== Filter dialog == The filter dialog allows the user to temporarily hide certain types of objects on the map. === how to activate === Click on the [[Image(source:/trunk/images/dialogs/filter.png)]] symbol on the lower left of the main window. If the symbol is not there, check if your JOSM version is >= 3189. If it is still not visible, you can try setting {{{displayfilter=true}}} in the advanced preferences (and restart). === Options === * '''E''' (''Enable''): Enable or disable this filter. * '''H''' (''Hide elements''): If this option is ticked, the chosen objects are completely hidden. Otherwise they are disabled and shown in a shade of gray. * '''Text''': The search term that defines the objects that are filtered. * '''I''' (''Inverse Filter''): Normally, the specified objects are hidden and the rest is shown. If this option is activated, only the specified objects are shown and the rest is hidden. * '''M''' (''Filter Mode''): One of the following: ''replace selection'', ''add to selection'', ''remove from selection'', ''find in selection''. This defines how a filter is combined with the previous filter.