Changes between Version 32 and Version 44 of Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Dialog/ChangesetManager

    v32 v44  
    1 [[TranslatedPages(outdated=Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" not explained; wikitr: and icon centering needed)]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=Tabs "Tags" and "Content" and "Discussion" need some more explanation)]]
    33= Changeset Manager =
    5 [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager.svg,24)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **{{{Ctrl+Alt+C}}}** — one of the [wikitr:/Help/ToggleDialogs#Toactivateawindow JOSM windows]
     5[[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager,48,middle,link=,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Ctrl+Alt+C`** — one of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Windows JOSM Dialogs] **([wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only)**
    67[[PageOutline(2-10,Table of Contents)]]
    8 == Launching Changeset Manager ==
     9== Launching Changeset Manager ==#Launch
    910There are several ways to launch the Changeset Manager:
    11 1. Select the menu item ''Windows-> [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager.svg,24)]] Changeset Manager''
    12 1. Press **{{{Ctrl+Alt+C}}}**
    13 1. Select one or more changesets in the [Dialog/ChangesetList Changeset List Dialog] and click there on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager.svg,24)]].
     121. Select the menu item ''Windows-> [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager,24,middle,link=)]] Changeset Manager''
     131. Press **`Ctrl+Alt+C`**
     141. Select one or more changesets in the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/ChangesetList Changeset List Dialog] and click there on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/changesetmanager,24,middle,link=)]].
    1516== The Changeset Manager window ==
    27281. Enter the changeset ID or a changeset URL in the input field in the toolbar section of the Changeset Manager
    28 1. Press **{{{ENTER}}}** or click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/downloadchangeset.svg,24)]].
     291. Press **`ENTER`** or click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangeset,24,middle)]].
    3031If you download a single changeset JOSM downloads both the changeset properties (for instance its id or the date it was created) and the changeset content (i.e. the list of objects created, updated, or deleted with this changeset).
    3233=== Query and download your open changesets ===
    33 Changesets can be [Help/Concepts/Changeset#Properties open or closed]. A mapper can always upload additional objects to an open changeset he or she owns.
     34Changesets can be [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Changeset#Properties open or closed]. A mapper can always upload additional objects to an open changeset he or she owns.
    3536If you want to download the list of open changesets you own
    36 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/downloadchangeset.svg,24)]] **My open changesets** in the toolbar section of the Changeset Manager.
     371. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangeset,24,middle)]] **My open changesets** in the toolbar section of the Changeset Manager.
    38 Note that this download only the changeset properties without the changeset content. For downloading the content of changesets see below.
     39Note that this download only the changeset properties without the changeset content. For downloading the content of changesets see [#UpdateContentMulti below].
    4041=== Advanced queries ===
    4344* querying the most recent changesets open or closed on the OSM server
    4445* querying changesets which modified object in a specific area (called a "bounding box")
    45 can be run using the [Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog].
     46can be run using the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog].
    47 To launch the [Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog]:
     48To launch the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog]:
    49 1. Click on [[Image(source:/trunk/images/dialogs/search.png)]] **Query** in the toolbar section of the Changeset Manager.
     501. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/search,middle)]] **Query** in the toolbar section of the Changeset Manager.
    5152== Managing the cache of downloaded changesets ==
    52 JOSM locally maintains a cache of the changesets downloaded from the OSM server. The content of this cache is displayed in the upper half of the Changeset Manager.
     53JOSM locally maintains a cache of the changesets downloaded from the OSM server. The content of this cache is displayed in the upper half of the Changeset Manager.
     55To sort the table of the changesets click on the table column header.
    5457=== Removing changesets from the cache ===
    5962To remove one or more changesets from the local cache
    60631. Select the changesets in the Changeset Manager
    61 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/delete.svg,24)]] or press **{{{DEL}}}**. Alternatively you may select  [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/delete.svg,24)]] **Remove from cache** from the popup menu.
     641. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,24,middle,link=)]] or press **`DEL`**. Alternatively you may select  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,24,middle,link=)]] **Remove from cache** from the popup menu.
    6366=== Updating the properties of changesets in the cache ===
    6669In order to update the properties of one or more changesets
    67701. Select the changesets in the Changeset Manager
    68 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset.svg,24)]]. Alternatively you may select  [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset.svg,24)]] **Update changeset** from the popup menu.
     711. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset,24,middle,link=)]]. Alternatively you may select  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset,24,middle,link=)]] **Update changeset** from the popup menu.
    70 Note that this will update the changeset properties only. For updating the changeset content, see [Dialog/ChangesetManager#UpdateContentMulti below].
     73Note that this will update the changeset properties only. For updating the changeset content, see [#UpdateContentMulti below].
    7275=== Downloading/Updating the content of changesets in the cache === #UpdateContentMulti
    7679In order to download the changeset content of one or more changesets
    77801. Select the changesets in the Changeset Manager
    78 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent.svg)]]. Alternatively you may select  [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent.svg)]] **Download changeset content** from the popup menu.
     811. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent)]]. Alternatively you may select  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent)]] **Download changeset content** from the popup menu.
    80 The content of a changeset may change over time too, provided the changeset is still open. The same steps will always retrieve the lastest content for a given changeset. If the local cache already includes the content of a changeset, this operation will refresh it.
     83The content of a changeset may change over time too, provided the changeset is still open. The same steps will always retrieve the latest content for a given changeset. If the local cache already includes the content of a changeset, this operation will refresh it.
     85=== Copying a list of changesets to clipboard ===
     86Select several changeset (`Ctrl+Clic` to select several non-consecutive changesets or `Shift+Click` to select consecutive changesets) then the OS-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. `Ctrl+C` with Windows) to paste them to the clipboard.
    8289== Managing a single changeset ==
    9299=== External Changeset viewers ===
    93 Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/help/internet.png)]] on the left in the Properties tab to get a list of external changeset viewers. Clicking on one of them will open the selected changeset at the website of the chosen service. External changeset viewers provide different visual illustrations of the contents of a changeset.
     100Click on [[JOSMImage(help/internet)]] on the left in the Properties tab to get a list of external changeset viewers. Clicking on one of them will open the selected changeset at the website of the chosen service. External changeset viewers provide different visual illustrations of the contents of a changeset.
    95102=== Remove a changeset from the local cache ===
    97 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/delete.svg,24)]] to remove the currently selected changeset from the cache.
     1041. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/delete,24,middle,link=)]] to remove the currently selected changeset from the cache.
    99106=== Editing changeset content  ===
    105112In order to update the changeset properties
    106 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset.svg,24)]]
     1131. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/updatechangeset,24,middle,link=)]]
    108115In order to update/download the changeset content
    109 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/updatechangesetcontent.svg,24)]] or  [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent.svg,24)]] respectively. Depending on whether the changeset content has already been downloaded either of these two actions is available.
     1161. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/updatechangesetcontent,24,middle,link=)]] or  [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changeset/downloadchangesetcontent,24,middle,link=)]] respectively. Depending on whether the changeset content has already been downloaded either of these two actions is available.
    111 === Selecting objects in the changeset content in the Map View ===
    112 If the [Help/MapView Map View] includes an active data layer you can select all objects in this layer which are also part of the current changeset in the Changeset Manager.
    114 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/select.png)]] in the detail view of the Changeset Manager
    116 You can also
    118 1. Select the tab **Content** in the detail view
    119 1. Select one or more objects in the content
    120 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/select.png)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[Image(source:/trunk/images/dialogs/select.png)]] **Select in layer** in the popup menu.
    122 === Zooming to objects in the changeset content  ===
    123 If the [Help/MapView Map View] includes an active data layer you can "zoom to the changeset". Actually, neither the changeset nor the entire changeset content is ever included in a data layer. With "zoom to the changeset" we mean that JOSM zooms to the largest subset of objects in the data layer which is also a subset in the changeset content.
    125 In order to zoom to "zoom to the changeset"
    126 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/autoscale/selection.png)]] in the detail view of the Changeset Manager.
    128 Alternatively, you may zoom to a subset of the changeset content". In order to do so
     118=== Download the current version of objects in the changeset content ===
     119Objects included in the changeset may be downloaded to the active data layer. If no data layer exists a new one is created.
    1301211. Click on the tab **Content**.
    1311221. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
    1321231. Select some objects in the changeset content.
    133 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/autoscale/selection.png)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/autoscale/selection.png)]] **Zoom to layer** from the popup menu.
     1241. Click on [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] **Download Objects** from the popup menu.
     126**Note**: To download all objects of a changeset it is often faster to use the plugin [[Image(source:/osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/reverter/images/revert-changeset.svg,link=,middle)]] [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/Reverter Reverter] and undo the last action.
    135128=== Download and display the history of objects in the changeset content ===
    1391321. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
    1401331. Select some objects in the changeset content.
    141 1. Click on [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/history.png)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/history.png)]] **Show history** from the popup menu.
     1341. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/history)]] **Show history** from the popup menu.
    143 == See also ==
    144 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/closechangeset.png)]] [Action/CloseChangeset Close changesets]
    145 * [Dialog/ChangesetList Changeset List Dialog]
    146 * [Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog]
     136=== Selecting objects in the changeset content in the Map View ===
     137If the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Map View] includes an active data layer you can select all objects in this layer which are also part of the current changeset in the Changeset Manager.
     1391. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/select)]] in the detail view of the Changeset Manager
     141You can also
     1431. Select the tab **Content** in the detail view
     1441. Select one or more objects in the content
     1451. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/select)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/select)]] **Select in layer** in the popup menu.
     147=== Zooming to objects in the changeset content  ===
     148If the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Map View] includes an active data layer you can "zoom to the changeset". Actually, neither the changeset nor the entire changeset content is ever included in a data layer. With "zoom to the changeset" we mean that JOSM zooms to the largest subset of objects in the data layer which is also a subset in the changeset content.
     150In order to zoom to "zoom to the changeset"
     1511. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/autoscale/selection)]] in the detail view of the Changeset Manager.
     153Alternatively, you may zoom to a subset of the changeset content". In order to do so
     1551. Click on the tab **Content**.
     1561. Make sure the changeset content is downloaded. If not, download it first.
     1571. Select some objects in the changeset content.
     1581. Click on [[JOSMImage(dialogs/autoscale/selection)]]. Alternatively, you may select [[JOSMImage(dialogs/autoscale/selection)]] **Zoom to layer** from the popup menu.
     160== See also ==
     161* [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Changeset Concept of changesets]
     162* [[JOSMImage(closechangeset,bottom,link=,24)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/CloseChangeset Close changesets]
     163* [[JOSMImage(dialogs/changesetdialog,24,middle,link=)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/ChangesetList Changeset List panel]
     164* [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/ChangesetQuery Changeset Query Dialog]
    149 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     167Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Windows Menu Windows] \\
     168Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]