[[TranslatedPages]] = Filter window = [[Image(source:/trunk/images/dialogs/filter.png)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:''''' {{{Alt+Shift+F}}}''' — one of the [Help/ToggleDialogs#Toactivateawindow JOSM windows] The filter window allows the user to temporarily disable certain types of [Help/Concepts/Object objects] based on one (or multiple) filters. == Filtered objects == * not selectable using [wiki:Help#Selection selection tools] (with few minor exceptions in #4929, comment 14) * not returned during [Help/Action/Search Search] action * will disappear from several menus until filters are disabled (example: [[Help/Dialog/SelectionList#SmalltriangleinSelectbutton]]) == Use cases == Simple usage is to enter single tag (or more complex expression similar to search) in "Text" column: objects complying with that text will be disabled. More complex scenarios include filters as quick way to develop and test ''custom tagchecker rules'' ([[Extend JOSM]]). === Usability === * De-clutter main view by (de-)activating features only when you need them. This allows for easier editing in areas with densely located objects or infrastructure. * Completely hide features you don't use * Avoid unnecessary or accidental edits === Productivity === * Disable/separate objects that were fully tagged (using tag count and custom filters) from incomplete objects * Disable recently modified objects (and it is irrelevant: if it modified by you or another person) * Untagged objects {{{untagged}}} can be used instead of Notes at osm.org. It is faster than to set/remove {{{fixme=resurvey}}} - please don't overuse this principle === Filter window and columns === The filter lines are evaluated from top down, with respect to values in [[#Columns]]. [[Image(filterdialog.png,link=)]] === Columns === * '''E''' (''Enable''): Enable or disable this filter line. * '''H''' (''Hide elements'' from [Help/MapView main view]): normally, all objects are disabled, but you can completely hide them: * disabled - visible and displayed as grey * hidden - the chosen objects are completely hidden * '''Text''': The search term or property that defines the objects that are filtered. Every search query from [Help/Action/Search Search] action is supported: * standard substring search (or exact search with "quotes") * Regular expressions (standard Java) * MapCSS syntax * '''I''' (''Inverse Filter''): Normally, the specified objects are hidden and the rest is shown. If this option is activated, only the specified objects are shown and the rest is hidden. * '''M''' (''Filter Mode'') - This mode selector defines how a filter is combined with the previous filter. ''This mode selector defines how a filter is combined with the previous filter.'' * A (''replace selection'') - most users want this, filters with this mode are independent of each other * R (''replace selection'') - effectively disable all filters above * D (''remove from selection'') - un-filter all elements matched * F (''find in selection'') - TODO === Control buttons === TODO explain 5 buttons. === Examples === ||Filter text ||Description or note|| ||{{{ ((landuse:|natural:|leisure:|building:) | (role:outer|role:inner))}}} ||Doesn't handle relations perfectly|| ||{{{ shop=* opening_hours=* }}} ||shop= + opening_hours= tagged objects|| ||{{{ shop=* name=* }}} ||shop= + name= tagged objects || ||{{{ type:node -shop=* }}} ||All nodes expect shops. Geometry modification using mouse move disabled, but possible using other modes (ex. - [Action/ImproveWayAccuracy Improve Way Accuracy mode (W)])|| ||{{{ (type:node | type:way | type:relation) (modified | user:Steve) }}} ||Hide objects if you are the latest editor (useful during mass re-tagging and semi-mechanical edits)|| ||{{{ -highway: }}} ||Everything except highway= tagged objecets|| ||{{{ man_made=pipeline }}} ||Pipelines|| ||{{{ natural=water }}} ||Water objects|| ||{{{ admin_level: }}} ||Admin boundaries|| ||{{{ boundary: | leisure: | landuse: | waterway: | amenity: | natural: | building: }}} ||De-clutters map, aggressive (sometimes you may want to keep buildings or amenity key)|| ||{{{ type:node & untagged }}} ||Make it easier to select ways|| ||{{{ modified }}} ||Quickly see your changes|| ||{{{ child (type:way & highway:) }}} ||All nodes that's part of a highway|| ||{{{ child (type:relation & (natural:|landuse:)) }}} ||All natural and landuse areas formed by relations|| ||{{{ -((highway | child highway | untagged | public_transport) & -(highway=footway | highway=path | highway=steps | highway=track)) }}} || Only roads for public transport. Good for mapping bus networks. || See also [[Help/Action/Search#Examples]] other examples. If you have some clever filters, add them here. == Filter warning == If any filter is active, a transparent message box will appear in the top right corner of [Help/MapView main view]. It is only visible if at least one object was disabled or hidden. [[Image(filters warning.png,link=)]] ---- Back to [wiki:Help/ToggleDialogs Windows][[BR]] Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]