[[TranslatedPages(Outdated=This page is incomplete and needs some more content.]] = Main menu > Presets = This brings up a list of predefined groups of tags which you can then choose to apply to the currently selected [Concepts/Object objects]. [[Image(preset_list2.png)]] A new window will open if the selected objects' types suit the preset. Depending on the preset this window might have several additional tags to choose from. There are different ways to add the value to the corresponding keys: * free lines to type in text ''(e.g. `name=`)''. * drop-down lists to choose from ''(e.g. `surface=`)''. * check boxes ''(e.g. `oneway=yes/no`)''. * **Note**: Actually there are three states: key not set, yes and no. [[Image(road-preset.png)]] The JOSM installation comes with a [source:trunk/data/defaultpresets.xml default] set of presets and a [wiki:/Presets list] of additional presets, which cover most of your mapping needs. However you can add / modify the default or design a new one by creating your own [wiki:/TaggingPresets preset] file. == Installing presets == Presets are installed under map settings in the preferences. See **Edit** -> **Preferences** -> [[Image(source:trunk/images/preferences/map.png,16,bottom)]] **Map settings** -> [wiki:Help/Preferences/Map#TaggingPresets Tagging presets] == See also == * [wiki:/Presets] * [wiki:Help/Preferences/Map#TaggingPresets Tagging presets preferences] * [wiki:/TaggingPresets Tagging presets] ---- Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]