Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Help/Preferences/Shortcuts

2012-02-18T11:44:22+01:00 (12 years ago)

Copy text from JOSM code


  • Help/Preferences/Shortcuts

    v1 v1  
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=This page needs more information.)]]
     2= Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts =
     4This section allows to configure keyboard shortcuts in JOSM.
     6Please note that shortcut keys are assigned to the actions when JOSM is started. So you need to **restart** JOSM to see your changes.
     8Furthermore, the shortcuts are activated when the actions are assigned to a menu entry or a button for the first time it is used in the current session.
     9So some of your changes may become active even without restart. But without a restart there is no collision handling for your changes. This is another
     10reason to **restart** JOSM after making any changes here.
     12You may notice that the key selection list on the next page lists all keys that exist on all kinds of keyboards
     13Java knows about, not just those keys that exist on your keyboard. Please only use values that correspond to
     14a real key on your keyboard. If your keyboard has no <Copy> key (PC keyboard do not have them, Sun keyboards do),
     15then do not use it. Also there are 'keys' listed that correspond to a shortcut on your keyboard (e.g. <:>/Colon).
     16Please do not use them either, use the base key (<;>/Semicolon on US keyboards, <.>/Period on German keyboards, etc.)
     17instead. Not doing so may result in conflicts, as there is no way for JOSM to know that <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<;> and <Ctrl>+<:>
     18actually is the same thing on an US keyboard.
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