Changes between Version 42 and Version 44 of Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager

    v42 v44  
    1 [[TranslatedPages(outdated=Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" need some more explaination)]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" need some more explanation)]]
    33= Changeset Manager =
    1161161. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/updatechangesetcontent,24,middle,link=)]] or  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent,24,middle,link=)]] respectively. Depending on whether the changeset content has already been downloaded either of these two actions is available.
     118=== Download the current version of objects in the changeset content ===
     119Objects included in the changeset may be downloaded to the active data layer. If no data layer exists a new one is created.
     1211. Click on the tab **Content**.
     1221. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
     1231. Select some objects in the changeset content.
     1241. Click on [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] **Download Objects** from the popup menu.
     126**Note**: To download all objects of a changeset it is often faster to use the plugin [[Image(source:/osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/reverter/images/revert-changeset.svg,link=,middle)]] [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/Reverter Reverter] and undo the last action.
     128=== Download and display the history of objects in the changeset content ===
     129For an object included in the content of a changeset, you may retrieve and display its history.
     1311. Click on the tab **Content**.
     1321. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
     1331. Select some objects in the changeset content.
     1341. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]] **Show history** from the popup menu.
    118136=== Selecting objects in the changeset content in the Map View ===
    119137If the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Map View] includes an active data layer you can select all objects in this layer which are also part of the current changeset in the Changeset Manager.
    1401581. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/autoscale/selection)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/autoscale/selection)]] **Zoom to layer** from the popup menu.
    142 === Download and display the history of objects in the changeset content ===
    143 For an object included in the content of a changeset, you may retrieve and display its history.
    145 1. Click on the tab **Content**.
    146 1. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
    147 1. Select some objects in the changeset content.
    148 1. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]] **Show history** from the popup menu.
    150160== See also ==
    151161* [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Changeset Concept of changesets]