'''Tag2Link''' is the name (of a former JOSM plugin) for extracting URLs from [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tags] (in particular, [osmwiki:Category:External reference tag external reference tags]. For instance, this allows to open the `website` of an OSM object in the web browser. [[Image(tag2link.png)]] == Where to find it? == Tag2Link can be invoked from the context menu of following locations within JOSM: * [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership TagsMembership Window] * [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList Selection List Window] * [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/RelationList Relation List Window] == Built-in rules == The following rules are built-in (OSM key → action): * `name` → Search on DuckDuckGo * `website` → URL * `source` → URL * `url` → URL * `image` → Wikimedia Commons * `wikipedia` → Wikipedia * `wikidata` → Wikidata * `species` → Wikispecies == Rules from Wikidata == Additional rules are loaded from Wikidata items which have [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1282 OSM tag or key (P1282)] and [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1630 formatter URL (P1630)] defined. Use the following URL to the Wikidata Query Service in order to inspect all Wikidata item taken into account: https://w.wiki/GbF == Rules from OSM Sophox == Additional rules are loaded from OSM Wiki Wikibase based on [osmwiki:Property:P8 formatter URL (P8)], see [https://sophox.org/#SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%28CONCAT%28%22Key%3A%22%2C%20%3Fpermanent_key_ID%29%20as%20%3FOSM_key%29%20%3Fformatter_URL%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20FILTER%28%3Fpermanent_key_ID%20NOT%20IN%20%28%27image%27%2C%20%27url%27%2C%20%27website%27%2C%20%27wikidata%27%2C%20%27wikimedia_commons%27%29%29.%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20osmdt%3AP2%20osmd%3AQ7.%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20osmdt%3AP16%20%3Fpermanent_key_ID.%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20osmdt%3AP8%20%3Fformatter_URL.%0A%7D%0A this query] on OSM Sophox Service.