[[TranslatedPages]] = Preferences > Imagery = [[Image(source:trunk/images/preferences/imagery.png)]] **Adding predefined/custom WMS/TMS imagery sources.** == Add predefined imagery == [[Image(predefined-imagery.png,400px)]] 1. Select one or more imagery of interest 2. Optional: verify bounds on the map 3. Click **Activate** 4. Click **OK** == Add custom WMS imagery == 1. JOSM -> Preferences -> WMS/TMS tab 2. Click [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/add.png)]] just to the right of the Selected Entries table on the bottom half of this tab [[Image(wms.png,400px)]] 3. Insert **Menu Name** 4. Paste **Service URL** (Mac users: paste is ctrl-v in josm) 5. Click **Get Layers** 6. Select one or more layers 7. Click **OK** 8. Click **OK** on the Preferences dialog 9. Go to the JOSM Window 10. Click on imagery 11. You should now see the name of the imagery layer, as you defined it in Step #2 === Troubleshooting === If the WMS layer list cannot be loaded, a warning dialog is shown: [[Image(wms-error.png)]] To trace the problem, copy the URL from most recent line from the console (e.g., `GET http://vogis.cnv.at/mapserver/mapserv?...`) and open it in your browser. == Add custom TMS imagery == [[Image(tms.png,400px)]] 1. Click [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/add.png)]] 2. Click **TMS**! 3. Insert **Menu Name** 4. Paste **TMS URL**, replace `x`, `y`, `zoom` parameter in the URL by `{x}`, `{y}`, `{zoom}`, respectively. Use for instance `{switch:a,b,c}` or `{switch:1,2,3,4}` for a random selection of the subdomain. Example: `http://{switch:a,b,c}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png`. See [[Maps#TileMapServicesTMS]] for more options. 5. Optional: insert the zoom range in **Zoom** 6. Click **OK** == Advanced: Add entry to list of predefined imagery == Read the [[Maps#Documentation|Documentation]] and edit [[Maps]].