Changes between Version 48 and Version 53 of Help/Menu/Tools

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Menu/Tools

    v48 v53  
    22= Tools menu=
    4 The Tools menu offers actions to add objects and manipulate [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList#Selection the Selection] from the JOSM program core. Tools from [wikitr:/Plugins plugins] can usually be found in the [wiki:Help/Menu/MoreTools More Tools menu] or in the [wiki:Help/Menu/Data Data menu] instead.
     4The Tools menu offers actions to add objects and manipulate [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList#Selection the Selection] from the JOSM program core. Tools from [wikitr:/Plugins plugins] can usually be found in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/MoreTools More Tools menu] or in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Data Data menu] instead.
    66== Items ==
    77||= **Icon** =||= **Name** =||= **Shortcut** =||= **Description** =||
    8 ||  [[JOSMImage(splitway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/SplitWay Split Way] ||  `P`  || Split a way at the selected nodes ||
     8||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/splitway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/SplitWay Split Way] ||  `P`  || Split a way at the selected nodes ||
    99||  [[JOSMImage(combineway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay Combine Way] ||  `C`  || Combine several ways into one ||
    1616||  [[JOSMImage(distribute)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/DistributeNodes Distribute Nodes] ||  `Shift+B`  || Distribute the selected nodes to equal distance along a line ||
    1717||  [[JOSMImage(ortho)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/OrthogonalizeShape Orthogonalize Shape] ||  `Q`  || Move nodes that all angles are 90 or 180 degrees ||
    18 ||  [[JOSMImage(mirror)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Mirror Mirror] ||  `Shift+M`  || Mirror selected nodes and ways (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
     18||  [[JOSMImage(mirror)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Mirror Mirror] ||  `Shift+M`  || Mirror selected nodes and ways (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
    20 ||  [[JOSMImage(followline)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/FollowLine Follow Line] ||  `F`  || Continues drawing a line that shares nodes with another line (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
     20||  [[JOSMImage(followline)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/FollowLine Follow Line] ||  `F`  || Continues drawing a line that shares nodes with another line (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
    2121||  [[JOSMImage(addnode)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/AddNode Add Node ...] ||  `Shift+D`  || Add a node by entering latitude and longitude (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
    22 ||  [[JOSMImage(movenode)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MoveNode Move Node ...] || || Move a node by entering latitude and longitude (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
     22||  [[JOSMImage(movenode)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MoveNode Move Node ...] || || Move a node by entering latitude and longitude (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
    2323||  [[JOSMImage(aligncircle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CreateCircle Create Circle] ||  `Shift+O`  || Create a circle from three selected nodes ||
    2626||  [[JOSMImage(joinnodeway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/JoinNodeWay Join Node to Way] ||  `J`  || Join nearby way segments with the selected nodes. ||
    2727||  [[JOSMImage(movenodeontoway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MoveNodeWay Move Node onto Way] ||  `N`  || Move the selected nodes and connect them with all nearby ways. ||
    28 ||  [[JOSMImage(unjoinnodeway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/DisconnectNodeWay Disconnect Node from Way] ||  `Alt+J`  || Disconnect the selected nodes from a way ||
     28||  [[JOSMImage(unjoinnodeway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/UnJoinNodeWay Disconnect Node from Way] ||  `Alt+J`  || Disconnect selected nodes from a way they currently belong to ||
    2929||  [[JOSMImage(unglueways)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/UnGlue Unglue Ways] ||  `G`  || Duplicate the nodes that are used by multiple ways ||