Changes between Version 42 and Version 49 of Help/Action/OpenLocation

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(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/OpenLocation

    v42 v49  
    33= File > Open Location =
    4 == Dialog ==
    5 [[Image(source:trunk/images/openlocation.png,middle)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Ctrl+L`**
    7 [[PageOutline(2-4,Table of Contents)]]
     5[[JOSMImage(openlocation,middle,link=,margin-right=20,48)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Ctrl+L`**
    9 **Load OSM data from an URL either in the current data layer or in a new data layer.**
     7[[PageOutline(2-3,Table of Contents)]]
    11 The following dialog is displayed:
     9**Open an URL.**
    13 [[Image(download-location.png)]]
     12This action interprets various kinds URLs to download several types of OSM and JOSM data.
    15 You can enter the URL where to download data from and click **Download URL**.
     14It handles the URLs being dropped by mouse or pasted via clipboard into the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Mapview], too.
     15This happens by silently reusing the current state of the check-boxes of the dialog.
    17 '''It is also possible to simply drop or paste (CTRL+V) the URL into the JOSM [wiki:Help/MapView Map View] without using the Open Location window. It only requires at least one [wiki:Help/Dialog/LayerList data layer].''' Note, that the current state of the "Separate Layer" check box in the Open location window influences also this feature.
     17The ''Download as new layer'' checkbox controls if the data is loaded in a new layer.
    19 == Check boxes ==
    20  Download as new layer::
    21   If checked, the data is loaded in a new layer, if not selected, the data is loaded in the current data layer. (If there isn't any data layer yet, a new data layer is always created.)
    22  Zoom to downloaded data::
    23   If checked the map view will move to the downloaded data after downloading, if not checked it will stay at its current position. (If [ExpertMode expert mode] is off this checkbox is not displayed.)
     19By default the map view pans to the downloaded data.
     20When checking ''Zoom to downloaded data'' off no panning is done in [wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode].
     22**Note**: [[JOSMImage(paste,link=,24,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Pasting] the URL with an active data layer bypasses the dialog while using the previously set options.
    2524== Data sources ==
    26 '''To see the full list of supported data sources open the Open Location window, enter nothing and press the Download URL button.'''
     25If the URL matches several data sources, a window will follow to choose the type of data to download.
    28 Examples of the most important data sources are listed hereafter.
    30 If the URL you entered matches several data sources, a window will pop up where you can choose which of the data sources you want to download.
     27Examples of data sources are listed hereafter.
    3229=== OSM data ===
    3330==== Current version of objects ====
    34 The OSM web server is the main data source you can use here. For instance, if you know the [Concepts/Object#Objectids object id] of  a [Concepts/Object#NodesWaysRelations node, way, or relation] you can load the respective object with one of the following URLs (replace `123456789` with the object id).
     31The OSM servers are the main data source you can use here. For instance, if you know the [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectId object id] of a [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#NodesWaysRelations node, way, or relation] you can load the respective object with one of the following URLs (replace `123456789` with the object id).
    36 * for a node the URL is ``
    37 * for a way the URL is ``
    38 * for a relation the URL is ``
     33Example of an API URL: ``\\
     34Example of an URL from the slippy map: ``
    40 You can also use the URL format of
    42 * for a node the URL is ``
    43 * for a way the URL is ``
    44 * for a relation the URL is ``
    46 ==== Older version of objects ====
     36==== Older version of objects ====#Olderversionofobjects
    4737You can also load older versions of an object (replace `123` with the version number)
    48 * for a node the URL is `<node id>/123`
    49 * for a way the URL is `<way id>/123`
    50 * for a relation the URL is `<relation id>/123`
     38Example of an API URL: `<relation id>/123`
    5240==== Changeset ====
    53 * for all objects belonging to a changeset the URL is `` (replace `123456789` with the changeset id)
     41For all objects belonging to a changeset the URL is `` (replace `123456` with the changeset id)
    5543==== Area ====
    56 * for an area the URL is ``
     44For all objects in an area the URL is ``
    5846==== Other servers ====
    6149* [osmwiki:Overpass_API Overpass API]
    63 ==== geo: URIs/URLs ====
    64 * downloads osm data at a small area around the given location, e.g. `geo:37.786971,-122.399677`
     52=== geo: URIs/URLs ===
     53The geographic URL format can be used to download osm data at a small area around the given location, e.g. `geo:37.786971,-122.399677`
    6655=== Notes ===
    67 * If the URL contains `/note/123456` you can choose if you also want to download the [wiki:Help/Dialog/Notes Note] with the given id.
     56* If the URL contains `/note/123456` you can choose if you also want to download the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/Notes Note] with the given id.
    6857* If the URL contains `&layers=N` you can choose if you also want to download the Notes in the given area.
    7463* OSM user traces in the format `` (which can also be found at the [osmwww:user/Skippern/traces/2277313 osm user traces page])
     65The full list of supported data sources and URL patterns is shown when an invalid URL was entered.
    7668== See also ==
    77 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/download.png,middle)]] [wiki:Help/Action/Download Download data]
    78 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/downloadprimitive.png,middle)]] [DownloadObject Download object]
    79 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/download.png,middle)]] [DownloadParentWaysAndRelation Download parent ways and relations]
    80 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/download_in_view.png,middle)]] [DownloadOsmInView Download in current view]
    81 * [[Image(,middle)]] [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/continuosDownload continuosDownload Plugin]
    82 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/open.png,middle)]] [Action/Open Open ...]
    83 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/openrecent.png,middle)]] [Action/OpenRecent Open Recent]
     69* [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object] To download an object together with its referrers
     70* [[JOSMImage(download)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download data]
     71* [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object]
     72* [[JOSMImage(download)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadParentWaysAndRelation Download parent ways and relations]
     73* [[JOSMImage(download_in_view)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadOsmInView Download in current view]
     74* [[Image(,middle,link=)]] [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/continuosDownload continuosDownload Plugin]
     75* [[JOSMImage(open)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Open Open ...]
     76* [[JOSMImage(openrecent)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/OpenRecent Open Recent]
    86 Back to [Menu/File Menu File][[Br]]
    87 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     79Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/File File menu] \\
     80Back to [wikitr:/Help Main help]