Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Help/Preferences/Shortcuts

2021-09-02T14:23:33+02:00 (3 years ago)

links to advanced preferences for save and load profiles


  • Help/Preferences/Shortcuts

    v13 v14  
    1111== Basic usage ==
    12 * Open "Keyboard shortcuts"
     12* Open ''Keyboard shortcuts''
    1313* find an item or optionally type words to filter it
    1414* Uncheck "Use default"
    2020== Shortcuts power tips ==
    21 * Avoid shortcuts that force you to move hands from their "[ home position]" (Delete, Insert, Backspace, numeric keyboard and possibly arrows)
     21* Avoid shortcuts that force you to move hands from their ''[ home position]'' (Delete, Insert, Backspace, numeric keyboard and possibly arrows)
    2222* In fact, you don't need many of default shortcuts
    23 * If you never use some tool near your "home position", it is better to rebind it to a more frequent tool
    24 * There many strategies about "home positions": single hand and two hand editing - so layout may differ significantly whatever you using mouse+keyboard or only keyboard (to edit tags / review history or notes)
    25 * You can have multiple configs per every task you make and simply switch between them
     23* If you never use some tool near your ''home position'', it is better to rebind it to a more frequent tool
     24* There many strategies about ''home positions'': single hand and two hand editing - so layout may differ significantly whatever you using mouse+keyboard or only keyboard (to edit tags / review history or notes)
     25* You can have multiple configs per every task you make and simply switch between them in [[JOSMImage(preferences/advanced,link=,24,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced Advanced Preferences] with the ''Save profile'' and ''Load profile'' actions under the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced#Buttons ''More…'' button].
    2727== Additional details ==
    2929Java knows about, not just those keys that exist on your keyboard. Please only use values that correspond to
    3030a real key on your keyboard. If your keyboard has no `Copy` key (PC keyboard do not have them, Sun keyboards do),
    31 then do not use it. Also there are 'keys' listed that correspond to a shortcut on your keyboard (e.g. `:`/Colon).
     31then do not use it. Also there are ''keys'' listed that correspond to a shortcut on your keyboard (e.g. `:`/Colon).
    3232Please do not use them either, use the base key (`;`/Semicolon on US keyboards, `.`/Period on German keyboards, etc.)
    3333instead. Not doing so may result in conflicts, as there is no way for JOSM to know that `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`;` and `Ctrl`+`:`
    3434actually is the same thing on an US keyboard.
    3736== See also ==