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[[TranslatedPages]] [[PageOutline(2)]] = Command Line Options = Four types of command line options affect JOSM: * The [#Programarguments Program arguments⤓] directly control JOSM. They are called ''args'' by Java. * The [#Javaoptions Java options⤓] affect its environment (JVM) and are sometimes named ''VM arguments''. * The [#run-options Run-options⤓] are involved in WebStart. Some are for diagnosis and import. * Some [#Otheroptions Other options⤓] for helper programs. {{{ #!sh # Running a jar java [Java options] -jar josm.jar [Program arguments] # Launch a Web Start javaws [Run-options] -J[Java option] josm.jnlp }}} The [wikitr:/Help/Action/ShowStatusReport Status Report] from the Help menu lists the given Program arguments and Java options. Some [#Examples examples⤓] for both of them are shown below. **Note:** The term {{{josm.jar}}} is a common abbreviation for the file names ''josm-tested.jar'' and ''josm-latest.jar''. The term ''josm.jnlp'' also stands for ''josm-latest.jnlp''. As usual the command line arguments are separated by space from each other. == Program arguments for JOSM ==#Programarguments The first argument can be a **command** for JOSM to make it work autonomous. The commands are `render`, `project` or `runjosm` as default. The remaining arguments are **options** for JOSM. They can be URLs, filenames, coordinates, simple options and option=value pairs. The options for runjosm are listed in the following. At the bottom are the options for the commands [#Programargumentsrendering render⤓] and [#Programargumentsproject project⤓]. {{{ usage: java -jar josm.jar [<command>] <options>... commands: runjosm launch JOSM (default, performed when no command is specified) render render data and save the result to an image file project convert coordinates from one coordinate reference system to another For details on the render and project commands, run them with the --help option. The remainder of this help page documents the runjosm command. options: --help|-h Show this help --geometry=widthxheight(+|-)x(+|-)y Standard unix geometry argument [--download=]minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon Download the bounding box [--download=]<URL> Download the location at the OSM-style URL [--download=]<filename> Open a file (any type suitable for File/Open) --downloadgps=minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon Download the bounding box as raw GPS --downloadgps=<URL> Download the location at the URL as raw GPS --selection=<searchstring> Select with the given search --[no-]maximize Launch in maximised mode --reset-preferences Reset the preferences to default --load-preferences=<url-to-xml> Changes preferences according to the XML file --set=<key>=<value> Set preference key to value --language=<language> Set the language --version Displays the JOSM version and exits --debug Print debug info on Mapview and stdout (console) --skip-plugins Skip loading plugins --offline=<OSM_API|JOSM_WEBSITE|CACHE_UPDATES|CERTIFICATES|ALL> Disable access to the given resource(s), separated by comma <OSM API|JOSM website|Cache updates|Certificates|All> }}} The `--download=` part of the download option is optional. The arguments `--download`, `--downloadgps` and `--selection` are processed in this order. The value `<url-to-xml>` can point to a local file with `file:relative/path/name.xml`. The items in the `--offline` value are separated by comma. == Java options ==#Javaoptions They control the Java virtual machine [ (JVM)] and can set [ properties] inside it. JOSM reads some of them directly, for example `josm.home`. Others like `user.language` and `` affect the default settings of the JVM which affect JOSM too. {{{ Java system properties options: Change the JOSM directory name -Djosm.pref=/PATH/TO/JOSM/PREF Set the preferences directory Default (Linux XDG): /home/name/.config/JOSM Default (Windows): C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\JOSM -Djosm.userdata=/PATH/TO/JOSM/USERDATA Set the user data directory Default (Linux XDG): /home/name/.local/share/JOSM Default (Windows): C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\JOSM -Djosm.cache=/PATH/TO/JOSM/CACHE Set the cache directory Default (Linux XDG): /home/name/.cache/JOSM Default (Windows): C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\JOSM\cache -Djosm.home=/PATH/TO/JOSM/HOMEDIR Set the common directory for preferences, user data and ./cache/. Lower precedence. Will get overridden from specific setting. -Xmx...m Set maximum Java heap size in megabytes. May avoid Out-of-Memory errors. }}} The `-Xmx...m` option may be useful when [wikitr:/Download#Outofmemory Out of Memory] errors arise. If you set a common directory with `Djosm.home` then JOSM will create the subdirectories ./autosave, ./cache and ./validator. If a value has spaces, then enclose it in quotation marks like `"josm dev"`. When the non-ASCII characters in the command prompt are scrambled, use `-Dfile.encoding=Cp850` to receive text from Java in another [ code page]. Which [ code page] is used shows `chcp⏎` in the terminal. For UTF-8 on Windows, invoke `chcp 65001` in the Windows terminal window before launching JOSM using `java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar josm.jar` JOSMs Debian package `josm-latest` uses `` to offer parallel installations in the XDG base directories. [=#Examples **Examples for JOSM runjosm options and Java options**] {{{ #!sh # Load three files java -jar josm.jar track1.gpx BigBen.jpg "london data.osm" # Download from OSM according to an URL with zoom and coordinates java -jar josm.jar # Download a bounding box and select every element matching a string java -jar josm.jar 51.500,-0.126,51.502,-0.122 --selection="Big Ben" # # Set directory for JOSM according to a property from the operating system java -Djosm.pref=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME -jar josm.jar # Quotations for a value with space and show JOSMs GUI in English java"josm dev" -jar josm.jar --language=en # Set the common directory in a sub-subdirectory below the active command prompt java -Djosm.home=biketour2017/london -jar josm.jar # More memory and without phoning home java -Xmx1024m --set=message.notifier.enabled=false -jar josm.jar # # Start in an English environment and log debug info plus messages from stderr java -Duser.language=en -jar josm.jar --debug 1>logfile.txt 2>&1 }}} == Run-options for Java Web Start ==#run-options The run-options are read by the `javaws` command. They control the Web Start mechanism, can encapsulate Java options and can diagnose Java. {{{ #!sh # Control -offline Allows to Web Start JOSM without internet access # Encapsulate -J<java option> Supplies the <java option> to the JVM -J-Xmx1024m Here: Set maximum Java heap size to 1024 megabyte # Diagnosis javaws -viewer Shows the Cache Viewer in the Java Control Panel # Allows to opens the Java Control Panel from the command line. javaws -clearcache Removes all non-installed applications from the cache # Equal to 'Delete Files and Applications' from the 'Temporary File Settings' invoked # by the 'Settings' button in the 'General' tab of the Java Control Panel. # javaws -Xclearcache on OpenJDK }}} The `-J` run-option takes its part behind the J letter and supplies that as Java option. The [wikitr:/Help/jnlpOptions jnlp-File] used by [ Web Start] offers a second way to [ set options] for JRE and for the JOSM program directly. The `javaws` command has some control options on all systems. The `-clearcache` option and clearing the cache via the Java Control Panel will both delete JNLP based icons from the Desktop. The JOSM icon will be gone if it was placed as result of a click in a web browser on a jnlp-file. == Other options ==#Otheroptions The Launcher `josm.exe` aka [ Launch4j] (only on [wikitr:/Download#Mswindowswrapper MS Windows]) may give some debug info. {{{ #!sh josm.exe --j4l-debug Tries to write a launch4j.log to current directory josm.exe --j4l-dont-wait Ends the wrapper after invoking JOSM. }}} == Command line for Render and Project == === JOSM rendering Programm arguments ===#Programargumentsrendering {{{ Usage: java -jar josm.jar render <options> Description: Renders data and saves the result to an image file. Options: --help|-h Show this help --input|-i <file> Input data file name (.osm) --output|-o <file> Output image file name (.png); defaults to 'out.png' --style|-s <file> Style file to use for rendering (.mapcss or .zip) This option can be repeated to load multiple styles. --setting <key>:<value> Style setting (in JOSM accessible in the style list dialogue right click menu) Applies to the last style loaded with the --style option. --zoom|-z <lvl> Select zoom level to render. (integer value, 0=entire earth, 18=street level) --scale <scale> Select the map scale A value of 10000 denotes a scale of 1:10000 (1 cm on the map equals 100 m on the ground; display resolution: 96 dpi) Options --zoom and --scale are mutually exclusive. --bounds|-b auto|<min_lon>,<min_lat>,<max_lon>,<max_lat> Area to render, default value is 'auto' With keyword 'auto', the downloaded area in the .osm input file will be used (if recorded). --anchor <lon>,<lat> Specify bottom left corner of the rendering area Used in combination with width and height options to determine the area to render. --width-m <number> Width of the rendered area, in meter --height-m <number> Height of the rendered area, in metres --width-px <number> Width of the target image, in pixels --height-px <number> Height of the target image, in pixels --projection <code> Projection to use, default value 'epsg:3857' (web-Mercator) --max-image-size <number> Maximum image width/height in pixel ('0' means no limit), default value: 20000 To specify the rendered area and scale, the options can be combined in various ways: * --bounds (--zoom|--scale|--width-px|--height-px) * --anchor (--width-m|--width-px) (--height-m|--height-px) (--zoom|--scale) * --anchor --width-m --height-m (--width-px|--height-px) * --anchor --width-px --height-px (--width-m|--height-m) If neither 'bounds' nor 'anchor' is given, the default value --bounds=auto takes effect and the bounds of the download area in the .osm input file are used. Examples: java -jar josm.jar render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -z 16 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --scale 5000 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -z 16 -o image.png josm render -i data.osm -s elemstyles.mapcss --setting hide_icons:false -z 16 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -s another_style.mapcss -z 16 -o image.png josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --bounds 21.151,51.401,21.152,51.402 -z 16 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --anchor 21.151,51.401 --width-m 500 --height-m 300 -z 16 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --anchor 21.151,51.401 --width-m 500 --height-m 300 --width-px 1800 josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --scale 5000 --projection epsg:4326 }}} === JOSM projection Programm arguments ===#Programargumentsprojection {{{ Usage: java -jar josm.jar project <options> <crs> +to <crs> [file] Description: Converts coordinates from one coordinate reference system to another. Options: --help|-h Show this help -I Switch input and output crs -r Switch order of input coordinates (east/north, lon/lat) -s Switch order of output coordinates (east/north, lon/lat) <crs>: The format for input and output coordinate reference system is similar to that of the PROJ.4 software. [file]: Reads input data from one or more files listed as positional arguments. When no files are given, or the filename is "-", data is read from standard input. Examples: java -jar josm.jar project +init=epsg:4326 +to +init=epsg:3857 <<<"11.232274 50.5685716" => 1250371.1334500168 6545331.055189664 java -jar josm.jar project +proj=lonlat +datum=WGS84 +to +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +nadgrids=@null <<EOF 11d13'56.19"E 50d34'6.86"N 118d39'30.42"W 37d20'18.76"N EOF => 1250371.1334500168 6545331.055189664 -1.3208998232319113E7 4486401.160664663 }}} == See also == * [wikitr:/Download#Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Java] * [wikitr:/InstallNotes Installation notes] * [wikitr:/Help/Preferences Preferences] - Preferences overview ---- Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]
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