Changes between Version 7 and Version 37 of Help/Action/ShowStatusReport

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/ShowStatusReport

    v7 v37  
    22= Help > Show Status Report =
    4 [[Image(source:trunk/images/clock.png)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{ }}}'''
    6 '''Show status report with useful information that must be attached to bugs .'''
     6Displays the status report with useful information for troubleshooting and development.
    8 **Note**: It is advisable to cut parts off, as private user information is listed.
     8Tip: starting with JOSM r17637, a status report can also be obtained from the [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions command line] using `--status-report`
    10 The first three blocks contain safe information, everything below are your private settings. If unsure, use the button "Report bug" to copy the first three text blocks into a new bug report ticket.
     10**To report an error in JOSM or to request a new feature please use ''always'' the [wikitr:/Help/Action/ReportBug Report bug] form.** \\
     11It can be invoked in the Help menu or with the [[JOSMImage(bug)]] button in this dialog. This includes all needed technical information in the ticket. Bug reports and feature request are called ''tickets'' in JOSM.
     13The status report consists of the following sections:
     16||= Section =||= Description =||= Status Report \\ Presence =||= Bug Report \\ Presence =||= **Required in a \\ bug report** =||
     17|| [#a1Release 1 Release] || JOSM version details ||  Always  ||  Always  ||  Yes  ||
     18|| [#a2System 2 System] || Operating system, Java, memory usage, screen size and [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions command line options] ||  Always  ||  Always  ||  Yes  ||
     19|| [#a3DatasetCons 3 Dataset consistency] || Consistency of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/OSMLayer current data layer] ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     20|| 4 Plugins || Installed [wikitr:/Plugins Plugins] ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     21|| 5 Tagging presets || Installed [wikitr:/Presets Presets] ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     22|| 6 Map paint styles || Installed [wikitr:/Styles Styles] ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     23|| 7 Validator Rules || Installed [wikitr:/Rules Rules] ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     24|| [#a8LastErrorsWarnings 8 Last errors/warnings] || Overview of last shown or hidden code errors/warnings of JOSM ||  If available  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     25|| [#a9CrashStack 9 Crash & Stack] || Detailed info about the last JOSM code error ||  No  ||  If available  ||  Yes, if available  ||
     26|| [#a10Threads 10 Threads] || All stack traces ||  No  ||  Optional  ||  Optional  ||
     27|| [#a11Preferences 11 Preferences] || Current settings ||  Always  ||  No  ||  **No**  ||
     30* The sections are not numbered in the report.
     31* Some may be empty.
     32* Section 4–8 each add a title to their paragraph and each line of the paragraph starts with plus `+` or minus `-`.
     33* Section 9–10 add a title to their paragraphs
     35== 1 Release == #a1Release
     39Relative:URL: ^/trunk
     40Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
     41Last:Changed Date: 2020-07-30 12:44:04 +0200 (Thu, 30 Jul 2020)
     43Build-Date:2020-07-31 01:30:49
     47== 2 System == #a2System
     48 Memory Usage:: The first value is the size of the total memory currently used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) including  JOSM and garbage. The second value is the max. memory the JVM will try to use, a limit can be the -Xmx option. At last, the third value is the free memory in the JVM.
     52Identification: JOSM/1.5 (16812 en) Linux Arch Linux
     53Memory Usage: 387 MB / 3844 MB (191 MB allocated, but free)
     54Java version: 11.0.8+10, N/A, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
     55Look and Feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
     56Screen: :0.0 3840x2160 (scaling 1.0x1.0)
     57Maximum Screen Size: 3840x2160
     58Best cursor sizes: 16x16 -> 16x16, 32x32 -> 32x32
     59VM arguments: [-Djosm.home=<josm.pref>]
     62== 3 Dataset consistency == #a3DatasetCons
     63Only one line without separation to the System paragraph.
     67Dataset consistency test: No problems found
     70== 8 Last errors/warnings  == #a8LastErrorsWarnings
     74Last errors/warnings:
     75- E: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ${HOME}/b.osm
     76- E: Error - <html>Could not read file 'b.osm'.<br>Error is:<br>${HOME}/b.osm</html>
     79== 9 Crash & Stack == #a9CrashStack
     80Only present after an error in the Report Bug dialog.
     82== 10 Threads == #a10Threads
     83Full stack traces of all running threads. Optionally available through check box in Report Bug dialog.
     85== 11 Preferences == #a11Preferences
     86**Not needed in tickets**
     88To protect sensitive data this keys are stripped: `username`, `password`, `access-token`, `file-open.history`, `download.overpass.query` and `download.overpass.queries`.
    13 Back to [wiki:Menu/Help Menu Help][[Br]]
    14 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     91Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help Help menu] \\
     92Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main menu] \\
     93Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]