Changes between Version 55 and Version 74 of Help/Menu/Edit

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Menu/Edit

    v55 v74  
    44== Standard menu items ==
    5 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/undo.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Undo Undo] ||  {{{Ctrl+Z}}}  || Undo the last action ||
    6 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/redo.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Redo Redo] ||  {{{Ctrl+Y}}}  || Redo the last action ||
    7 || || || || ||
    8 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/copy.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Copy Copy] ||  {{{Ctrl+C}}}  || Copy the currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] to the clipboard ||
    9 ||  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CopyCoordinates Copy Coordinates] ||  {{{Ctrl+Shift+C}}}  || Copy the Coordinates of a selected node to the clipboard (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
    10 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/paste.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Paste] ||  {{{Ctrl+V}}}  || Paste the contents of the clipboard in the current data layer at the mouse position ||
    11 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/paste.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteAtSourcePosition Paste at source position] ||  {{{Ctrl+Alt+V}}}  || Paste the contents of the clipboard in the current data layer at the source position (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
    12 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/pastetags.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteTags Paste Tags] ||  {{{Ctrl+Shift+V}}}  || Paste the  [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tags] of the contents of the clipboard to the currently selected objects ||
    13 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/duplicate.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Duplicate Duplicate] ||  {{{Ctrl+D}}}  || Create a copy of the currently selected objects in the current data layer ||
    14 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/delete.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/EditDelete Delete] ||  {{{Delete}}}  || Delete the currently selected objects ||
    15 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/purge.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Purge Purge] ||  {{{Ctrl+Shift+P}}}  || Purge the currently selected objects (**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**) ||
    16 || || || || ||
    17 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/mergedown.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MergeLayer Merge Layer] ||  {{{Ctrl+M}}}  || Merge the data in the current data layer onto another data layer ||
    18 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/mergedown.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MergeSelection Merge selection] ||  {{{Ctrl+Shift+M}}}  || Merge the currently selected objects onto another data layer ||
    19 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/anglesnap.svg)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw/AngleSnap Angle Snapping] ||  {{{A}}} {{{A}}}  || Toggle angle snapping (**Only in  [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw Draw mode]**) ||
    20 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/mapmode/extrude/dualalign.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Extrude#Dualalignment Dual alignment] ||  {{{X}}} {{{X}}}  || Toggle single to double alignment (**Only in [wikitr:/Help/Action/Extrude#Dualalignment Extrude mode]**)  ||
    21 || || || || ||
    22 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/search.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search ...] ||  {{{Ctrl+F}}}  || Search objects in the current data layer ||
    23 || || || || ||
    24 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/preference.png)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences] ||  {{{F12}}}  || Launch the preferences dialog ||
     5||= **Icon** =||= **Name** =||= **Shortcut** =||= **Description** =||
     6||  [[JOSMImage(undo,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Undo Undo] ||  `Ctrl+Z`  || Undo the last action ||
     7||  [[JOSMImage(redo,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Redo Redo] ||  `Ctrl+Y`  || Redo the last action ||
     9||  [[JOSMImage(copy,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Copy Copy] ||  `Ctrl+C`  || Copy the currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] to the clipboard ||
     10||  [[JOSMImage(copy,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CopyCoordinates Copy Coordinates]  ||  `Ctrl+Shift+C`  || Copy the coordinates of all currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Nodes nodes] to the clipboard (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
     11||  [[JOSMImage(copy,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CopyUrl Copy server URLs] ||  || Copy server URLs of the currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] to the clipboard (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
     12||  [[JOSMImage(paste,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Paste] ||  `Ctrl+V`  || Paste the contents of the clipboard in the current data layer at the mouse position ||
     13||  [[JOSMImage(paste,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteAtSourcePosition Paste at source position] ||  `Ctrl+Alt+V`  || Paste the contents of the clipboard in the current data layer at the source position (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
     14||  [[JOSMImage(pastetags)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteTags Paste Tags] ||  `Ctrl+Shift+V`  || Paste the  [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tags] of the contents of the clipboard to the currently selected objects ||
     15||  [[JOSMImage(duplicate)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Duplicate Duplicate] ||  `Ctrl+D`  || Create a copy of the currently selected objects in the current data layer ||
     16||  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,24,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/EditDelete Delete] ||  `Delete`  || Delete the currently selected objects ||
     17||  [[JOSMImage(purge)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Purge Purge] ||  `Ctrl+Shift+P`  || Purge the currently selected objects (''**[wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only**'') ||
     19||  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mergedown)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MergeLayer Merge Layer] ||  `Ctrl+M`  || Merge the data in the current data layer onto another data layer ||
     20||  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mergedown)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MergeSelection Merge selection] ||  `Ctrl+Shift+M`  || Merge the currently selected objects onto another data layer ||
     21||  [[JOSMImage(anglesnap)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw/AngleSnap Angle Snapping] ||  `A` `A`  || Toggle angle snapping (''**only in [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw Draw mode]**'') ||
     22||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/extrude/dualalign)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Extrude#Dualalignment Dual alignment] ||  `X` `X`  || Toggle single to double alignment (''**only in [wikitr:/Help/Action/Extrude#Dualalignment Extrude mode]**'')  ||
     24||  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/search)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search ...] ||  `Ctrl+F`  || Search objects in the current data layer ||
     25||  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/search)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/TaggingPresetSearchPrimitive Search for objects by preset...] ||  `Shift+F3`  || Search for objects by their presets ||
     27||  [[JOSMImage(preference)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences] ||  `F12`  || Launch the preferences dialog ||
    2629== Additional menu items ==
    27 || [[Image(source:trunk/images/copy.svg,24)]] || [wikitr:/Help/Action/CopyTag Copy Tags] ||  || Copy the tags of the currently selected objects to the clipboard || from [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2 UtilsPlugin2] ||
     30Depending on your [wikitr:/Plugins plugin configuration] some additional menu items may be available, e.g.:
     31* [[Image(source:osm//applications/editors/josm/plugins/utilsplugin2/images/utils.png,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2#Edit UtilsPlugin2]
     32* [[Image(source:osm//applications/editors/josm/plugins/comfort0/images/theta.svg,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/Comfort0 Comfort0]
    30 Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main menu][[BR]]
     35Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main menu] \\
    3136Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]