Changes between Version 11 and Version 22 of Help/Action/JoinAreas
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v11 v22 3 3 = Tools > Join overlapping Areas = 4 4 5 [[ Image(source:/trunk/images/joinareas.svg)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{Shift+J}}}'''5 [[JOSMImage(joinareas,48,middle,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{Shift+J}}}''' 6 6 7 '''Join areas that overlap pingeach other.'''7 '''Joins areas that overlap each other.''' 8 8 9 You can select two or more closed ways. 10 If one area is surrounded by the other(s) it will automatically create a multipolygon. 11 If the areas to join have different tags, a conflict dialog will show up. You need to choose there which value you want to use for the joined area. The options are: 9 This action merges overlapping [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Areas areas] together and forms a bigger target area with the common outline. 10 Areas ''overlap'' if they have an intersection or if they touch at two nodes. 12 11 13 * all single values of the different areas 14 * '''none''' - the key will be removed 15 * '''all''' - all values are used for a key, separated by a semicolon 12 * The area selected first gives its [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectHistory object history] and [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#ObjectId id] to the target area. 13 So the order of selection matters. 14 * All [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Tags1 tags] from all selected areas will be added to the target area. 15 If different values for one key exist, then the user must decide which value should remain. 16 So the [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay#TagsMembershipsConflictDialog Tags/Memberships Conflict Dialog] will open. 17 It may also appear for relation membership issues. 18 * The additional [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay#CombineConfirmation Combine Confirmation] dialog informs if not all the areas have all the same tags or memberships. 19 It appears in [wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode#Standardview standard view] only. 20 * If an area has no overlap with another one in the Selection, then it is not joined. 21 But it gets all tags like the target area and becomes ''modified'' by this. 22 * Additionally selected nodes do not matter. 23 * If areas are surrounded by the others and have no intersection with any of them, then the result of this action will be a [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#typemultipolygon multipolygon]. 16 24 17 If the key is `capacity=*` or `capacity:*=*` there is one more option: 18 * '''sum''' - summs all numerical values of the selected areas 25 [[Image(buildings-joinoverlappingareas.gif,link=)]] \\ 26 The animation above shows first the creation of two areas with the [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/BuildingsTools Building_tools] plugin, then one of them being [wikitr:/Help/Action/Duplicate duplicated] and [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select selected + moved] and finally the Join Areas action to all three areas then selected. 27 19 28 20 == Usage with buildings == 29 === Notifications === #Notifications 30 If the selection does not fit Join overlapping Areas needs, then these notification messages will be presented: 31 * No overlapping areas in the Selection. [[Image(josm_join_areas_message_no_intersection.png,link=,right,margin-left=20)]]\\ 32 `No intersection found. Nothing was changed.`\\ \\ \\ 33 * An open way is in the Selection. [[Image(josm_join_areas_message_unclosed.png,link=,right,margin-left=20)]] \\ `One of the selected ways is not closed and therefore cannot be joined.` 21 34 22 [[Image(buildings-joinoverlappingareas.gif)]] 23 24 == See also == 25 * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/combineway.png,20)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay Combine Way] 35 No action is performed in these cases. 26 36 27 37 38 === See also === #Seealso 39 * [[JOSMImage(combineway,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/CombineWay Combine Way] 40 * [[JOSMImage(multipoly_create,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/CreateMultipolygon Create Multipolygon] 41 28 42 ---- 29 Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Tools Menu Tools] [[Br]]43 Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Tools Menu Tools] \\ 30 44 Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]