3 | | [[Image(source:trunk/images/help/internet.png,48,left,margin-right=20,margin-bottom=15)]] '''Tag2Link''' is the name (of a former JOSM plugin) for extracting URLs from [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tags] (in particular, [osmwiki:Category:External reference tag external reference tags]. For instance, this allows to open the `website` of an OSM object in the web browser. |
| 3 | [[JOSMImage(help/internet,48,left,margin-right=20,margin-bottom=15)]] '''Tag2Link''' is the name (of a former JOSM plugin) for extracting URLs from [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags tags] (in particular, [osmwiki:Category:External reference tag external reference tags]. For instance, this allows to open the `website` of an OSM object in the web browser. |
9 | | * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.svg,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership TagsMembership Panel] |
10 | | * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/selectionlist.png,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList Selection List Panel] |
11 | | * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/relationlist.png,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/RelationList Relation List Panel] |
| 9 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/TagsMembership TagsMembership Panel] |
| 10 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/selectionlist,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList Selection List Panel] |
| 11 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/relationlist,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/RelationList Relation List Panel] |