[[TranslatedPages]] = Encourage/Discourage Upload = [[JOSMImage(no_upload,48,link=,middle,margin-right=100)]] **([wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only)** An OSM [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList data layer] can have three states regarding its upload behavior. == States == ||= **icon** =||= **state** =||= **osm element attribute** =||= '''behavior on upload''' =||= **how to set in GUI** =|| || [[JOSMImage(layer/osmdata_small,24,link=,middle)]] || DEFAULT || (optional: `upload='true'`) || no special behaviour || by deactivating the Discourage upload button in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/OSMLayer context menu] of the osm data layer || || [[Image(wiki:Help/Menu/OSMLayer:noupload.svg,24,link=,middle)]] || DISCOURAGED || `upload='false'` || a warning box appears if you really want to upload the layer || by activating the Discourage upload button in the context menu of the osm data layer || || [[Image(wiki:Help/Menu/OSMLayer:noupload.svg,24,link=,middle)]] || BLOCKED || `upload='never'` || the upload button is greyed out so the upload is impossible || not possible || == Code Example == Edit a .osm file in a text editor and instead of the usual \\ {{{}}} \\ use \\ {{{}}}. == Miscellaneous == The warning when you try to upload an "`upload='false'`" layer: [[Image(upload_false.png,link=)]] The idea behind these states is to prevent to accidentally upload data which is not appropriate for the osm database (e.g. some fictional test data). Note that you'll only get a warning about [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/UnsavedChangesDialog unsaved changes] of layers with the states false or never if the state was already set in the osm file ''before'' adding the layer to JOSM. ---- Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/OSMLayer OSM layer context menu] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList Layer List Dialog] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]