[[TranslatedPages]] A general description of the plugin can be found at [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/RovasConnector] To use the plugin, you must have an account in Rovas. Conveniently, Rovas provides an option to register with one of several OpenID identity providers, including Openstreetmap. From the **Rovas API** pane of [https://rovas.app/user your profile], copy the API key and API token into the similarly named fields in the Rovas Connector plugin configuration page. Click a checkbox to confirm that you are not paid by a firm for your JOSM work. The **Timer tolerance** setting in the plugin preferences determines the length of idle time between user actions that is counted as active. The **Project ID** field will typically be left with the default value. [[Image(josm_rc_prefs.png,link=,600px,align=center)]]