Changes between Version 7 and Version 29 of Help/Downloading data

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Downloading data

    v7 v29  
    1 [[TranslatedPages]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=This page is incomplete. please continue and expand with Notes; Validation errors; Plugins and Images from 3rd party servers)]]
    3 (stub, please continue and expand with Notes, Mapillary, Validation errors and Images from 3rd party servers)
     3= Downloading data
    5 || No || Activation steps || Data type || Help page or notes ||
    6 || 1 || {{{Ctrl+Shift+↓}}} || OSM data || [Help/Action/Download Download] area by your bbox, [wiki:Introduction#Downloading it was covered in Introduction] ||
    7 || 2 || {{{Alt+Shift+↓}}} || OSM data|| [Help/Action/OverpassDownload Download from Overpass API] ||
    8 || 3 || {{{Ctrl+Shift+O}}} || OSM data|| [Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object]s by their known ids ||
    9 || 4 || {{{Ctrl+Alt+D}}} || OSM data|| [Help/Action/DownloadParentWaysAndRelation Download parent ways and relations] ||
    10 || 5 || via command line || OSM data|| [Help/CommandLineOptions Via command line options] ||
    11 || 6 || download along GPX trace || OSM data|| [wiki:Help/Menu/GPXLayer Download from OSM along this Track?] ||
    12 || 7 || open a file || OSM data|| [wiki:Help/Action/Open] a file, note that supported file extension list can be extended with plugins ||
    13 || 8 || open location ... || OSM data|| [wiki:Help/Action/OpenLocation] a file on network, or URL ||
    14 || 9 || drag and drop supported file on running JOSM || OSM data || Similar to file open ||
    15 || 10 || Download data along selected ways || OSM data || Plugin {{{download_along}}} ||
    16 || 11 || (remote control) || OSM data|| [wiki:Help/Preferences/RemoteControl] allows a 3rd-party site to send commands to your JOSM: such as "load data" or "select elements" automatically||
     7* **id** - download [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object object] by beforehand known [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectId id]
     8 * **ids** - download multiple objects by their ids
     9* **ver** - download objects of specific version
     10* **time** - download objects at specific point in time
     11* **objectasarea** - objects within area based on OSM objects
     13||  **N°**  ||  **Activation steps**  ||  **id**  ||  **ids**  ||  **ver**  ||  **time**  ||  **objectasarea**  ||  **Data type**  || **Help page or notes** ||
     14||  1  ||  `Ctrl+Shift+↓`  ||  no  ||  ||  only latest  ||  no  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download] area by your bbox, [wikitr:/Introduction#Downloading it was covered in Introduction] ||
     15||  2  ||  `Alt+Shift+↓`  ||  [osmwiki:Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#By_element_id yes]  ||  [osmwiki:Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#By_element_id yes]  ||  no?  ||  [osmwiki:Overpass_API/Overpass_API_by_Example#OSM_data_at_a_certain_date yes]  ||  [osmwiki:Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Area_pivot_.28pivot.29 yes]  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download#DownloadfromOverpassAPI Download from Overpass API] ||
     16||  3  ||  `Ctrl+Shift+O`  ||  yes  ||  [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject#Multipleobjects yes]  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object]s by their known ids ||
     17||  4  ||  `Ctrl+V`  ||  yes  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || When [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList#Layertypes data layer] is present, [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste#PastingobjectURLs paste an object URL] (``) and object will be downloaded (#13430)
     18||  5  ||  `Ctrl+Alt+D`  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadParentWaysAndRelation Download parent ways and relations] ||
     19||  6  ||  via command line  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions Via command line options] ||
     20||  7  ||  download along \\ GPX trace  ||  no  ||  ||  only latest  ||  no  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Menu/GPXLayer Download from OSM along this Track] ||
     21||  8  ||  open a file  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Open Open] a file, note that supported file extension list can be extended with plugins ||
     22||  9  ||  open location ...  ||  yes  ||  ||  [wikitr:/Help/Action/OpenLocation#Olderversionofobjects yes]  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/OpenLocation Open] a file on network, or URL ||
     23||  10  ||  drag and drop  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || Similar to file open, drag and drop supported file on running JOSM ||
     24||  11  ||  `Alt+Shift+D`  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadAlongWay Download along] selected ways ||
     25||  12  ||  remote control  ||  yes  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  OSM data  || [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/RemoteControl Remote Control] allows a 3rd-party site to send [wikitr:/Help/RemoteControlCommands commands] to your JOSM: such as "load data" or "select elements" automatically ||
    19 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     28Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]