Changes between Version 22 and Version 26 of Help/Action/FastDrawingMode

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/FastDrawingMode

    v22 v26  
    1 [[TranslatedPages]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=This page needs some rework. The OSM-wiki page is better structured and better readable.)]]
    23= Creating lines with mouse or pen using Fast Draw =
     4[[Image(/pluginicon/FastDraw.jar/images/favicon.png,link=,48,middle,margin.right=20)]] ''keyboard shortcut:'' **`Shift+F`** — is one of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode#Workingmode working modes], provided by the [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/FastDraw FastDraw] [wikitr:/Plugins plugin]
    4 [[Image(/pluginicon/FastDraw.jar/images/favicon.png)]] ''keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{Shift+F}}}''' — is one of the [wiki:Help/EditToolbar working modes], provided by the [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/FastDraw FastDraw] [wiki:/Plugins plugin]
    6 Suggested usage - tracing forests, rivers, lakes, twisted roads etc. Without clicking {{{A}}} button or left mouse click too much.
     6Suggested usage - tracing forests, rivers, lakes, twisted roads etc. Without clicking `A` button or left mouse click too much.
    88Please use simplification and validator! Do not upload huge and self-intersecting lines.
    10 === Usage with streams ===
     10=== Usage with streams ===#Usagewithstreams
    1413[#Shortcutsanddrawingmode Drawing mode], in simple words:
    15 1. ''Enter the drawing mode, click pen toolbar icon (or {{{Shift+F}}})''. Icon will be set to cross.
    16 2. ''(optionally) press {{{Q}}} to open [#ConfigurationmenuQ configuration menu]
    17 3. ''Point cursor at starting position. Move mouse. Press or hold: {{{Spacebar}}} or ''left mouse button'' - when you want to add more nodes. Icon will we switched to (icon: cross with 3 nodes), it means that nodes will be added.
    18 [#Automaticsimplification Automatic simplification], in simple words:
    19 4. ''{{{Enter}}}. shape will be automatically simplified with respect to ''fixed nodes'' (to reduce number of nodes). [[br]]
    20 5. ''(optionally) fine tune simplification using {{{Up}}} or {{{Down}}} buttons.''
    21 6. ''{{{Enter}}} again. Regular OSM way is created and selected.''
    22 After step 6, Drawing mode will be disabled and all respective shortcuts will be inaccessible (including {{{Q}}})
     141. ''Enter the drawing mode, click pen toolbar icon (or `Shift+F`)''. Icon will be set to cross.
     151. ''(optionally) press `Q` to open [#ConfigurationmenuQ configuration menu]
     161. ''Point cursor at starting position. Move mouse. Press or hold: `Spacebar`'' or ''left mouse button'' - when you want to add more nodes. Icon will we switched to (icon: cross with 3 nodes), it means that nodes will be added.
     17[#Automaticsimplification Automatic simplification], in simple words: \\
     184. ''`Enter`. shape will be automatically simplified with respect to ''fixed nodes'' (to reduce number of nodes).
     195. ''(optionally) fine tune simplification using `Up` or `Down` buttons.''
     206. ''`Enter` again. Regular OSM way is created and selected.''
     21After step 6, Drawing mode will be disabled and all respective shortcuts will be inaccessible (including `Q`)
    24 === Shortcuts and drawing mode ===
     23=== Shortcuts and drawing mode ===#Shortcutsanddrawingmode
    2624This sections covers steps 1,3 in detail:
    2725* You can ''move nodes'' simply by dragging them
    28 * {{{Backspace}}} - to delete one of previous nodes sequentially
    29 * {{{Ctrl+Click}}} on free node makes it '''fixed''' (icon: a green dot) - that will not be affected by simplification; you may use it for corners or other significant parts of shape but this is not required
     26* `Backspace` - to delete one of previous nodes sequentially
     27* `Ctrl+Click` on free node makes it **fixed** (icon: a green dot) - that will not be affected by simplification; you may use it for corners or other significant parts of shape but this is not required
    3028* If you point cross cursor over node that was entered by other JOSM tools, it will be added as ''fixed node''
    31 * {{{Ctrl+Click}}} on ''fixed node'' (icon: a green dot inside red dot) -  makes it normal node
    32 * {{{Shift+Click}}} (icon: red cross) - to delete selected node
    33 * {{{Shift+Click}}} (icon: red cross) - can also used to delete sequence of ''insignificant nodes'' between two ''fixed nodes''; it will be highlighted in blue. After you removed a segment, you will enter '''redrawing mode''', a segment that is currently redrawn will be displayed in yellow:
     29* `Ctrl+Click` on ''fixed node'' (icon: a green dot inside red dot) -  makes it normal node
     30* `Shift+Click` (icon: red cross) - to delete selected node
     31* `Shift+Click` (icon: red cross) - can also used to delete sequence of ''insignificant nodes'' between two ''fixed nodes''; it will be highlighted in blue. After you removed a segment, you will enter **redrawing mode**, a segment that is currently redrawn will be displayed in yellow:
    3432 * You can use other shortcuts as usual;
    35  * To finish ''redrawing'' and save ''new nodes of a segment'' press {{{Shift+Click}}} or {{{Escape}}}
    36 * {{{Ctrl+Shift+Click}}} (icon: red cross) - will remove all nodes, tool will be ready to use again
    37 * {{{Escape}}} - to stop editing (you will be prompted to save your edits)
     33 * To finish ''redrawing'' and save ''new nodes of a segment'' press `Shift+Click` or `Escape`
     34* `Ctrl+Shift+Click` (icon: red cross) - will remove all nodes, tool will be ready to use again
     35* `Escape`- to stop editing (you will be prompted to save your edits)
    3836* Click on the first node (icon: rectangle with red corners) - will create continuous contour
    40 Если при включении FastDraw (Shift-F) выделена ровно одна свеженарисованная линия (ещё не загруженная на сервер, чтобы проблем не порождать), то можно редактировать её, нажав T (Shift-F T). Ненужные точки будут удалены при сохранении линии (Enter-Enter). Осторожно - теги сбрасываются. Ctrl-Z работает. Может пригодиться для упрощения полученных другим путём линий (треки и т. д.) или для повторного упрощения с другими параметрами.
     38If only one way is selected (not downloaded from server, to reduce possible problems), you can redraw or re-simplify it by pressing `Shift+F` twice. Unused points will be deleted when saving line `Enter` - `Enter`. Beware - tags are deleted. Undo `Ctrl+Z` works. This feature can be used to simplify alternatively created ways (tracks etc.) or for resimplifying with different parameters.
    42 === Automatic simplification ===
     40=== Automatic simplification ===#Automaticsimplification
    4441This sections covers step 4-5 in detail:
    45 * {{{Up}}}/{{{Down}}} - will multiply current value by epsilon multiplier ({{{fastdraw.epsilonmult}}})
    46 * ''Starting value of epsilon'' ({{{fastdraw.startingEps}}}) set in Configuration menu
     42* `Up`/`Down` - will multiply current value by epsilon multiplier (`fastdraw.epsilonmult`)
     43* ''Starting value of epsilon'' (`fastdraw.startingEps`) set in Configuration menu
    4744* ''Current value of epsilon'' displayed in the status bar
    48 * Algorithm will repeat until there {{{fastdraw.pkmblocksize}}} nodes in a way and while (number of nodes)/(length of a way) is above "''Max points count per 1 km''" ({{{fastdraw.maxpkm}}})
     45* Algorithm will repeat until there `fastdraw.pkmblocksize` nodes in a way and while (number of nodes)/(length of a way) is above "''Max points count per 1 km''" (`fastdraw.maxpkm`)
    4946* epsilon value and starting epsilon value depends on current pixel sizes (zoom level of the map view matters)
    51 === Configuration menu (Q) ===
    53 * "Snap to nodes" -
    54 * "Add fixed points on click" -
    55 * "Add fixed points on spacebar" -
    56 * "Draw closed polygons only" -
    57 * "Allow edit existing ways" -
     48=== Snapping to existing nodes, point fixation ===
     49* When dragging and clicking near existing nodes, these can be automatically included in drawn line (they become fixed and are not changed by simplification). You can turn off this behavior in settings `Q`.
     50* After clicking on starting line point you close the line, it can not be continued by mouse.
     51* `Ctrl+Click` on existing line point - fix or release this point.
     52* By using checkboxes in settings, you can force all nodes added by mouse clicks or Space bar to be fixed.
    5954=== Advanced Preferences ===
     55* `fastdraw.pkmblocksize` - not shown in menu to end user (read above)
    61 {{{fastdraw.pkmblocksize}}} - not shown in menu to end user (read above)
    63 === See also ===
    65 * [ Russian discussion in 08-2011]
     58== See also ==
     59* [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/FastDraw FastDraw] OSM-wiki page
    68 Back to [EditToolbar Edit Toolbar][[BR]]
    69 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     61Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode Mode Menu] \\
     62Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]