
Version 11 (modified by skyper, 11 years ago) ( diff )

move image to the right + fixed links

Add Value Dialog

The add value dialog is used to add tags (keys/values) to one or several objects.

At least one object needs to be selected to open it by:

  • double clicking in the empty space below the tags in the tags/membership toggle dialog,
  • clicking on the source:trunk/images/dialogs/add.png Add button in the tags/membership toggle dialog,
  • using the keyboard shortcut Alt+A.

No image "AddValueDialog.png" attached to Help/Dialog/AddValue

Dialog usage

On top the total number of selected objects is shown.

Below, are two text boxes to enter the tag combination manually. Autocompletion will try to assist you (see below). Alternatively, you can use drop down lists through clicking on the arrows on the right or by pressing Up or Down once a text box is selected.

In the lower half, the recently added tags are listed with the last used on top. Default number of listed objects is five but this can be changed or even be disabled (more info).

  • Clicking on one entry or using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+<number> will paste the contents in the text boxes.
  • Double clicking will immediately add the tag to selected objects and close this dialog.
  • Clicking on source:trunk/images/ok.png OK or pressing Enter will add the contents of the text boxes to selected objects and exit this dialog.
  • Clicking on source:trunk/images/cancel.png Cancel or pressing Esc will close the dialog without any changes to selected objects.

Adding several tags

The Shift key works as modifier key in this dialog to be able to add several tags in a row. E.g Shift+ Click on an entry, Shift+Enter and Ctrl+Shift+<number> will add appropriate tag directly without closing the dialog.

Drop-Down-List and Autocompletion

Autocompletion and drop down lists for keys and its corresponding values will contain more or less entries depending on the tag combinations within the currently open data layers and all loaded presets.

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