Changes between Version 27 and Version 116 of Help/Action/Select

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/Select

    v27 v116  
     2[[PageOutline(2-10,Table of Contents)]]
    3 = Select, Move and Rotate Objects =
     4= Select mode =
    5 [[Image(source:trunk/images/mapmode/move/move.png)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **{{{S}}}**
     6[[JOSMImage(mapmode/move/move,link=,48,middle,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`S`** (press `S` again to toggle between [[JOSMImage(mapmode/rope)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/LassoMode Lasso mode] and this Select mode) — is one of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode#Workingmode working modes]
    7 **This tool has four possible modes:**
     8**[#Selecttool Select], [#Move move], [#Scale scale] and [#Rotate rotate] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects].** \\
     9Despite its name this mode provides some actions. \\
     10The only difference between Select mode and [[JOSMImage(mapmode/rope)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/LassoMode Lasso mode] is the area selection mode. All other selection modes and actions are identical.
    9 [[PageOutline(2-3,Table of Contents,inline)]]
     12== Select mode == #Selecttool
     13This mode is to change the selection of [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] on the map.
    11 == Select tool ==
     15The selected objects are drawn in a different style (red color by default); depending on [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Display preferences] and the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/MapPaint active styles]. They are listed in the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList selection list].
    13 This MapMode enables the user to make selections of different [Concepts/Object objects]. The selected objects are drawn in a different style, depending on [Help/Preferences/Display display preferences] and the [Help/Dialog/MapPaint active styles]. The cursor icon will also change depending on the selection mode.
     17The cursor icon will also change depending on the selection mode.
    15 === Selecting single objects ===
    16 **Left-click** to select the node [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node.png)]] or way [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way.png)]] nearest to the pointer. The node or way that would be selected is highlighted as a hint.
     19=== Select the single object === #Selectsingle
     20The cursor changes depending on the object. In the table below, the icon on the top is the default, the icon(s) in the middle for a [[JOSMImage(data/node)]] node and the icon(s) on the bottom for a [[JOSMImage(data/way)]] way.
     21||= **Name** =||= **Activation steps** =||= **Cursor** =||= **Description** =||
     22|| **Select** ||  **`Left mouse click`**  ||  [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/selection)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_node)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_way)]]  || Select a node or way under mouse cursor. More precisely, ''previously selected object(s)'' will be **replaced** with new object and displayed in [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList selection list]. ||
     23|| **Add** ||  **`Shift + Left mouse click`**  ||  [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_add)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_node_add)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_way_add)]]  || Add a node or way under mouse cursor to the selection. ||
     24|| **Toggle** ||  **`Ctrl + Left mouse click`** (Windows/Linux) \\ **`Cmd + Left mouse click`** (Mac)  ||  [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_remove)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_node_add)]] [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_node_remove)]] \\ [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_way_add)]] [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_way_remove)]]  || The selection of a node or way will be **toggled**. More precisely, previously unselected object will be added to the selection and previously selected object will be removed from the selection. ||
     25|| **Select surrounding** ||  **`Double left mouse click`**  ||  ''default''  || Select the surrounding object ([[JOSMImage(data/closedway)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Areas area] or [[JOSMImage(data/multipolygon)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Relations multipolygon]). \\ \\ Can be used in combination with `Shift` or `Ctrl` but `Ctrl` only removes the surrounding object from the selection in this use case. ||
    18 If multiple objects overlap or are very close to each other, there are several ways to select a specific object.
    19 * **Middle-click** to show a pop-up window of nearby objects and to cycle through them.
    20 * **Left-click** while holding the **{{{Alt}}}** (or **{{{AltGr}}}**) key to cycle through nearby objects without showing a pop-up window. To make this type of selection the default, and thus not require the use of the **{{{Alt}}}** key, change the [Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preference] {{{selectaction.cycles.multiple.matches}}} to true.
    22 Hold the **{{{Shift}}}** key while **left-clicking** to add the node [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node_add.png)]] or way [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way_add.png)]] to the current selection. Hold the **{{{Ctrl}}}** key while **left-clicking** to toggle the selection of the object (if the object is already selected, remove it from the selection, otherwise add it to the selection).
     28==== Cycle in dense or overlapping objects ====
     29Cursor: none
    24 **Double click** to select the surrounding area (closed way or multipolygon).
     31Activation steps:
     32* `Middle mouse click` to cycle objects with small pop-up (see also some information about middle click on [wikitr:/Shortcuts#MacOS Mac OS]).
     33* `Left mouse click` while holding the `Alt` (or `AltGr`) key to cycle through nearby objects **without showing a pop-up window**.
    26 === Selecting multiple objects ===
    27 To select all objects, press **{{{Ctrl+A}}}**.
     35This is useful when:
    29 **Hold and drag the left mouse button** to draw a selection rectangle [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/selection.png)]].
     37* certain way which **shares common nodes** with one or more other ways
     38* multiple **objects overlap**
     39* multiple **objects very close to each other**
     40* selecting between multiple nodes if they appear as single node (multiple dots appear as one)
    31 * **Release** the left mouse button to select all [Concepts/Object objects] within the rectangle. All nodes within the rectangle and any ways which are entirely within the rectangle will be selected.
    32 * To cancel the selection rectangle, **hold the right mouse button** when releasing the left mouse button.
     42Action: it will show a pop-up window of nearby objects and to cycle through them. To make this type of selection the default, and thus not require the use of the **`Alt`** key, change the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preference] `selectaction.cycles.multiple.matches` to true. Holding `Ctrl` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd` (Mac) afterwards to directly select an object.
    34 When the mouse button is released and either **{{{Alt}}}**, **{{{Shift}}}** or **{{{Ctrl}}}** is held, following selection is made:
     44=== Selection rectangle === #Selectrectangle
    36 * **{{{Alt}}}** : in addition to the normal behavior, select all ways that have at least one node within selection rectangle.
    37 * **{{{Shift}}}** [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_add.png)]]: the [Concepts/Object objects] are added to the current selection.
    38 * **{{{Ctrl}}}** [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_remove.png)]]: remove all [Concepts/Object objects] under the current rectangle from the active selection (if there were any). Nothing is added to the current selection.
     46==== Select multiple objects using selection rectangle ====
     47Cursor: [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/selection)]]
    40 **{{{Alt}}}** can be combined with **{{{Shift}}}**, but cannot be combined with **{{{Ctrl}}}**, as this is used for the **[#Scale scale]** command.
     49Activation steps: hold and drag the `Left mouse button` around objects
    42 === Unselecting ===
    43 To unselect everything you can either click on an empty area of the screen, or press **{{{Esc}}}** on the keyboard.
     52* Release the `Left mouse button` - to select all [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] within the rectangle, more precisely:
     53 * all nodes within the rectangle and
     54 * any ways which are **entirely within the rectangle** will be selected
     55 * ''previously selected object(s)'' will be **replaced with new object(s)** and displayed in [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/SelectionList selection list panel]
     56* Hold the `Right mouse button` when releasing the left mouse button - cancel the selection rectangle
    45 If you have more than one [Concepts/Object object] selected, and just want to unselect one particular **object**, then click it with the 'Select tool' while holding down **{{{Ctrl}}}** [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node_remove.png)]] [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way_remove.png)]].
     58==== Hold right mouse to move rectangle ====
     59You can move defined rectangle as many times as you want: simply hold right mouse button and move mouse cursor around.
    47 === Selecting particular ways ===
     61Pay attention that in order to select elements, you should release right mouse button first, then left mouse button.
    49 For help on selecting a certain way which **shares common nodes** with one or more other ways see [wiki:/HowTo here].
     63==== Modifiers ==== #Modifiers
     64When the mouse button is released and either **`Alt`**, **`Shift`**, **`Ctrl`** or **`Cmd`** is held, action will change:
    51 == Move ==
     66||= **Name** =||= **Key** =||= **Cursor** =||= **Description** =||
     67|| **Extended way selection** ||  **`Alt`**  ||  ''default''  || In addition to the normal behavior, select all ways that have at least one node within selection rectangle ||
     68|| **Add** ||  **`Shift`**  ||  [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_add)]]  || The [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] are added to the current selection ||
     69|| **Unselect** ||  **`Ctrl`** (Windows/Linux) or **`Cmd`** (Mac) ||  [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/select_remove)]]  || Remove all [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] in current rectangle from selection (if there were any). \\Nothing is added to the current selection. ||
    53 You can move selected [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/node.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Nodes nodes] and [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/way.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Ways ways] in the main window, by moving the mouse cursor close to one of the selected objects and then left clicking while dragging the mouse.
    54 * If the mouse cursor is **near a node** when performing the move action, then **just this node** is moved.
    55  * If you move a node very close to another node and hold **{{{Ctrl}}}** when releasing the left mouse button the moved **node** will be merged with the other **node**.
    56 * If the mouse cursor is **near a way** when performing the move action, then **this way**, together with its associated **nodes**, is moved.
     71* `Alt` can be combined with `Shift`
     72* `Alt` can't be combined with `Ctrl` or `Cmd` - as this is used for the **scale** command described [#Scale below]
     73* `Ctrl` or `Cmd` combined with `Shift` makes no sense
    58 === Merge nodes ===
    59 [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/joinnode.png,left,margin-right=20)]]
     75=== Unselect all ===
     76You can unselect all by:
     77* `Esc` key **or**
     78* `Left mouse click` into empty map area **or**
     79* [wikitr:/Help/Action/UnselectAll Selection > Unselect All]
    61 You can merge selected nodes with another one by holding down **{{{Ctrl}}}** and dragging one selected node onto the unselected one.
     81== Move == #Move
     82You can move the whole selection by moving the pointer close to a selected object, click and drag the pointer.
    63 == Rotate ==
    64 [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/rotate.png,left,margin-right=20)]]
     84Moving is also possible with **`Shift + Arrow keys`**.
    66 You can rotate selected nodes and ways by holding down **{{{Shift+Ctrl}}}** + left mouse button and moving the cursor.
     86[[JOSMImage(mapmode/improvewayaccuracy)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/ImproveWayAccuracy Improve Way Accuracy] - over time many mappers switch to this tools instead of manually selecting-and-moving each node
    68 == Scale ==
    69 [[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/scale.png,left,margin-right=20)]]
     88=== Aligned move of selection ===
     89If the last-added way in the selection consists of exactly two nodes, then the whole move can be aligned to its direction by pressing and holding `Ctrl` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd` (Mac) while dragging.
    71 You can scale selected nodes and ways by holding down **{{{Ctrl+Alt}}}** + left mouse button and moving the cursor.
     91After mousebutton-down you can toggle `Ctrl` (resp. `Cmd`) arbitrarily often to switch between free and aligned move. The constrain offers four directions defined by the last-selected way (move within its direction, against it, and 90° rotations of these; vaguely comparable to the cardinal directions of a compass). To end an aligned move, it is recommended to release the mouse button before keyboard modifier key.
    73 == Cursors ==
    74 The cursor changes to indicate what action will occur:
     93=== Drag a Midpoint creates New Node ===
     94Activation steps: ''clicking and dragging'' a yellow cross in the middle of a segment; at any point in time, there N mid points to drag where N is number of segments.
    76 ||=**Cursor**=||=**Action**=||
    77 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node.png)]]|| a node will be selected ||
    78 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node_add.png)]]|| a node will be added to the current selection ||
    79 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_node_remove.png)]]|| a node will be removed from the current selection ||
    80 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way.png)]]|| a way will be selected ||
    81 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way_add.png)]]|| a way will be added to the current selection ||
    82 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_way_remove.png)]]|| a way will be removed from the current selection ||
    83 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/selection.png)]]|| objects within the rectangle will be selected ||
    84 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_add.png)]]|| objects within the rectangle will added to the current selection ||
    85 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/select_remove.png)]]|| objects within the rectangle will removed from the current selection ||
    86 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/modifier/joinnode.png)]]|| the selected nodes will be merged with the node near the pointer ||
    87 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/rotate.png)]]|| [#Rotate rotate] the selected objects ||
    88 ||[[Image(source:trunk/images/cursor/scale.png)]]|| [#Scale scale] the selected objects ||
     96Action: will insert a new node at the location of the cross
    90 == Advanced details ==
    91 Whether a mouse action is considered a selection or a move depends on some settings, to prevent objects from being moved when a simple selection was intended; this is particularly important on devices such as tablets that are touch sensitive or use a stylus. If the pointer is moved between pressing and releasing the left mouse button, the object will only be moved if the pointer moved more than 5 pixels or was held down for more than 0.2 seconds, otherwise the object will simply be selected. These two settings can be changed with the [Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preferences] {{{edit.initial-move-threshold}}} (pixels) and {{{edit.initial-move-delay}}} (milliseconds).
     98== Merge nodes == #Mergenodes
     99Cursor: [[JOSMImage(cursor/modifier/joinnode)]]
     101Activation steps: hold down `Ctrl` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd` (Mac) and drag one selected node onto an unselected one
     103Action: merge selected nodes with another; internally it will simply use [wikitr:/Help/Action/MergeNodes Merge Nodes] - please read more details there.
     105== Rotate == #Rotate
     106Cursor: [[JOSMImage(cursor/rotate)]]
     108Activation steps: `Shift + Ctrl + left mouse button` (Windows/Linux) or `Shift + Cmd + left mouse button` (Mac) and moving mouse up and down
     110Action: rotate selected nodes and ways around their geometrical center.
     112The rotation angle is displayed in the [wikitr:/Help/StatusBar Status Bar].
     114Rotation at defined angles is possible via the [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/ShapeTools ShapeTools Plugin].
     116== Scale == #Scale
     117Cursor: [[JOSMImage(cursor/scale)]]
     119Activation steps: `Ctrl + Alt + left mouse button` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Alt + left mouse button` (Mac) and moving mouse up and down
     122* scale selected nodes and ways around their geometrical center. Proportions will be kept.
     123* if used only on 2 nodes, it will move them from or to their mid point (depending on mouse move)
     125The scaling factor is displayed in the [wikitr:/Help/StatusBar Status Bar].
     127== Advanced details ==#Advanceddetails
     128Whether a mouse action is considered a selection or a move depends on some settings, to prevent objects from being moved when a simple selection was intended; this is particularly important on devices such as tablets that are touch sensitive or use a stylus.
     129If the pointer is moved between pressing and releasing the left mouse button, the object will only be moved if the pointer moved more than 5 pixels or was held down for more than 0.2 seconds, otherwise the object will simply be selected.
     130These two settings can be changed with the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preferences] `edit.initial-move-threshold` (pixels) and `edit.initial-move-delay` (milliseconds).
    93132== See also ==
    94 * [wiki:Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2 UtilsPlugin2] contains additional selection functionality
     133* [wikitr:/Shortcuts#Altkey] - if `Alt` doesn't work
     134* [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2 UtilsPlugin2] contains additional selection functionality
    97 Back to [EditToolbar Edit Toolbar][[BR]]
    98 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     137Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode Mode menu] \\
     138Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]