Changes between Version 15 and Version 49 of Help/Action/OpenLocation

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/OpenLocation

    v15 v49  
    1 [[TranslatedPages(outdated=This page is incomplete. Some data sources are not explained\, yet.)]]
    33= File > Open Location =
    4 == Dialog ==
    5 [[Image(source:trunk/images/openlocation.png,middle)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Ctrl+L`**
    7 [[PageOutline(2-4,Table of Contents)]]
     5[[JOSMImage(openlocation,middle,link=,margin-right=20,48)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Ctrl+L`**
    9 **Load OSM data from an URL either in the current data layer or in a new data layer.**
     7[[PageOutline(2-3,Table of Contents)]]
    11 The following dialog is displayed:
     9**Open an URL.**
    13 [[Image(download-location.png)]]
     12This action interprets various kinds URLs to download several types of OSM and JOSM data.
    15 You can enter the URL where to download data from and click **Download URL**.
     14It handles the URLs being dropped by mouse or pasted via clipboard into the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Mapview], too.
     15This happens by silently reusing the current state of the check-boxes of the dialog.
    17 === Separate Layer ===
    18 You can control whether the data is loaded into the current or in a new layer:
    19 * if **Separate Layer** is selected, the data is loaded in a new layer
    20 * if **Separate Layer** is not selected, the data is loaded in the current data layer
     17The ''Download as new layer'' checkbox controls if the data is loaded in a new layer.
    22 If there isn't a data layer yet, a new data layer is always created.
     19By default the map view pans to the downloaded data.
     20When checking ''Zoom to downloaded data'' off no panning is done in [wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode].
     22**Note**: [[JOSMImage(paste,link=,24,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Pasting] the URL with an active data layer bypasses the dialog while using the previously set options.
    2424== Data sources ==
     25If the URL matches several data sources, a window will follow to choose the type of data to download.
    26 === OSM API ===
    27 ==== Current version ====
    28 The OSM web server is the main data source you can use here. For instance, if you know the [Concepts/Object#Objectids object id] of  a [Concepts/Object#NodesWaysRelations node, way, or relation] you can load the respective object with one of the following URLs:
     27Examples of data sources are listed hereafter.
    30 * for a node the URL is `` (replace `123456789` with the node id)
    31 * for a way the URL is `` (replace `123456789` with the way id)
    32 * for a relation the URL is `` (replace `123456789` with the relation id)
     29=== OSM data ===
     30==== Current version of objects ====
     31The OSM servers are the main data source you can use here. For instance, if you know the [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectId object id] of a [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#NodesWaysRelations node, way, or relation] you can load the respective object with one of the following URLs (replace `123456789` with the object id).
    34 ==== Older versions of objects ====
    35 You can also load older versions of an object
    36 * for a node the URL is `<node id>/123` (replace `123` with the version number)
    37 * for a way the URL is `<way id>/123` (replace `123` with the version number)
    38 * for a relation the URL is `<relation id>/123` (replace `123` with the version number)
     33Example of an API URL: ``\\
     34Example of an URL from the slippy map: ``
    40 === XAPI ===
    41 TODO: [osmwiki:Xapi XAPI servers]
     36==== Older version of objects ====#Olderversionofobjects
     37You can also load older versions of an object (replace `123` with the version number)
     38Example of an API URL: `<relation id>/123`
     40==== Changeset ====
     41For all objects belonging to a changeset the URL is `` (replace `123456` with the changeset id)
     43==== Area ====
     44For all objects in an area the URL is ``
     46==== Other servers ====
     47Additional to the main osm server listed above, other servers are available too, e.g.:
     48* [osmwiki:Xapi XAPI servers]
     49* [osmwiki:Overpass_API Overpass API]
     52=== geo: URIs/URLs ===
     53The geographic URL format can be used to download osm data at a small area around the given location, e.g. `geo:37.786971,-122.399677`
     55=== Notes ===
     56* If the URL contains `/note/123456` you can choose if you also want to download the [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/Notes Note] with the given id.
     57* If the URL contains `&layers=N` you can choose if you also want to download the Notes in the given area.
    4359=== GPS ===
     60* URLs ending with .gpx
     61* OSM user traces in the format `​`
     62* OSM user traces in the format ``
     63* OSM user traces in the format `` (which can also be found at the [osmwww:user/Skippern/traces/2277313 osm user traces page])
    45 === Overpass API ===
     65The full list of supported data sources and URL patterns is shown when an invalid URL was entered.
    4868== See also ==
    49 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/open.png,middle)]] [Action/Open Open ...]
    50 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/openrecent.png,middle)]] [Action/OpenRecent Open Recent]
     69* [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object] To download an object together with its referrers
     70* [[JOSMImage(download)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download data]
     71* [[JOSMImage(downloadprimitive)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadObject Download object]
     72* [[JOSMImage(download)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadParentWaysAndRelation Download parent ways and relations]
     73* [[JOSMImage(download_in_view)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/DownloadOsmInView Download in current view]
     74* [[Image(,middle,link=)]] [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/continuosDownload continuosDownload Plugin]
     75* [[JOSMImage(open)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Open Open ...]
     76* [[JOSMImage(openrecent)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/OpenRecent Open Recent]
    53 Back to [Menu/File Menu File][[Br]]
    54 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     79Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/File File menu] \\
     80Back to [wikitr:/Help Main help]