Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of Help/Action/MergeNodes

2020-02-04T02:33:57+01:00 (5 years ago)

Move some paragraphs; links to TagsMemberships Conflict dialog and confimations


  • Help/Action/MergeNodes

    v31 v32  
    1010**Note**: there different activation steps for this tool, they covered at [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select Move tool] (you have to hold "Ctrl" while moving object).
     12* The order of selection matters, as the remaining node will keep the [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectId object id], [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectHistory object history] and position of the last selected node.
     13* All [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags1 tags] with only a single value and all relation memberships from all nodes will be added and the [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay#TagsMembershipsConflictDialog Tags/Memberships Conflict Dialog] will open if manual decisions are needed. In normal user mode it will additionally warn before adding any tag or membership the nodes do not have in common, like Combine Ways, see [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay#CombineConfirmation Combine Confirmation].
     16== Can't merge because way still in use == #WaysToDeleteStillInUse
     17The nodes you merge may be part of [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Ways ways]. If you merge them these "parent" ways may loose one or more of their nodes. In some cases the number of nodes left in these ways may drop below 2. Ways with less than 2 nodes don't make sense and JOSM tries to delete them.
     19In some cases, though, a way to be deleted could still be in use, for instance, because a relation is referring to it. JOSM aborts merging nodes in these cases. Instead, it displays the following warning message:
     23Click on ''Abort Merging'' to close the dialog. The selected nodes are not merged.
    1226== Target position depends on last selection and advanced setting ==
    1428=== Advanced Preferences ===
    1629One of 3 modes can be set in the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preferences] with the {{{merge-nodes.mode}}} key:
    3649[[Image(after merge-nodes.mode=2.png,50%)]]
    38 == Merge conflict ==
    40 If user joins two nodes with same key, he will be prompted with dialogue to select one of 4+ desired values (''in illustration below two points with tags note="3" and note="4" were merged''):
    42 * 3 - note=3 will be left
    43 * 4 - note=4 will be left
    44 * (more values will appear here) - (same as above)
    45 * none - note= tag will be removed
    46 * all - note=3;4 will be left (or note=3;4;5 or more values will be glued until 255 limitation in value will be reached)
    48 [[Image(conflict when merging nodes.png​)]]
    50 == Can't merge because way still in use == #WaysToDeleteStillInUse
    52 The nodes you merge may be part of [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Ways ways]. If you merge them these "parent" ways may loose one or more of their nodes. In some cases the number of nodes left in these ways may drop below 2. Ways with less than 2 nodes don't make sense and JOSM tries to delete them.
    54 In some cases, though, a way to be deleted could still be in use, for instance, because a relation is referring to it. JOSM aborts merging nodes in these cases. Instead, it displays the following warning message:
    56 [[Image(warning-way-still-in-use.png)]]
    58 Click on ''Abort Merging'' to close the dialog. The selected nodes are not merged.
    6052== See also ==
    61  * [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select Move]
    62  * [[Image(source:trunk/images/mapmode/improvewayaccuracy.png,16,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/ImproveWayAccuracy Improve Way Accuracy] - over time many mappers switch to this tools instead of manually selecting-and-moving each node
     53 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/mapmode/move/move.png,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select Move]
     54 * [[Image(source:trunk/images/mapmode/improvewayaccuracy.png,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/ImproveWayAccuracy Improve Way Accuracy] - over time many mappers switch to this tools instead of manually selecting-and-moving each node
    6355 * #6696 - patch about merge-nodes.mode