distance of two selected nodes||A left click changes the system of measurement (Metric → Chinese → Imperial → Nautical Mile). With a right click you can directly choose one measurement system.|| ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/statusline/name.png)]]||The name, number of nodes and ID of the object at the mouse pointer. || With a right click you can choose if the statusbar gets hidden when hiding the dialogs panel with {{{Tab}}}. || || (an empty space) or text ||Some helpful information about the current [EditToolbar working mode]||With a right click you can copy the shown help text. || === Angle snapping settings menu ===#anglemenu Available via right click menu at "angle" when [Help/Action/Draw Draw mode] is enabled: [[Image(statusbar-anglespapping-right-click-menu.png)]] === Advanced settings === With the following keys in the [wiki:Help/Preferences/Advanced Advanced Preferences] you can adjust the numbers in the statusbar: * `latlon.dms.decimal-format`: adjusts the number of decimal places of the coordinates in deg° min' sec" format * `latlon.dm.decimal-format`: adjusts the number of decimal places of coordinates in deg° min' (Nautical) format * `statusbar.decimal-format`: adjusts the number of decimal places of heading, angle and distance * `statusbar.distance-threshold`: determines when to display `--` instead of the distance After changing such a key you need to restart JOSM. ---- Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]