
Version 5 (modified by dmgroom, 17 years ago) ( diff )

update for API 0.5 changes

How the split way tool works is dependent on what is selected.

1. One or more NODES (and, optionally, also one way) selected:

(All nodes must be part of the same way. If a way is also selected, that way must contain all selected nodes.)

Way is split at the selected node(s) into contiguous ways. If you select just one node then the way will be split into two ways, if you select two nodes, the way will be split into three ways, etc. If the original contained one or more parts that were not reachable from any of the nodes, they form an extra new way. If there is no existing node at the point where you want to split the way, then you can first add a node using the node insert tool.

Examples (numbers are unselected nodes, letters are selected nodes):

1---A---2  becomes  two ways: 1---A and A---2

1---A---2---B---3  becomes three ways:   1---A and A---2---B and B---3

1---A---2  3---4  becomes three ways: 1---A and A---2 and 3---4 

    2                                    2
    |                                    |
1---A---3  becomes three ways: 1---A and A and A---3

This function will result in at least two ways, unless the selected node is at the end of the way AND the way is contiguous, which will lead to an error message.

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