
Version 24 (modified by Hb---, 7 years ago) ( diff )


The page "Correlate to GPX" needs to be created.

Context Menu > Geoimage Layer

source:trunk/images/dialogs/showhide.png Show/Hide Shift+S[0–9] Toggles the visibility of this layer.
source:trunk/images/dialogs/delete.png Delete Asks to confirm if data is unsaved and deletes this layer.
source:trunk/images/dialogs/mergedown.png Merge... Merges the content of this layer with another Geoimage layer.
source:trunk/images/dialogs/edit.png Rename Layer
source:trunk/images/dialogs/geoimage/gpx2img.png Correlate to GPX
source:trunk/images/dialogs/geoimage/togglegit.png Show thumbnails If enabled small previews of the images instead of the source:trunk/images/dialogs/geoimage/photo-marker.png icon are displayed in the map view.
No image "applications/editors/josm/plugins/photoadjust/images/untaglayer.png" attached to osm:source New layer for untagged images Moves all images without GPS data onto a new geoimage layer (if Photoadjust plugin is enabled)
No image "applications/editors/josm/plugins/photo_geotagging/images/geotagging.png" attached to osm:source Write coordinates to image header (if Photo_Geotagging plugin is enabled)
Jump to next marker Ctrl+Alt+J[0–9] Chooses this layer as source for Geotagged Images or
source:trunk/images/dialogs/next.png shows the next image if already the source.
Jump to previous marker Ctrl+Alt+P[0–9] Chooses this layer as source for Geotagged Images or
source:trunk/images/dialogs/previous.png shows the previous image if already the source.
source:trunk/images/info.png Info Numbers of images in this layer which are loaded, are GPS tagged and have updated GPS data.

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